Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... has been around for a while… I have not yet heard of anyone being attacked because of it. My best guess is that it is languishing in ‘social’ app anonymity hell. When I read about it I thought – how about talking to your neighbor if the urge to socialize should strike. Call me silly, call me old-fashioned. Beyond the RSO issue they have been accused of encouraging racial profiling.
Here is an interesting tid-bit…
So apparently being a menace on public roads is okay – having had a 16 year old girlfriend decades ago is a no-no. Another contribution from the ‘do as I say and not do as I do’ crowd.
I would not get too worried about
well i guess i have to deal with florida because of my family reunion has anyone had any experience dealing with florida and there tough sanctions
Interesting article, just makes one wonder…
The article states that the hiring will be largely to replace those who are retiring, but given the current state of affairs in California, I just wonder what is really going on. Hiring 7000 correctional officers for…new prisons, more arrests and convictions, replace retirements, replace disabled officers with huge pensions and disability payments? We know that housing prisoners is a multi-billion dollar industry and driven by the powerful labor union representing the prison guards. If the ratio is about 200 prisoners to one guard, then hmmmm, let’s do that math! (I got that number from a Lisa Ling prison documentary)
If the numbers are following any kind of pattern, then there will be mass housings of prisoners! lets just say the ratio is 50:1, still looking at adding 350,000 more prisoners.
I say hold on, something is rotten in California.
Happy Memorial Day
I would just like to take this time to remember the good men and women who fought and given their lives for this country and shed a tear for their service and how that has been made meaningless by those who have sold out America.
This is a day to remember TRUE Americans and NOT those “working” in government today. Those self serving manipulative sociopaths who will use days like today to appear that they are true Americans instead of the evil greedy bastards that they really are.
Stop hiding behind the flag of this once great nation that you are destroying have sold out for your own private gain and sick selfish motives.
Hi everyone.
I’m in need of some advice… 12 years ago, I was convicted for have four picture files of underage females on my computer. I was forced with having to register for life here in California. Thankfully my information is not made available to the public, because the age of the victims were over sixteen years old.
So for the past 12 years I have went about rebuilding my life, had my record expunged, finishing my Degree and things were pretty good, until a news article surfaced on the internet that mentioned my crime just recently. I don’t understand, I had done a name search on myself as have my previous employers for the past twelve years without any bad results.
Now this website that is out of the country is publishing this twelve years later and the nightmare has started all over. I got laid off a couple of months age and now can’t secure employment as many employers do a name search as part of their background checks.
So is it possible to somehow bury this article on the internet? or am I just out of luck and doomed to be unemployed ever?
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Tired of hiding: Thank you for remembering us Veterans ! For me it was fighting in Vietnam in 1966-7.
I have harbored a fantasy for some time now: Registered Veterans ; we all had to learn to shoot in basic training, but of course we have all put guns and shooting behind us.
Happy Veterans Day to all of you. And to all minions who monitor our public site to hurt us : GO TO HELL.
I know, I know ! It’s MEMORIAL day and isn’t VETERANS day ! I’m an old man so give me a break….
I am reaching the half way point of my 5 year probation and I am trying to find a reasonable priced lawyer or better yet a pro bono that could assist me in getting the early termination and expungement process started. like many other RO’s I am unemployed and living on a fixed income. If anyone knows of one it would be a great help,
For the beating they take, I was surprised to experience that the people that are most sympathetic to my situation are the police I have had to interact with. Maybe they are faking it, but the ones I talked to said just do my business and don’t worry about everything else. I even spoke to one of the correction officers while doing my 90 days about my charge and he said he thought that the system is rigged against us. He believed in reform instead of mass incarceration and that this was one of his reasons for leaving the Sheriff dept. for a private job as a minister. There are people on the ” other ” side that see the injustice as well.
No its not an extortion site. I dont know why it just showed 12 years later???? karma, bad luck I dont know. All those years in school get my degree for nothing Yeh I was going to get the COR, but now I think what is the point if I cannot get a job because a name search is something all employers do today.
Yeh I have done research of trying to bury the article via creating accounts on socail media accounts and blogs, but have also read that doing so can be seen as just that burying the bad with phony and unnecessary comments.
Maybe that is what I need to do, get the COR, that is not guaranteed and is left up to judge’s discretion, even though I qualify and have not been if any kind of trouble since or before outside of a DUI 31 years ago. Then apply for a name change, that is scary and does it really work? I mean, cant a employer see that you have changed your name?
It really seems hopeless and a waste money and time. I dont know anymore as my thinking has been seriously altered by all this.
Thanks for the help
In California, can sex offenders legally change their names? Has it worked for anyone?
There is a bill in the legislature (recently passed by the Assembly) that, while on the surface has NOTHING to do with registered citizens, has a very important element with regard to the initiative process.
The headline is as follows: “California Assembly OKs bill to raise ballot initiative fee from $200 to $8,000.” This bill was drafted in reaction to the stunt done by a Huntington Beach attorney / slash / stupid idiot who wanted to create a law to kill gays by “a bullet to the head.” I won’t go into the merits of that crap, but essentially $8,000 would cull the extremist idiots from the crowd.
However, there is one ADDITIONAL part of the law that was not as pronounced. This provision would “allow the state attorney general to include a disclaimer in initiative petitions when a proposed measure would likely result in a violation of an individual’s constitutional rights.”
THIS is the key provision. When the state initiative process produces something like Jessica’s Law or Prop 35, the AG would have to comment that the law may be illegal.
Let’s keep an eye on this one…
Just for the legal devotees : the USSC just granted certer-roaree (typo) to hear Lockhart v United States. Seems the Circuit Courts are in CONFLICT:
Whichizit…..”or under the laws of any State relating to aggravated sexual abuse, sexual abuse, or abusive sexual conduct involving a minor…”
Found it on Sentencing Law and Policy.
If heaven and earth can’t make something furious endure, how can man?
The Tao Ti Ching
Lao Tzu
Let’s keep an eye on this one…
You heard it here first!
Why isn’t Adrian Peyerson, the pro football player that got arrested for child abuse( he beat his son with a switch, even the boy’s testicles!)registered? Because of money, that’s why. Proof that the system is severely flawed.
So, is it still on to give the City of Carson a kick in the legal pants on June the 11th?
(If I have the right date in mind)
So, here we go again with all the hypocrisy in this country. There was a great article on the news today about a couple celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary. They are from Bakersfield, and I am so happy for them. So were many others and among them Bill Clinton, other Presidents, the Pope, etc, etc. They all congratulated them, and they should. This is a major accomplishment. BUT, here is my question. Why aren’t they called Sex Offenders??? The article clearly states that they got married when she was 16 and he was 17. I thought this kind of thing will land you on the registry, yet, all the politicians are congratulating them. Obviously, nobody saw anything wrong with that scenario, and they shouldn’t because there is nothing wrong with it. When will people stop picking and choosing what is right and what is not? You can’t have it both ways.