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Umm WOO HOO? For the fact that stupidity and corruption win in the new year. Good job on violating so many ethical practices….Now nobody in Virginia better complain when this information is misused (not that it is not being currently misused) and more crimes happen because of people who have not ever been in legal trouble before. Love when government agencies waste time and money and I thought most taxes were used on silly crap like repairing roads, maintaining national parks, public education, healthcare care…..oh wait excuse me I wrote that incorrectly, those are important things and this sort of regulation spending is utter nonsense!

Of the 5,604 people convicted of certain sexual offenses on or after July 1, 1980 and before July 1, 1994. How many re-offended? On the guy in question, he most likely had child in school, therefore, have right to be part of PTA and he had/have a house, which, allowed him to be part of a Neighborhood Watch and was there any incidents during his tenure? Something gives the feeling this Robby person is a made up pond by a politician. I would like to see Robby’s miss-deeds.

I was surprised that CA RSOL based this thread on the garbage that Stephanie Robesto barfed out on WLOX…
After all , the better reference is our staunch defender, Mary Devoy ( Her thread, “It’s time to reduce..”. See her article dated just last Wednesday, Dec 30).

I posted the following on the article:

Wow. This just shows to what length the “sex offender” witch hunters (Registry Terrorists) will go in their through and through stupidity. The odds of this doing anything useful are simply infinitesimally small. But of course that won’t stop the terrorists from growing big government even more.

Any person who might be identified by this and who does not want to be, can and will simply move away from it. It is already trivial for a person who is listed on the active Sex Offender Registry to be in intimate relationships with people who have no idea that a person is listed. It will be even more trivial to do with this Registry.

Further, the fact that the terrorist morons even talk about a law that will “prevent registered sex offenders from obtaining ‘Kids First’ license plates” proves just what a bunch of un-American idiots they are. Willing to sacrifice and do just about anything, not matter how small, useless, and stupid that it is, in order to make them feel better about themselves, like they are “protecting” someone. The terrorists are a danger to all good Americans. If this “law” is passed, anyone who is affected by it should just put all kinds of “kids firsts” bumper stickers all over their vehicles. Maybe a bumper sticker that says “Unlike the Registry Terrorists, I actually, in reality, love and protect children”. Morons.

And of course we have to note that the terrorists have still failed to get the rest of their nanny big government Registries created. They obviously do not think that it is dangerous to shoot people on purpose with guns.