Sex offenders can not be subjected to punishments under newly created laws if they committed their offense and served their time before the legislation was passed, the state Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 decision Monday. Full Article
Please note. .. this article is from September 2014. It was previously posted here at its original date.
Oooops. ***Moderator***
Someone should tell the supreme court this!
“A well established principle of ancient origin is that the Legislature cannot increase the punishment for a crime after it has been committed,”
And then you get the USA version of the hard core Nazi saying things like this
“The dissenting appellate court judge said that a monitoring devise was regulatory and non-punitive.”
This is a major victory for people forced to register in that state, and I hope this example of truth can be used here and all the other states to stop the never ending cycle of add on after the fact punishment that the liars call regulatory.
The justices who dissented should try wearing an ankle monitor themselves for a few months, or even weeks, and then judge whether it is a form of punishment or not. I suspect they would change their tune.
Somewhat related, but not pertinent to this case:
New Jersey has a lifetime parole requirement for anyone convicted of any crime that requires sex offender registration. This allows them to essentially increase restrictions under the jurisdiction of the court, so technically it’s not an ex post facto issue. This includes a $30/month registration fee for the rest of their lives as well as wearing a monitor.
Please note that this is an old new article from a year ago – September 22, 2014. The case is Riley v. New Jersey State Parole Board (A-94-11) (069327) decided Sep.22, 2014
SCOTUS*, wake up!! Are you paying attention to this “ancient” and basic concept of law!
No ex post facto punishment!!
*Supreme Court of the United States
Man that’s crazy three judges say its not punishment. It’s actually cruel and unusual punishment if you ask me. To strap some device to someone for the rest of their lives we wouldn’t even let people do that animals so why humans. Disgusting.
Save the registry for repeat violent rapist if you feel safer oh wait a minute those guys very very seldom see the outside of a prison so guess that makes the registry useless
I was charged with Lewdness, and told it was like peing in public. I received probation. I violated from a bar fight. Sent to prison for 5 years. Released from prison in 1993. From then tell now iv been charged four times for failing to register ster. I lost 3 homes, moneys and the last time I lost my two chat ldren. Now to this date 3/9/2016 iv been on federal probation for over 6 years and have 4 years left from a 10 year sentance. I was never ordered to register, and supreme court ruled unconstitutional. But it m still serving the 10 year federal probation. This has been a 28 year nightmare. Why am I still being prosecuted, lord plz help me in Jesus name Amen