Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of July 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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It took 9 people being slaughtered by a deranged individual hellbent on sending a message of his hatred against a segment of society. This subsequently changed the views of lawmakers on the Confederate Flag.
What is going to be the turning point, or watershed moment for sex offenders?
Sometimes I wonder with all this public discourse over the Confederate flag and now the immigration issue, will anti-SRO laws be put on hold? Out here in San Francisco, the young woman randomly shot and killed at Pier 14 has been dominating the headlines with a lot of the vitriolic acid spewed at undocumented Mexican immigrants (the constant pariah). Is it possible, then, that the political focus would shift away from creating illegal SRO bills with the politicos jumping on the anti-immigrant bandwagon to increase votes?
To NPS: I looked up 1994’s Calif Prop 187 making illegal aliens ineligible for public benefits. I didn’t realize the Federal court case has never been dismissed. The permanent injunction is still in place, and the case has never proceeded to trial. Maybe the scraggly Republican sore losers are lurking behind the pier 14 hoopla.
I certainly agree with you about hoping something takes the pressure off us. Thank God that back in 1994 the Bay Area voted against prop 187. The rest of the state voted for it.
I’m thinking more like a National Enema Month to occupy the American SHEEPLE…..
Is this the Edward Snowdon Warned All Act of california…
I see hope in mark leno I was watching him debate the minimum wage bill and he is very intelegent and seems to rely on facts and data
Anyone know what the “Flag Record #” is/means on the reg receipt?
Does anyone know of anyone who got off the website? I have a 311.11A and I think my probation report from 6 years ago will say they were younger than 16. What are my chances of getting off the website?
The “treatment” facility I’m forced to attend as a condition of parole appears to have lost their state contract 3ish weeks ago. Anybody have any news on this?
I know some of you might be tired of seeing this motion in different stages of completion but I like to share my thoughts and stratagies that I will eventually file in the CA courts. So any feedback is great.
This court has jurisdiction because ________________________________________________________________
I the plaintiff ______________________do hereby bring forth this motion for Declaratory and/or Injunction relief. This motion is being brought forth as a as applied challenge to the constitutionality of the sex offender registration and notification laws or Megan’s law (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act) as applied to me.
I am the plaintiff in this case. I am a United States citizen who resides in Sacramento, CA.
I am a non-violent, non-contact first time ex-offender from a incident that occurred over a decade ago. There was never any physical contact between myself and any victim. I completed my prison sentence and parole supervision without any incidents or violations despite all the obstacles and conditions of parole that were placed on me because of the sex offender designation. I have been arrest free and a completely law abiding citizen since my release. I do not pose any cognizable risk to the public. I was already severely punished for my offense and have been subjected to intensive monitoring and supervision while on parole. I should not be subjected to these registration and notification laws that involve consequences that are severely detrimental to so many aspects of my life.
(1) The sex offender registration and notification laws or Megan’s law (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act) violate my constitutionally protected liberty interest in my reputation which is protected under the federal due process clause in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution with an irrefutable presumption of future offending that is universally untrue.
(2) The sex offender registration and notification laws (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act) violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution.
(3) Sex offender registration and notification laws (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act) violate my constitutionally protected liberty interests by infringing on my freedom of movement and my freedom of association which is protected under the Fifth and Fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution.
(4) Sex offender registration and notification laws (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act) violate my constitutionally protected right to liberty and to be free from unreasonable, arbitrary and oppressive official actions, which is protected under the Fifth and Fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution.
(1) My constitutionally-protected right to reputation is encroached upon by an irrefutable presumption of future offending that is universally untrue.
These laws effectively brand me a “sex offender”, i.e., a public danger, for life. See Doe v. Pataki, 3 F. Supp. 2d 456, 467 (S.D.N.Y. 1998) [here in after Pataki III]; Doe v. Attorney General, 686 N.E.2d 1007, 1013 (Mass. 1997) [hereinafter Doe II];see also Bohn v. County of Dakota, 772 F.2d 1433, 1436 n.4 (8th Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 475 U.S. 1014 (1986).
Specifically, the public notification provisions imply that I am potentially dangerous, thereby undermining my reputation and standing in the community. Doe v. Poritz, 662 A.2d 367, 419 (N.J. 1995); cf. Neal v. Shimoda, 131 F.3d 818, 829 (9th Cir. 1997) (noting that “[o]ne need only look to the increasingly popular ‘Megan’s laws’, whereby states require sex offenders to register with law enforcement officials, who are then authorized to release information about the sex offender to the public, to comprehend the stigmatizing consequences of being labeled a sex offender”). Indeed, public notification that I am a convicted sex offender implicitly announces that, in the eyes of the State, I present a risk of committing another sex offense. Doe II, 686 N.E.2d at 144.
The sex offender registration and notification laws violate my liberty interest in my reputation by making public my current personal address and current photo which is not public information and which puts me in physical harm every time I enter or leave my home and even while I’m in my home I can not feel safe. This information is also being publicly distributed on the Internet from privately owned and operated websites such as That information being made public puts not only myself but my families lives and property in danger of physical harm, harassment and vandalism. These claims are not hypothetical situations or exaggerations, these claims are facts and the possibilities of these incidents occurring are real and in fact some have already occurred in my case. The Megan’s law website also displays my criminal record which is only available to authorized individuals who meet certain criteria and have a need to know basis, not to the general public at a click of a computer mouse.
These laws affect and limit employment as very few employers will hire me simply because I am on a sex offender website that is accessible to the general public. These laws also restrict or limit my ability to travel for work or to be employed by local, state or federal agencies and severely affects my ability to obtain a business licence or business loans. They also limit what professions and careers that I can pursue and affect my personal and professional relationships in a severely negative way because of my inclusion on the sex offender registry and the publicly accessible Megan’s law website. These issues are not minor inconveniences but are major obstacles to my financial stability and to my fundamental right to life and liberty for me and my family. It also affects housing because very few property owners or property management organizations will rent to me for fear of vandalism and or the loss of present or potential tenants because of the accessibility to the registry by the general public. I am reluctant to move or purchase property for fear that I may violate some local ordinance or be forced to move because of some new law or ordinance being enacted and applied retroactively. I am also reluctant to move or purchase property for fear that I will be subjected to even worse harassment and vandalism by the community in which I move then I have already endured in my present location. These laws create real fears of being the victim of vigilante attacks, harassment and vandalism which forces me limit my activities to avoid being outside of my residence for fear of being harmed or harassed. I have had to call the police twice due to my family and I being physically threatened in one instance and having threats and profanity written all over our porch on the second incident simply because my information is on the Megan’s law website. My family and I have had our vehicles vandalized and our life’s threatened because I am subject to these registration and public notification laws. These laws cause me severe psychosocial stresses that cause major mental disorders such as major depression and anxiety disorders which can and do affect my ability to perform job duties or perform normal daily activities and to reintegrate into society. Once again these are not hypothetical, exaggerated incidents that have happened to other people but personal experiences in my case. I cannot move forward or successively reintegrate back into society because of all the collateral consequences caused by the registration and public notification laws.These collateral consequences will continue to cause me irreparable damage to my liberty interest as long as I am subjected to these registration and notification laws.
I have a liberty interest protected by the Constitution that entitles me to procedural due process because of: (1) the public disclosure of accumulated and synthesized personal information that would not otherwise be easily available; (2) the harm to my personal and professional life; (3) the foreseeable harm to my reputation; and (4) the statutory branding of me as a public danger, i.e., as a sex offender. I note that the “interest cannot be captured in a single word or phrase. It is an interest in knowing when the government is moving against you and why it has singled you out for special attention. It is an interest in avoiding the secret machinations of a Star Chamber.” Noble, 964 P.2d at 995.
(2) The sex offender registration and notification regulations are discriminating irrationally among classes of ex-offenders which violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth amendment.
All sex offenders fall into the classification of felons and felons are a group or classification. The question is, are sex offenders being treated the same as all other felons, do other felons have to register or have the community notified of their presence after they have completed their sentence, are they being denied state and government services, are other felons restricted where they can live, work and recreate, do other felons face criminal prosecution, a felony offense which is punishable by three or more years in state prison, not for engaging in any type of criminal conduct but simply for not providing personal information to the government within a certain time frame? The anwser is, no they are not. The courts have found that a distinction among members of the class of offenders is irrational regardless of the importance of public safety consideration underlying the regulations or relevance of prior convictions simply discerning any regulatory reason, however plausible, will not serve to satisfy the rational basis requirement of equal protection; relevant inquiry more properly focuses on whether the means utilized to carry out the regulatory purpose substantially furthers that end.
These laws do not substantially further the legislative objectives of increasing public safety, reducing sexual abuse or preventing recidivism as evidenced in the following reports and actual facts from the leading authorities on this subject.
California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) End of Year Report 2014. (page 13)
Under the current system many local registering agencies are challenged just keeping up with registration paperwork. It takes an hour or more to process each registrant, the majority of whom are low risk offenders. As a result law enforcement cannot monitor higher risk offenders more intensively in the community due to the sheer numbers on the registry. Some of the consequences of lengthy and unnecessary registration requirements actually destabilize the life’s of registrants and those -such as families- whose lives are often substantially impacted. Such consequences are thought to raise levels of known risk factors while providing no discernible benefit in terms of community safety.
The full report is available online at.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs United States of America.
The overall conclusion is that Megan’s law has had no demonstrated effect on sexual offenses in New Jersey, calling into question the justification for start-up and operational costs. Megan’s Law has had no effect on time to first rearrest for known sex offenders and has not reduced sexual re offending. Neither has it had an impact on the type of sexual re offense or first-time sexual offense. The study also found that the law had not reduced the number of victims of sexual offenses.
The full report is available online at.
The University of Chicago Press for The Booth School of Business of the University of Chicago and The University of Chicago Law School Article DOI: 10.1086/658483
The data in these three data sets do not strongly support the effectiveness of sex offender registries. The national panel data do not show a significant decrease in the rate of rape or the arrest rate for sexual abuse after implementation of a registry via the Internet. The BJS data that tracked individual sex offenders after their release in 1994 did not show that registration had a significantly negative effect on recidivism. And the D.C. crime data do not show that knowing the location of sex offenders by census block can help protect the locations of sexual abuse. This pattern of ineffectiveness across the data sets does not support the conclusion that sex offender registries are successful in meeting their objectives of increasing public safety and lowering recidivism rates.
The full report is available online at.
From Justice Policy Institute.
Estimated cost to implement SORNA
Here are some of the estimates made in 2009 expressed in 2014 current dollars: California, $66M; Florida, $34M; Illinois, $24M; New York, $35M; Pennsylvania, $22M; Texas, $44M. In 2014 dollars, Virginia’s estimate for implementation was $14M, and the annual operating cost after that would be $10M.
For the US, the total is $547M. That’s over half a billion dollars – every year – for something that doesn’t work.
These conclusions are virtually the same in the majority of conclusions and reports on this subject from multiple government agencies and throughout the academic community.
The sources relied upon by the Supreme Court in Smith v. Doe, a heavily cited constitutional decision on sex offender registries, in fact provide no support at all for the facts about sex offender re-offense rates that the Court treats as central to its constitutional conclusions. This misreading of the social science was abetted in part by the Solicitor General’s misrepresentations in the amicus brief it filed in this case. The false “facts” stated in the opinion have since been relied upon repeatedly by other courts in their own constitutional decisions, thus infecting an entire field of law as well as policy making by legislative bodies. Recent decisions by the Pennsylvania and California supreme courts establish principles that would support major judicial reforms of sex offender registries, if they were applied to the actual facts.
I am asking this court to apply the actual facts submitted in reports from the leading authorities and credible experts in the fields such as the following.
California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB)
Sex offender recidivism rate for a new sex offense is 1.8% (page 38)
The full report is available online at.
Document title; A Model of Static and Dynamic Sex Offender Risk Assessment Author: Robert J. McGrath, Michael P. Lasher, Georgia F. Cumming Document No.: 236217 Date Received: October 2011 Award Number: 2008-DD-BX-0013
Findings: Study of 759 adult male offenders under community supervision Re-arrest rate: 4.6% after 3-year follow-up
The sexual re-offense rates for the 746 released in 2005 are much lower than what many in the public have been led to expect or believe. These low re-offense rates appear to contradict a conventional wisdom that sex offenders have very high sexual re-offense rates.
The full report is available online at.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Within 3 years following their 1994 state prison release, 5.3 percent of sex offenders (men who had committed rape or sexual assault) were rearrested for another sex crime, the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today.
The full report is available online at.
Document Title: SEX OFFENDER SENTENCING IN WASHINGTON STATE: RECIDIVISM RATES BY: Washington State Institute For Public Policy.
A study of 4,091 sex offenders either released from prison or community supervision form 1994 to 1998 and examined for 5 years Findings: Sex Crime Recidivism Rate: 2.7%
Link to Report:
Document Title: Indiana’s Recidivism Rates Decline for Third Consecutive Year BY: Indiana Department of Correction 2009.
The recidivism rate for sex offenders returning on a new sex offense was 1.05%, one of the lowest in the nation. In a time when sex offenders continue to face additional post-release requirements that often result in their return to prison for violating technical rules such as registration and residency restrictions, the instances of sex offenders returning to prison due to the commitment of a new sex crime is extremely low. Findings: sex offenders returning on a new sex offense was 1.05%
Link to Report:
These conclusions are virtually the same in the majority of reports on this subject from multiple government agencies and throughout the academic community.
(3) The sex offender registration and notification laws violate my right to freedom of movement and freedom of association by severely curtailing my ability to travel both interstate and intrastate and also international travel. With all the different state laws and local ordinances that are in place and the constant introduction of new legislation in the different states and the constantly changing local ordinances in thousands of cities and counties across the country, it makes it virtually impossible for me to travel or visit anywhere in this country without a very real fear and potential for violating one of these laws or ordinances. It is virtually impossible for a person of average intelligence to research, assimilate and abide by all the different state laws and local ordinances that apply to registered sex offenders across the country. I can not visit family or friends without extensive research of local ordinances and state laws and even after extensive research I still fear I could have missed one of these laws or ordinances. I can not attend meetings or protest that occur in places that prohibit registered sex offenders from being present. The punishments for violating one of these laws or ordinances are severe. The registration and notification laws makes it virtually impossible for me to travel to a multitude of major countries in the world as they are notified by our government of my registration status so therefore I am denied entry. These are not hypothetical situations and are not minor inconveniences of registration but are major violations of my constitutional rights to liberty. These violations will continue to cause me irreparable damage as long as I am subjected to these registration and notification laws.
(4). The sex offender registration and notification laws violate my right to be free from unreasonable, arbitrary and oppressive official actions. These laws are completely irrational as applied to me in my case since I currently pose no cognizable risk of re offense. Since I am a non-violent, non-contact, first time ex-offender from a incident that occurred over a decade ago there is no rational basis to continue to subject me to these laws that have consequences that destabilize my life, restricts my abilities to reintegrate into society and have been shown to actually increase known risk factors for re-offense while not achieving any legislative objective of preventing sexual abuse, increasing public safety or reducing recidivism. Since these laws have been seen as strictly regulatory in nature and not considered part of the punishment for an offense, there must be some evidence that the regulations actually achieve some legislative objective. These laws were originally designed to give law enforcement a tool to investigate and apprehend sexually violent predators, child abductors/rapist and habitual repeat offenders when such acts have been committed in the community but have since been expanded to the point to make the registration and notification laws useless to law enforcement or the general public. Just because these laws are so popular within the legislature or the public does not mean that there is a rational basis for such laws. With the facts and evidence of all the destabilizing collateral consequences I endure and all the recent research done on this subject there is overwhelming evidence that these laws are completely irrational and counterproductive especially when applied to non-violent, first time offenders such as myself who currently pose no cognizable risk of re-offense.
(1) The sex offender registration and notification laws or Megan’s law, (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act. ) as applied to me, severely violate my fundamental liberty rights to my reputation and to my right to due process.
(2). The sex offender registration and notification laws or Megan’s law, (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act. ) violate the equal protection clause.
(3) The sex offender registration and notification laws or Megan’s law, (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act. ) violate my freedom of movement and freedom of association.
(4). The sex offender registration and notification laws or Megan’s law, (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act. ) violate my right to be free from unreasonable, arbitrary and oppressive official actions.
Supreme Court Justice Brandeis noted that the Founding Fathers
recognized the significance of man’s spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his intellect. They knew that only a part of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They conferred, as against the government, the right to be let alone-the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men.
Olmstead v. United States,277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928) (Brandeis, J., dissenting), overruled in part by Berger v. New York,388 U.S. 41 (1967) and Katz v. United States,389 U.S. 347 (1967).
Law enforcement already has accessible records of my criminal record, including my DNA, my photograph and my complete set of prints and can easily locate me if they were to implicate me in a crime in the future. That process is the alternative to sex offender registration and notification laws and is the least restrictive measure that is available to the government that is related to the legislative objectives of increasing public safety and preventing recidivism. Furthermore, the government already has a meaningful process to determine if an individual poses a significant risk for re offense before ever releasing the person from custody. It is available in the states civil commitment statues. If a person is found to present a potentially high risk of re offense then that individual is confined under the civil commitment statues until it is determined that they no longer pose a risk to the public.
It is in the public best interest to grant me this relief as it will increase my ability to reintegrate into society and increase the probability that I will maintain stability in my life and be a law abiding, productive member of society which actually decreases my risk for re-offense even further. It will also allow governmental agencies and law enforcement agencies to re-direct their limited resources to monitor high risk offenders more intensively thereby increasing public safety. It will also save the state tax payer dollars that can be used for policies that have proven to actually be effective.
These laws will continue to cause me irreparable damage if the court fails to grant me relief.
No one can doubt that child sexual abuse is traumatic and devastating. The question is not whether the state has an interest in preventing such harm, but whether current laws are effective in doing so.
I pray the court grant me Declaratory relief and/or Injunction relief or any other relief the court deems necessary and to enjoin local, state, and federal agencies from requiring me to register as a sex offender and subjecting me to the public notification laws or Megan’s law (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act. ) .
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to my knowledge on __________ Signed: _____________________________
What do you do when the fight is gone? I see small victories, little battles being won, but there is a continual beat-down of registered citizens and I’m so tired. We have a victory and a new law is passed to snatch it away from us. I really just want to run away somewhere. Too old to start over, too tired to keep working 60 hrs a week for basic sustenance. I’m sentenced to a lifetime of this crap and doomed to die as a registered citizen with no real allegiance to the country I fought for. So freaking depressing…What’s so difficult is that I was a fighter, gained clearance per 1203.4 but that doesn’t mean a thing, still not eligible for a COR. I’ll snap out of this funk, but getting depressed is becoming more and more frequent. Glad I’m not alone in this.
Addicted to this web site
Does any one else find them selves tuning into this site more than any thing else?
Is therapy needed ? If it were a porn site I would expect a knock on the door.
mike r: you do yourself a disservice in the conclusion:
The data in these three data sets do not strongly support the effectiveness of sex offender registries.
rather “the data overwhelmingly proves the ineffectiveness of s.o. registries.”
if you are doing this pro se have you considered class action? lawyers drool at those possibilities if you can substantiate your claims and show harm.
I know, live on maui and my wife lives in sweden. the economics of being shunned and the social/governmental shaming keep us apart.
registry is punishment.
the struggle continues.
solidarity, wes.
nb. i am willing to edit/strategize/talk with you on this..if you wish, contact me:
that goes for all who come here..hold your head up. emerge from the mistreatment and the knowledge that our sentences begin anew every day. for today is all we have.
Timmr said “…Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Even months before that signature, Mr. Lincoln was trying to appease the slave states by strengthening the fugitive slave act and trying to convince blacks to go back to Africa (PBS series, The Abolitionists).
In the 1860’s, everyone was racist. Lincoln had to overcome the prevailing racism, which he did. I never heard about Lincoln strengthening the Fugitive Slave Act, but I did hear about him supporting blacks back to Africa. However, just like Gavin Newsom did a 180 on the cameras on the street corners in SF, and just like hopefully Roberts will change his mind on SO registration being like Price Club applications and see how much the conditions of SOR differ now than in 2003, so did Lincoln change his mind and realized black people were not some foreign body that needed to be expelled. He later felt that black people could play a positive role in the life of the nation. He saw how well black troops fought in the Civil War. So about half way through the Civil War, Lincoln changed his mind on sending black people back to Africa, It showed Lincoln wasn’t scared to change his mind once the facts contradicted what he thought before.
Just a reminder when you go in to get your mug shot. Wear a nice shirt and tie. Ask the officer to pretty please include your tie so the RC community will look nicer than the other group.
Wes those statements and all the report statements are verbatim from the reports.
I recently found this study on WAR.
I’m surprised that there hasn’t been any new posts in the last 5 days. There’s a lot of talk about SB448 that we’re neglecting to look at the bigger picture and find more articles/studies that would help build a case against the registry’s ineffective policies.
Together we can do great this video and be inspired:
The adult “dating” website,, has been severely compromised to where criminal hackers have obtained virtually every detail of every customer that site ever had, including sexual information, credit card information including home and business addresses, phone numbers, etc. This is not a moral judgment article, but one for legality purposes.
If there is ANYONE who have had an account on the website at any time, then do your best to recall all your interactions you had with that site for any reason. IN PARTICULAR, if you are listed on any sex offender registry, if the criminal scumbag hackers ever do the data dump, your Ashley Madison involvement WILL be connected to your sex offender registration, and it WILL be the focus point of vigilante journalism.
Understand this: the primary target for the criminal hackers will most probably be using the list for blackmail purposes of high-value targets, most probably through bitcoin ransom payments. But the bigger issue that concerns RC’s is that, to gain popular sympatny, the criminal hackers may make a POINT out of identifying RC’s who are on the site, and they will be doing this in the very near future. Law enforcement will then be notified, and have all your information, alongside the jackal vigilante media. If you are on probation or parole that prohibits you from sites such as that, it is best to get legal representation BEFORE the fit hits the shan.
This hack should be considered ANOTHER reason why California should not collect Calif. email accounts.
If money is the problem I’ll give you a job and training. Training is free and clients are everywhere…only catch is you’ll be asked to leverage this position to promote the fight for all of our rights in society. I’m training a few guys right now, but I’m ready to train others. The starting course will take place in your area with hands on one-on-one training. I am a registrant training registrants. Now lets get to work!
Wot about those Republicans ? Goggle “handy list of republican sex offenders, the Constantine report”by Democratic underground, dtd 3/31/15….
Anyone know what happened to the dude that started the Sex Offender Issues blog? Is he still running it? Last I knew there were a lot of mods there and I didn’t know if he was still there or not. Hope he stayed out of trouble and is doing all right. He was one of the first to start speaking up loud and clear and he took a lot of heat from PeeJ.
May want to post as a separate post….
Department of Justice FY2016 Sex Offender programs costs – $78 million
DOJ’s FY16 $28.7 billion budget is $2 billion above FY 2015, creating 2000 new positions.
Some highlights:
Note Pg 10. “ Investments to combat violent crime include resources for the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) to investigate violations of the Adam Walsh Act and assists state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions in locating and apprehending an estimated 100,000 non-compliant sex offenders. Funding is also requested to expand officer safety training for USMS operational officers and task force officers.”
DOJ US Marshall Service: FY 2016 Program Changes: Salaries & Expenses
“Adam Walsh Act: $4.7 million and 0 positions additional Funds are requested for non-personnel costs associated with training, operations, and licensing fees. This funding will allow the USMS to support training and continuing education for the USMS Sex Offender investigators; cover costs to plan and execute operations that require extensive coordination with state and local law enforcement agencies; and pay for licensing fees and costs associated with current sex offender tracking databases and computer programs required by investigators to fulfill the Adam Walsh Act (AWA) mission. The current services for this initiative are 211 positions and $56 million.”
DOJ Office of Justice Programs (OJP) FY2016 budget of $4.05 billion was increased 32% funding 46 new positions at $1.4 billion. “OJP includes the budget for the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) and the Byrne Incentive grant program (previously used by the SMART office to advance the Adam Walsh Act). DOJ OJP FY2016 funds $20,000,000 for sex offender management assistance, as authorized by the Adam Walsh Act, and related activities; $1,000,000 for the National Sex Offender Public Web site.”
DOJ USNCB Interpol Washington: FY2016 $32 million budget was extended $1.4 million for 10 new positions.
Link for FY2016 DOJ Interpol congressional brief, note the discussion on the “new” performance metrics for the sex offender green and red notices:
Torified said “Some RC’s can’t get certain DLs and that is listed in the DMV. So they all MIGHT be listed there and only certain ones are banned from driving an ambulance, for example. That’s what I was trying to say.”
But on that same DMV webpage, it also lists about 15 other categories of criminals that are not allowed to get ambulance licenses. Hueso, by the way, is not allowed to get an ambulance license. I couldn’t imagine the DMV having all these lists of people who cannot get ambulance licenses when its easier just to do a Dept. of Justice backround check in real time. When a cop pulls you over, they already have all your RSO information, and there is no need to do a DMV cross-check. The DMV has already alerted the computer system of police that a driving license is suspended or some similar information, if that is thew case. And they do that for everyone. The police who pull you over may look at the address on your drivers license to see if it matches your registration address and ask questions if it doesn’t match. The police have full access in their cars to all your registration information. No need for a DMV cross-check. Let’s not waste our time on obvious things.
Torified said “Anyone know what happened to the dude that started the Sex Offender Issues blog? Is he still running it? Last I knew there were a lot of mods there and I didn’t know if he was still there or not. Hope he stayed out of trouble and is …”
Unless the guy came off as really sketchy, why would you think that because he’s not commenting on the website, that he didn’t stay out of trouble. You’re doing the man a disservice by asking that. Did you know the reoffense rate of RSO’s is under 2%?
Harry said “I am sure there are Democrats on a sex offender list, along with BC”
The Democrats throw their own to the wolves. Republican Vitter admitted to prostitution and begged for forgiveness. He got it and it looks like he’s good-to-go for Governor of Louisiana. Republican Sanford of South Carolina, took trips to South America, on the taxpayers dime, to go meet his lover. Sanford now represents South Carolina in the US Congress. Anthony Weiner ,democrat, on the other hand, never even met the women he communicated with online, was forced to resign and now he can’t even get a job working for Hillary’s campaign without the media bringing up the scandal and calling him Carlos Danger, and reinvigorating the scandal.