SD: A second chance for sex offenders

South Dakota’s sex offenders were given a new avenue to get off the state registry, but few have taken the path to clearing their name. According to legislation passed in July 2010, sex offenders are placed into three tiers dependent upon their offenses. If they follow their treatment programs and don’t re-offend, people in the first and second tier are eligible to get off the sex offender registry entirely. Full Article

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Final Presence Restrictions Lawsuit Ends in Settlement

The City of Carson has agreed to settle the final presence restrictions lawsuit pending in the state of California. A total of 31 lawsuits were filed starting with the City of Lancaster in December 2012. As a result of these lawsuits, the only presence restriction that remains is a state law that prohibits registrants on parole from visiting public parks without first obtaining permission from a parole officer. “This is a significant victory,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “The City of Carson has agreed to honor the terms of…

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Government Files Motion to Dismiss IML Lawsuit [updated with Opposition to Motion to Dismiss]

The federal government filed a Motion to Dismiss the IML lawsuit this week. The government’s motion is based upon allegations that the plaintiffs in the case lack standing and that the challenge to the addition of a unique identifier to passports is not yet ripe. “The government’s Motion to Dismiss the IML lawsuit must be taken seriously,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “The motion, however, is not based upon legal precedent but instead upon wishful thinking.” In its motion, the government argues that plaintiffs lack standing because “they do…

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Janice’s Journal: This Wall Will Fall

In our community of registered citizens, the wall of injustice is thick and high.  It is thick due to the public’s failure to see the truth and it is high due to laws that have been passed for more than 50 years. Why does the public fail to see the truth about registered citizens?  After all, there are hundreds of studies and reports published by leading authorities in both the public and private sectors which conclude that individuals convicted of a sex offense are unlikely to commit another sex offense.…

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