Janice’s Journal: SB 267 – Time to step up

***Senate Public Safety Committee Hearing on May 12*** – The California legislature yesterday struck a blow against all registered citizens. That blow is passage of Senate Bill 267 (SB 267) by the Senate Governance and Finance Committee. Despite testimony in opposition to the bill from the ACLU, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Alameda County and California RSOL, the Committee passed the bill unanimously.

If SB 267 becomes law, cities and counties will be authorized to prohibit registered citizens from being present in or even near public places (parks, beached, libraries, museums, etc.) as well as private places (movie theaters, fast food restaurants, bowling alleys, etc.).

If SB 267 becomes law, registered citizens will again be required to navigate a minefield of local laws for which no signs have been posted. If SB 267 becomes law, registered citizens could pay the price of spending up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $1,000 or both for each violation of any one of those laws.

All is not lost. There is hope. We have three opportunities to stop SB 267 from becoming law although each step is increasingly difficult.

First, SB 267 could be stopped at the Senate Public Safety Committee hearing on April 29. California RSOL lobbied this week in the offices of the members of that committee and will testify at that hearing. More needs to be done, however, and it needs to be done by YOU! Yes, you, who are reading this column.

YOU need to write and send a letter to every member of the Senate Public Safety Committee and you need to do it today. After you have written and sent the letter, you need to call the Senators’ offices. There is no time to waste.

Second, SB 267 could be stopped on the floor of the Senate. This is a lot more difficult than sending a letter and making a phone call. In fact, it will require at least 21 Senators to vote in opposition to the bill.

Finally, SB 267 could be stopped in the Governor’s office. This will be the most difficult task as the Governor is not known for his support of registered citizens.

We can do this! There are more than 100,000 registered citizens in this state and each citizen has at least two family members or friends who could join them. Let’s make our voices heard in the State Capitol!!

[Attached is a draft letter (Senate Letter – SB 267 – April 2015) to the Senate Public Safety Committee and below a list of its members including mailing addresses and phone numbers]

– Janice Bellucci
Read all of Janice’s Journal

Let local governments set safety zones for children: Guest commentary



Senator Loni Hancock, Chair
State Capitol, Room 2082
Sacramento,  CA  95814
(916) 651-4009

Senator Joel Anderson, Co-Chair
State Capitol, Room 5052
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4038

[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third]

Senator Mark Leno
State Capitol, Room 5100
Sacramento,  CA  95814
(916) 651-4011

Senator Carol Liu
State Capitol, Room 5097
Sacramento,  CA  95814
(916) 651-4025

[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]

Senator Mike McGuire
State Capitol, Room 5064
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4002

Senator Bill Monning
State Capitol, Room 313
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4017

Senator Jeff Stone
State Capitol, Room 4062
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4028


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So, the prison guard union’s Crime Victims United continues to be busy, including on this bill:


What I don’t understand and as far as I know, which isn’t near enough, probation is an “in custody” limit on liberty and these RSO restrictions are more severe than some probation restrictions. That can’t be non-punitive.

The bill itself is here:


CDCR and authors of SB267 are not abiding by the California Supreme Courts decisions. The California Supreme Court ruled blanket residency restrictions are unconstitutional and must be done on a case-by-case basis. Not application of a smaller blanket restriction. Then, in the case of the authors/supporters of SB 267, the California Supreme Courts decision to let the 4th Circuits decision to ban presence restrictions is not being respected. These newbie senators and assemblypeople who are wasting time and money and being counter-productive and questioning the authority of the California Supreme Court should be censured for this at a time when we need all energy and resources focused on water issues, which is a real problem unlike the for-profit hysteria created by the Runners. Since Henry Nicholas is no longer the cashcow for the Runners, has Chris Kelly filled that role now?

I say that every politician should be required to carry a copy of the constitution on their person at all times.

Have mine written just waiting to mail on Monday morning

The ACLU has the little 38 pager Constit.and Amends. They are $1.20 each. At your next meeting in LA just ask them; they’re bound to have them in stock. The little buggers fit in your pocket.

Oops sorry! You all need them NOW… ACLU national sells them 10 for $12.00, but time lost to get them may be too late.

I mailed all senators a shorter, more personal version of the letter AND provided a copy to low level sex offenders in my mandated SO therapy group. I pray that all 30 WILL take some action. Inaction, is my major concern.

Sent email to Senator Liu – she’s on the Committee and is also my Senator.
Written letters are going out tomorrow a.m. to all committee members.
Have asked California family and friends to also send letters and emails.

I can’t see how they could pass this and not think it is not added punishment . That has got to be double jeopardy I’ve already been punished for my crime how can they punish me by telling me I can’t go to the beach or to the park my crime happened 25 years ago how can I be free last week but not free next week makes no sense . They need to stop trying to find ways to mess with what quality of life we still have which isn’t much . There are sex offenders who work for the city where They need to go to the park to do cleaning etc. they would lose her job . Their May be a sex offender working at the beach in the concession stand or bicycle shop what then they all lose their job to ? My job has parties twice a year at a park I’ve been attending for the last 15 years what now I can’t go there ? I can’t attend my company picnics? The author of the bill l can’t believe this is constitutional this is all out blatant discriminatory . Do they want to protect the kids find All the gangbangers in the park selling drugs to the kids jacking them for their tennis shoes happens all the time in LA . Just makes me sick to think this many years since I’ve been off parole I still have to worry daily about my activities and where I’m going , and where to take my children. My letters will be sent tomorrow

Both my fiancé and I have sent them. I would hate to be my mailman. 14 letters are waiting for pickup in our mailbox. Buying constitution pamphlets as we speak. Also, let’s get as many people we can to join W.A.R.s class action suit.

@ “Dr”: There seems to be a pattern occurring across the U.S. with regards to these laws. I really get the sense that the lawmakers don’t give a damn about ex post facto punishment or constitutionality when it comes to RCs. Their attitude seems to be, “Screw them. If they don’t like our new laws, let them try to fight them in court!”. Of course, all the while knowing that many RCs are unemployed or underemployed, so how are they going to sue for their trampled rights if they have no resources to fight with or money for lawyers.

It doesn’t cost a dime to be part of a class action suit. I’m putting my name on W.A.R.s effort. I am drawing a line. I am not on paper and have been an RC for 16 years. For 16 years I have been treated like crap. No family or friends. No more lies. Just facts in a federal court. Yes, this is going to be a pissing contest, but I just had a 12ver of the facts. Let’s have a loud voice.

Letters printed, signed, personal contact information included and dropped in the mail today during lunch!!

This is almost a joke! Initially, if you wanted to see if a registered offender lived near you, you would go down to the Police Station. Then, certain individuals names/photos/addresses and even offenses where posted online for all to see! Registered citizens have been killed by lunatics as a result of this! I’ve even heard of their spouses as well! Some of these people have children. I’ve even heard about mistaken identities! Now, we have people focusing on where someone can reside? This is nuts? Banned from participating in Halloween? Can you even imagine how anyone who has paid their debt to society being banned from
the library, public pool, public beach and movie theaters? Pinch me. Or, what about electronic monitoring for life? Contact the police when going on vacation! Post a sign on your lawn? What’s next? Oh, I just visited IKEA in Carson and noted a playground inside? My offense wasn’t child related! Did I break the law? After reading what I continue to read, it’s becoming increasingly clear Ca is all messed up and it could get worst! If this prejudicial and nutty law passes, I think it will turn into another lawsuit. California needs to pass a tiered registry so people convicted of battery at a massage parlor with summary probation can fall off the registry and move on with their lives! This is nuts!

We need to find a way to recruit more registered citizens I would say 90% does not know about this website we need to recruit more lawyers on our side. I’m not sure how to do this but we may need a group to back us up.

All the bills/laws they r trying to pass, and unfortunately getting some of them on the books is all punitive! Anyone else who commits a crime and pays for it via jail/prison/monetary…their debt is paid! All these crazy laws based on fear and emotion are insane.

Sent off my letters yesterday.
(Just a thought: I recall seeing a recent news article on this website noting that a court in someplace like Ohio or Maine, had struck down a proximity law due to vagueness. The court noted that even the police weren’t able to define or explain the restrictions in the stricken law. Was the legal restriction a distance from a school’s buildings or from the school’s property line? Wouldn’t new laws emanating from this bill be the same? That is, too vague to be enforceable? Additionally, I’ve often wondered what the legal requirements are for notifying affected individuals about new laws. Yes, it’s said that “ignorance of the law is no excuse”, but there must be some point at which laws are being created, revised,and updated SO FREQUENTLY that regular law-abiding individuals of average intelligence and awareness cannot be expected to be constantly aware of the new or revised laws. Could this be the basis for a legal challenge?)

Sent my letters yesterday too! Trying to do my part. I slept a lot better last night. Good luck to all of us registered citizens and their families. 🙂 Many prayers!

Mailed my letters yesterday. Prepped my friends letters (for his signature) today – mailing this evening.
Just signed up for W.A.R.’s class action lawsuit too!
Glad that CARSOL is on board with that fight!
Come on, folks, let’s fight this BS they keep dumping on us!!

I signed onto W.A.R.’s class action lawsuit as well! Take action, folks!

There was a few lawyers mailing me flyers stating that some registered citizens can get off the Internet so apparently they must have some type of a database maybe we can contact them and ask them for the database of addresses for registered citizens . I can email Janice the paper if she would like, I’m sure I have them filed away somewhere . Then we all need to pitch in for paper and postage and start mailing letters we need to recruit recruit recruit . Maybe we can even recruit the lawyers that sent the letter.

@ David
I signed up for the W.A.R suit too! I’m no longer afraid. I am woman, here me ROAR!!
🙂 🙂
Annnnd….I slapped my CDC# (currently on Parole) on my letters to the Senators with name and address. NO LONGER AFRAID OF IDIOTS WITH BAD TIES!!!

Good for you! Sincere congrats!

A judge gave me full custody of my kids five yr ago 28 years ago I got probation for a lewd act with a minor 14 I own my house will this bill make us homeless?

Here’s my suggestion for recruiting. A letter/flyer is perfect. Direct mail marketing is where recruitment should start, and start small, it’s the practical way to do it. Encourage recipients to visit this site and to attend meetings. Encourage donations for the legal work done here and to grow this community. List the accomplishments thus far. Slowly grow awareness and hopefully the donations will grow. How many can be sent per week? How many can be afforded? Can a small % of donations be earmarked for direct mail marketing? These are the questions to answer.