CA RSOL Meeting in San Diego – June 18

California RSOL’s June meeting will take place in San Diego on June 18. The meeting will start at 10 am at California Western School of Law, Room LH2 at 225 Cedar Street, San Diego, CA 92101 Topics of discussion will include general issues facing registrants and their families as well as pertinent current issues, such as the recent International Megan’s Law lawsuit. The meetings are intended for registrants, friends and family, associated service providers and other supporters. Government and media representatives are not invited to attend. Join us! Show up, Stand up, Speak up!

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How can a sex offender be rehabilitated if following the rules does not count? (Letter to the Editor)

West Virginia lawmakers, upon discovering that a young man working as a legislative intern was on the sex offender registry, promptly fired him and are now revising the hiring process to prevent a registrant from being hired in the future. Full Letter Background Lawmakers to overhaul intern rules after sex offender hired

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