Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of March 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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ACSOL Letter to DOGE Requests Elimination of All Funding for SORNA
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How nice:
steve wrote “I looked this guy up. He is a real estate agent in San Diego. I pounced on him. Everyone should and mention that they are telling all their friends to not purchase any services from him.”
I think this character is just trying to throw others off his own trail. He immerses himself in activities involving children. He visits high schools to give lectures on money management. I’m already tired of this guy. I read one of his other articles about dealing with customers, really boring stuff. But I did find a gem on the same site from a different author.
Another documented attack of a sex offender. Assailant not only admits but brags about it as a retaliation for his own attack on the cops previously. Add this incident to the long list of documented attacks as a direct result of the registry.
Some insight on recidivism:
” Of all the mind-numbing statistics thrown about in the criminal justice system, perhaps none is more important than the recidivism rate – the likelihood that someone who broke the law once will do it again after being set free. This is the number that tells us who we would be wise to keep locked up, and who is (statistically) safe to send home. This is the number that tells us whether prisons are doing their job, making us safer.”
Sharon Runner is not running for re-election.
I’ve asked this question already under a different topic but I’m hoping some of you that have traveled interstate can help me out in what you have done.
My situation is I’m from Minnesota a non sorna state and I’m off the 10 year registry. I Want to visit hawaii for 9 days there requirement is I have 10 days in which I don’t have to register. They are also non sorna/awa. I’m having a difficult time understanding sorna and what is required of me. If I travel to Hawaii should I try and register and what is residence considered. My hotel there. Same with minnesota if I try and register here that I’m going to hawaii do I list my hotel address as my residence? Even though I live in Minnesota? Do I need to deregister? Thanks for any help in understanding interstate laws.
Sam – To help you avoid confusion, SORNA only applies to you if you are a registered sex offender in a SORNA compliant state. Technically, the way SORNA is written, if you were to relocate to a SORNA compliant state you could very well possibly be required to register depending on the crime that resulted in your conviction. For example, if you relocated to Missouri (a SORNA compliant state) you could be required to register there, BUT SEE…there is no reporting mechanism from Minnesota for you to register in Missouri. That means if you relocated to Missouri, or to any other SORNA compliant state, there is no mechanism that is enforcing you to register there because you no longer have any legal duty to register in Minnesota. On the other hand, Ohio, (another SORNA compliant state) would be a different scenario if you were to relocate there. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that SORNA cannot be applied to registered sex offenders who have already been criminally sentenced and ordered to registered for 10-years before the enactment of SORNA in Ohio. Missouri’s Supreme Court ruled very different saying that if this is what SORNA enforces then this is how it will be followed in Missouri.
Now, if you show up at a police agency in Missouri and volunteer information about yourself to them, then you are just inviting a big problem in your life. The Missouri law enforcement may very well find that you have to register which then you have to register or face arrest. On top of that, Missouri has lifetime registration so your photo would then be plunked to the Missouri sex offender registry for life all because you hypothetically would have stupidly volunteered personal information to law enforcement. Well, I could not imagine that anyone would ever do that but then the government and law enforcement officials have done a good job at brainwashing people.
That all said, we can see how much nonsense there is about sex offender registration because none of the rational above implies to anything about an individual’s risk in the community – nothing. Consequently, officials have lost sight to why we have sex offender registries which is to identify particular individuals who present a real threat to community safety whereby there is a justified state and public interest to publish criminal information online. The only time and place that sex offender registration on a private citizen is to be determined is in a criminal court at the time of criminal adjudication. It is not anyone else’s place (and this also includes government appointed Sex Offender Management Boards) to ever make that determination.
I will emphasize to you again, –Do Not Volunteer Your Personal Information to Anyone—!!! SORNA is clearly unconstitutional and wrong. ‘Wrong’ meaning that it is irrational for someone to be deemed a risk to the public in one state when not deemed a risk in another state. Either a particular individual is a risk, or not a risk. Risk level on a private citizen cannot change just because of moving from one state to another state. The logical and right thinking is that if the court convicted you order you to register for 10 years and you have completed your legal duty in your state you were convicted, and have been removed from the registry then you are rightfully no longer under any obligation to register as a sex offender with anyone entity. The end! You —Do Have A Right— to –Not– comply to it.
Finally, everything concerning an individual’s sex offender registration falls back to the state (local level) where the private citizen was convicted. Private citizens do not report directly to the federal government; they report to their local law enforcement agency. Federal sex offender registration laws are regulations placed on states at their discretion to comply or not comply to them. If a state does not comply to SORNA, which most states do not, SORNA is then not enforceable on individuals. In your situation, if you were to be confronted with a U.S. Marshal (federal police) or other federal law enforcement agency, they would only contact Minnesota law enforcement to verify if you are required or not required to register as a sex offender there, which in your case they could not enforce SORNA on you because you are not longer required to register in Minnesota. As long as you do not have to register in Minnesota then you are off the hook per se.
I hope that this helps clear up some confusion. Stand strong and fiercely fight for your human rights!
Again, good luck to you!
Sam (this is NOT legal advice)…I am not sure that SORNA only applies to SORNA Compliant States and registrants there in, but be that as it may, that is not your question….
You are not required at the moment to register where you reside
You are only going to Hawaii for 9 day, (Hawaii has a 10 day presence/need to register requirement)…
So you would be gone before Hawaii law applied to you….at all, imo
I don’t think that you would have to register in Hawaii if you were in Hawaii for 14 days…but that isn’t the question.
More interesting would be if you wanted to move to Hawaii…I don’t think you would register in this instance either…but here you would need the opinion of a Hawaiian Criminal Attorney, not Law Enforcement…almost never LE for advice.
Their job is to convict you…of anything they can…I’m not anti-LE and LE was very helpful in my original case…but in 199x someone new on the force burned me unjustly, (as is most of this crap)…I was lucky to completely skate…I have been specifically targeted by Angel’s Watch…and skated again…because I should have…I really am clean…but Law Enforcement, sorry to say, is not your friend.
Be careful, but more than careful, be smart…but 9 days in Hawaii…maybe you are not explaining it properly…what law or regulation would require you to register anywhere?
Good Luck, James
This is interesting:
I’ll be t every registered citizen was under the radar on this. Huh, turns out it was an acquaintance of the family! Go effing figure! So what good did the registry accomplish in that case? Uhhhh, none?
I just went to the donate page and wonder if someone could maybe help me out , wail I am very poor I still would like to help with what little I can send , is there a way for those of us that don’t have a credit card or bank account of any kind , to be able to send a money order ?? and become a member as well , like sending e mail with donations ? it says we can send stamps and all that but nothing about money orders , all of us even if some live Out Doors , or a shabby little room like mine should have some way to get behind this , I mean after all we all have dog in this fight
Would anybody happen to have pre-Megan’s Law recidivism statistics? Seeing if the numbers bear out the truth as we know it; lowest recidivism rates of all but one group, before and after the implementation of the on line public registry.
I found this #21 ion this website on the Certificate of Registration faq section. It speaks of a new Bill, which purportedly, has a better chance of passing “next year? Anyone know what year we’re speaking of? this has to do with creating a tier system in CA.
” What can I do to change California’s requirement to register?
Your support of California RSOL will help to change California’s requirements to register. We lobbied this year on behalf of Assembly Bill 702 that would have created a tiered registry in California. Although the bill was defeated, we expect a similar bill to be reintroduced next year. A bill next year has a greater chance to be passed because it is not an election year.Donations to the organization are easy to make using the “Donate” button on the home page or by sending a check or money order to 1313 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Donations are used for expenses such as postage, meeting rooms and photocopies. Everyone who works on behalf of California RSOL is a volunteer and is not paid for his or her time spent on this worthy cause.”
Not sure if anyone caught this, but a new bill was introduced on February 19th, 2016
AB 2569
Will require persons convicted of PC 288.1 to have their information publicly available on the Megan’s Law website.
Current Status:
March 8th: Referred to the Committee on Public Safety
I am looking for some feedback on expungement and reductions. Both and Mr. Oberstein have stated I have grounds to petition for both (complicated as law changed in 2014 and my convictions are no longer eligible). There are many people who have had success using both. Before I “pull the trigger” does anyone have any feedback they can share on either?
If you gave money to CSOL to help with this IML lawsuit, I appreciate it.
If you haven’t just donate even if you don’t have any money.
I m actually over $25,000 in debt. I will donate $10.00 soon.
Even if you are not in California. This IML lawsuit affects all RC and their family in the USA. If everyone who are affected by IML donate $10.00 or even $5.00 it can go a long way to get RC freedom back!
Which is better? Losing $10.00 now and help win this IML lawsuit or never travel outside of the USA for the rest of your life?
Maybe californiarsol should have a goal chart that shows how much have been donated and how much more money we need to get before reaching the goal.
It has been 2 years since my arrest for C.P., and 1 year since my release from jail(90 days). I have very few possessions left. I finally have a really crappy minimum wage job that doesn’t pay the bills. I used to make $90,000 as a therapist. Some of my old clients still come to me because they see a good person that made a terrible mistake during a terrible period in his life. I have no friends here anymore, and if the new I.M.L. stands, I will never see my family again. My girlfriend died of cancer, and now I go day to day like a zombie. I sit alone and drink a coffee, which is now a distracting luxury. The therapist says, ” it will get better!”. My brother finally called after one year and said I “sound better”. Everyone says these things to make themselves feel better, but I continue to suffer. When I’m off probation, I will be able to dissappear for good. I figure if I register, it will be a year before anyone realizes I left this world. I can let the ocean be my resting place. I will be at peace and with the love of my life.
Utah is on top of some things…other states should follow suit.
Obama’s potential pick , Sri Srinivasan ? look out , been in bed with big oil that don’t care what happens to people over sea’s , I wish I cut and paste , anyway just in case someone has not see this ,
Because of my 290, I am not allowed access the CA Megan’s Law website, however, I want to put a list together so I can contact some local RCs and introduce them to CA RSOL. Can I legally use the information from 3rd party websites, like, or Homefacts to make this list?
I simply would not abide by such a law prohibiting Registrants from viewing the online database. The constitutionality of it, as far as I know, has never been challenged and I cannot imagine that it could be upheld.
Speaking for myself, I see my contempt for this law to be the least possible effort I could make in asserting my rights.
This may be somewhat off-topic, but doesn’t it seem that there are some very dangerous groups of people who are massively more likely to re-offend than we are.
My guess is these people can live in just about any state…with more freedom and less fear of vigilante attack. They get a drivers license in CA.? And they can most likely travel as long as they have the money to do so.
According to newly released data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 124 illegal immigrant criminals who were released from prison by the Obama administration have been charged with murder since 2010.
Just another case of those who commit horrible crimes having more freedom than someone who lands on the SOR.
Interesting read about Supreme Court Nominee Garland:
“Judge Garland has not been called upon to decide many civil-rights-related claims of great significance. It is difficult to label him as inclined either towards or against such claims, given that the panels on which he sat in such cases were generally unanimous.
When, however, Judge Garland participated in a divided ruling, it was generally in favor of the plaintiff.”
“The unanimous rulings in which Judge Garland participated similarly reflect a concern that civil rights plaintiffs receive an appropriate day in Court. E.g., Steele v. Schafer, 535 F.3d 689 (2008) ”
Entire blog:
On Monday I went to court and was granted expungement (1203.4) of my misdemeanor conviction of 647.6. As I understand, this is the first step to take on the road to a certificate of rehabilitation.
My conviction was in mid-2010. Does anyone know how much more time must elapse before I’m able to try for that certificate?
Please help?
Does this forum have a mailing list? Not that I can find.
It would be helpful to disseminate information that is vital for RSO to be aware of as not everyone checks the site daily and even if you do, the way it is organized it is easy to overlook or miss important news stories and particularly ones that need action by RSO in California.
Just one example of how this website could be doing much more than it is currently doing.
just FYI as I’m researching travel opportunities and country policies toward us.
I ran across the story where Mike Tyson was banned from the UK, and there was some mention in it about the UK’s immigration change along with some of the changes:
” “In December 2012 we {the Uk} toughened up the rules on entering the UK, replacing the previous discretionary approach with a clearer, stronger framework including mandatory refusals based on the length of, and time since, sentence.'”
It’s also interesting to note that in lieu of being in the UK he ended up in Paris France some how on that trip.
” Under the new immigration rules, any person who has been sentenced to more than four years in prison is barred from entering the country.”
The article: