FL: Driver’s license mistakenly labeled me a sex offender

ORLANDO, Fla. – A Florida woman who was issued a driver’s license that labeled her a sexual predator — by mistake — says she plans to file a defamation lawsuit against a county tax collector’s office. ____ ____, 42, said Thursday she was denied service when trying to book a room at a hotel, and has endured funny looks from cashiers when cashing checks because of the blue letters in the bottom-right corner of her license that say “SEXUAL PREDATOR.” Full Article

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VT: State senator arrested and charged with sexual assault

ST. ALBANS, Vt. – A Vermont state senator was behind bars Thursday night. WCAX has learned that ____ ____ is facing a slew of charges including sexual assault and human trafficking. Sen. ____ ____ , R-Franklin County, was at work inside the Statehouse Thursday afternoon. By Thursday night, he was being held at the Northwest Regional Correctional Center in St Albans. The Republican from Highgate was arrested and charged with sexual assault, prohibited acts and human trafficking. Full Article

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