Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Some humor for you.
Here is the new RSO registration form inspired by John Roberts.
Link to image:
Interesting article. More results of the myths and phantom fears facilitated by the mythical sex offender. These are sick people; they see “sex” everywhere they look. This is not normal.–abc-news-parenting.html
Today May 4th I read in the Huffington Post: an abstinence-only high school in Texas, Crane High School: 1 in every 15 students has tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease.
I am tempted to add a sarcastic remark to the foregoing, but I will resist the urge.
I survived yet another annual registration on monday.. like the past registrations I give Long Beach PD a 4 out of 5 stars.. My appointment was at 0730 but I got there extra early and listened to a audible book around 0615.. At 0640 a detective popped his head out the door and said “Your pretty early” and asked for my name and he went back in… Another fellow register citizen arrived at the benches. I never seen another person in the waiting room ever, always for the past 12 years of doing this I get the early morning slot and I am alone.. 0655 the detective called both of us in, again I am shocked.. I never been processed with someone else with me in the room… Everything was very professional and to the point, the detectives asked some icebreaking questions like “You seen the fight? watched the Clippers?” The other citizen was treated on more familiar terms.. I listened in, he is homeless and the detectives sounded like they know him based on their comments and questions.. “Detective Michael was trying to find you last week and he left a couple of messages on your cell phone, what happened?” The citizen lowered his face down in shame and remarked “My cellphone got jacked” The detective written something down “Ok listen, Mr. ****. We don’t want you to get in trouble, but you need to work with us, if something happens or changes we want you to show up here at the PD and ask for Detective Michael. And we got some complaints that you were hanging out to close to the school.” “I wasn’t hanging out, I was walking past to get to the store.” The detective gave him a serious look and the citizen went quit and looking at the floor. “After this I want you to see Detective Michael, you understand?” “Yes sir”.. Has I get processed in they used the stupid digital system, but with the homeless citizen he was given the basic ink and paper .. We were both released at the same time, I waited for the detective to close the door behind us.. “You want to go for breakfast or something after your meeting the detective?” The guy looked at me with watery eyes and said “I don’t think I’ll be coming out of this place, it’s best you move on quick”… I walked off teared up…
Today I got a call from Detective Michael wishing me a belated birthday and verifying my address and cellphone number.. I wanted to ask about what happened with the other guy.. but I didn’t …
These Gladys Kravitz types will see wrong-doing wherever they go. Walter Mitty-style, they daydream of being the hero, saving the day and being worshiped.
They must create drama where there is none because their real lives are tedious and boring.
Years ago when my daughter was about 2 1/2 we made the mistake of going to the LA County Fair which, I soon realized was just a white trash festival. Anyway, my little girl is riding one of those ponies around in a circle while my wife watches from one side of the corral and I on the other. I called out to her, “Hi cutie!” as I held up the camera for a picture. The carny running the ride (such an esteemed position) starts walking over to shoo me away like I am a creepy stranger taking pictures of random kids. In the next instant my girl squeals “Hi, Daddy!” and the carny makes an abrupt change in direction, like he just got off a crowded elevator, realizes he is at the wrong floor, but is too embarrassed to step back in.
I am all for sharing in the responsibility of protecting one another, but people like the carny and the vigilante mom need to spend a little more time assessing the situation before jumping to conclusions.
Does anyone know for sure if a 311.11a is a wobbler? I’d like to at least get it reduced.
Registration and Meagan’s Law make me think of one of my all time favorite songs, NUTSHELL by ALICE In CHAINS. It sums up exactly how i feel about both, in a nutshell..
Song by Alice in Chains
We chase misprinted lies, we face the path of time
And yet I fight and yet I fight this battle all alone
No one to cry to, no place to call home
My gift of self is raped, my privacy is raked
And yet I find, yet I find repeating in my head
“If I can’t be my own, I’d feel better dead”
Can anyone help me with this question – is it true that if I travel to Hawaii I would only have to register there if I plan on staying more than 10 days in a row? If I’m there for 7 days would I have to register there?
Thanks in advance for any help.
MS ~ Let me know about the early termination of probation. Are there certain criteria to be met to be even considered like priors, type of offense, etc.? We, too, want to try to get my fiance off probation early if there is hope. In July, he will be half way through, and I heard that is when you can try it. He took a Plea in January of 2014. I don’t know what you are referring to when you mention as far as expungement goes. Can you explain that? Thanks.
Thanks MS and Joe for the Info. My fiancé’s crime had nothing to do with children at all. It was a felony Indecent Exposure charge. Not sure if that is a wobbler? Should we try to get this reduced and /or expunged? The reasons you stated are true for him, too. He is wearing a GPS and that hinders him, too, to find a full time longterm job. Any suggestions?
This story is not from California, and not specifically related to registrants (although related to sex offenses that warrant registration), but it does have chilling connotations. Motel 6 is sharing their guest list with police so they can check the entire list with outstanding warrants. I’m sure this will extend to registrants, and perhaps potentially trigger non-registration arrests.
Worker fired for disabling GPS app that tracked her 24 hours a day
…she objected to the monitoring of her location during non-work hours and complained to Stubits that this was an invasion of her privacy. She likened the app to a prisoner’s ankle bracelet…
So what for “ban the box”. Now the employer just asked if you would pass a criminal background check. I got turned down to mow lawns! What the ***k should I do? I have been out of jail for 21 days. I’m in Silicon Valley, where you can’t live in a shack for less than 1600 a month. I was making good money training seniors, but was told I’m a threat to a “vulnerable” population. My ass! can’t even get hired at a gym, a crummy gym. I have 17 experience flushed down the toilet for being stupid on P2P (40 pics no sex). I go running in the hills and keep hoping a man lion will attack and kill me!
It’s just so hard to find the strength to go on when this society of ours desserts you so quickly. Lost my job, my home, my “friends” , my girlfriend died 3 months ago from cancer. I have no family. I put my life into building up a fantastic job , and someone who has never spoken to me says I’m a danger to others. I never hurt anything in my life. I spent 10 yrs in the service defending the rights that now aren’t afforded to me.I’m told that I’m a compassionate , loving person, and what has it got me. Alone and scared. My Buddhist teaching says be forgiving to all. I pray every day for guidance.
The price of public shaming in the Internet age
(CNN) Do you believe in forgiveness? Do you believe in second chances?
Of course you do. Everybody makes mistakes. To err is human, to forgive divine. Right?
Not in the age of social media…
Thank you so much. I go out running in the hills and find myself running hard half way then slowing down to a walk coming back. I just don’t want to return to civilization. I used to love being around children and now just seeing one makes my stomach hurt. This has turned my world upside down.
Glad you found a support group. Please hang in there, we need you others need you.
I feel your pain, how is it possible that a caring, generous hardworking person of decades goes from good to evil in seconds? These laws and shaming are so unfair. We did not touch, contact, distribute this filth (that is all porn and is how I now see it. Its all bad and the government could and should ban all of it) we just stumbled on it.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
General question regarding CA’s decision that state law supercedes city laws. On looking at municipal codes for surrounding cities, I’m still seeing things like:
M. “Residential exclusion zone” means a zone in which a sex offender is prohibited from temporarily or permanently residing, and includes those areas located within the following distances:
1. Two thousand feet of the closest property line of the subject property to the closest
property line of a public or private school, grades kindergarten through 12, or park; or
2. One thousand feet of the closest property line of the subject property to the closest
property line of a child care center; or
3. One thousand feet of the closest property line of the subject property to the closest
property line of another single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, multiple dwelling,
hotel, motel, inn or mobile home park where another sex offender permanently or
temporarily resides.
So are these just not updated, or are these cities just ignoring the rules?
Also, these cities all define sex offender as REGARDLESS of whether on probation or parole. I can’t find any news regarding whether there are any challenges to clarify these laws as to whether they apply to all RCs, or just the ones on state supervision?
I would like to encourage those that have to go in to registered to WEAR A TIE.
I worn one at my last registered and it does make a difference!
It will make us look more respected on the mug shot. It will show that we are NOT criminals as they think we are.
If you don’t have one BORROW ONE don’t steal.
I have developed a system of influencing that if taken to heart and acted on will make a difference at city, county, state and federal levels.
Forgive me and my lacking towards defining what resources are available to you via your local hair salons and barber shops. These people are directly in touch with voters …they are the boots on the ground.
How can you use their relationships with community to promote our rights in this war? What does a hairstylist and barber value most? Their cutting tools.
If you determine to sharpen their scissors for free stating (XYZ politician) sponsored their scissors to be sharpened…that (XYZ candidate) will be voted for and one thing hairstylist do is talk. If a politician is playing the race card( I mean sex offender card) they now have a problem. Just go to their rival with your sponsorship program.
I will teach you these easy skills and we will take the country back one hair salon and barber shop at a time! Although this is a complementary service hairstylist usually give tips out of appreciation..I averaged $100 a day in tips for all the free work done. Outside of election season I charge $25-$35 per scissor. Good part-time cash for any Registrant out of work.
I am a registrant that use to be a salon owner and hairstylist. The registry will be defeated. Our fight ladies and gentlemen is a patriotic one. We are all soldiers in this war…there are no civilians on the registry. Justice will prevail.
The politician must agree in lieu of payment as follows:
1. Uphold their oath of office especially when it’s unpopular to do so.
2. give a donation of any amount to any organization that supports abused women and/or children. Well, that’s what I requested of my candidate in lieu of me being paid..Good PR in case the secret gets out. Robert 949.872.8768
I am wondering if meeting at the California Capital in Sacramento once a month and go to our district rep and tell them “Hi, Im so and so. Just a reminder not to vote for this law”
I think we should BUG them so often that they will want to get rid of the Megan;s Law once for all just to get us to leave them alone?
I went out with a friend last night and she introduced me to her pal. Now I wasn’t looking to meet anyone since I just lost my love to cancer, but my friend called me today and said her pal had run my name. Not even a date and they do this now. I can probably kiss off ever being in a relationship again. Another downside of the Internet. 0 privacy.
Has anyone else had a hard time accessing CARSOL with their internet provider? I’m with time warner. Cannot get onto site with either my Mac, PC or cell unless I turn off cell wifi..then no problem with my phone. No issues connecting to any other site??! My cousin is a website builder and very computer savy… Says he actually has heard of providers blocking certain sites… I get timed out with multiple browsers. This issue seems to be intermittent as well.
To those of you talking about Hawaii: CA RSOL members mostly know what I’m gonna say: When going out of state, go to the website: They are a child victims organization, but they do us registered citizens a great service by listing registration rules FOR EACH STATE. They also keep the listings up to date. In addition, each listing has a phone number to call. For Hawaii it is 808 587 3350 Call them; tell them your situation. The people at these phone numbers will ALWAYS help you. If they are busy, give them your number to call you back. There are usually two or more people at these phone numbers. Even if you aren’t sure you’ll go, tell ’em.
I left California a year ago. I hated to leave your state, but found a better legal status elsewhere. Those phone numbers were invaluable to me. Not only that, but laws change. So I call these numbers from time to time for “bailout” protection.
The key thing is that it is HARD to figure this stuff out for yourself. Don’t take risks. Call them !
I am using “two states east” from now on to be more anonymous. I was ” Hank NewMexRSOL ” I like being helpful on your thread because like the Eagles song goes: I can check out any time I like, but I can never leave.
Just thought I’d update everyone on the new Vigilante App: Nextdoor, located in San Francisco, California.
Among other purposes, this app does the now-typical sex offender displays in the neighborhood. You can sign up for the app free, and it will work for you.
…you live at the address that is listed on any of the sex offender registries.
From their member agreement page (very first full paragraph even!):
So basically they are breaking TWO laws here in California. One, if the app is accessing California Megan’s Law information, they are committing a misdemeanor (though realistically that will never be enforced). In addition, by denying houses that belong to registered citizens, they are committing a major violation of civil rights. Technically, yes, for the registered citizens, but also for the non-registered individuals at the home as well.
Get ready for a new round of vigilante action. Brave new world indeed.