CA RSOL Meeting in San Diego – June 18

California RSOL’s June meeting will take place in San Diego on June 18. The meeting will start at 10 am at California Western School of Law, Room LH2 at 225 Cedar Street, San Diego, CA 92101

Topics of discussion will include general issues facing registrants and their families as well as pertinent current issues, such as the recent International Megan’s Law lawsuit.

The meetings are intended for registrants, friends and family, associated service providers and other supporters. Government and media representatives are not invited to attend.

Join us! Show up, Stand up, Speak up!

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I wish we could go , but good luck to all that do go, , be very careful , the hwy patrol have been on top of everything in Kern County ,

San Diego is a full two day drive, each direction for me now that i’m back at the Northern California/Oregon coastline. I will prob not be attending any of the meetings for the foreseeable future.

It would be great to teleconference and be able to interact via IRC chat overlay with those registered to attend.

I live in the high desert of San Bernardino county. I hope to attend. If I can’t is there a conference call that I can participate? Ches

Is there a conference call that we can participate in? Ches

I don’t know bout that Ches, you really don’t know who’s on the line that would want to interrupt the good vibes on those who are present. Just saying if you can be in person that’s the ticket !
Thanks for interest in trying to be involved.
Treat people in a fair humane manner… As they themselves would want to be treated.
To everything… Turn..Turn..Turn.

I don’t know bout that Ches, you really don’t know who’s on the line that would want to interrupt the good vibes on those who are present. Just saying if you can be in person that’s the ticket !
Thanks for interest in trying to be involved.
Treat people in a fair humane manner… As they themselves would want to be treated.
To Everything… Turn. Turn..Turn.

If Laura Ahearn and her goons were really about helping victims why would they take part in creating victims? Why would they deny help to victims coming to them seeking help? Having these escorted out of the building… Perhaps they cherry pick which victims and children they will help? Why would Parents for Megan’s Law take $25,000 from the victims fund to support their hefty insurance increase? Is it the tax payers fault this groups illegal actions have made them such a high risk? Perhaps most important – Why does a corrupt Suffolk County legislature continue to support and stand by this groups illegal behavior in violation of New York State Law? Perhaps Steve Bellone thinks he can keep distributing tax payer money dishonestly to his friends because he thinks all eyes are on his X-pal DA Spota and no one will notice his dirty deeds??? Parents for Megan’s Law EXPOSED –

I for one will be there will all my hear and soul.. I discharge on June 12th. I need to be there.

I’ll be coming from Lake Forest, Orange County — right off the 5. If anyone wants to carpool, I’d share the cost of gas as driver or passenger.

I am going to the event as well, I will be originating from the Riverside area and driving down the I-15. Text me at this number +1 417-717-1948.

Wish I could be there today. Hopefully next time.
I hope the meeting goes well for all.

