New War on Drugs, Which Means It’s About Race

More than 750,000 Americans are currently registered as sex offenders. That is a fact. But that is just about the only hard fact when it comes to sex offenders, a group that social scientists struggle to secure funding to study and that communities react to with predictable opprobrium. It’s an untenable situation and it’s getting worse. Trevor Hoppe, a sociology professor at the University at Albany, has documented the growth of the sex offender class between 2005 and 2013 for Law and Social Inquiry and found compounding failures on the part of the legal system. Full Article

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Interesting article. Though the data that could really provide answers is even more difficult to acquire than anything mentioned in the article. Want an excellent example of insufficient language for discussion purposes even just among researchers? Try explaining the underlying components of human sexual pursuits and sexual contexts, dating and courtship, relationships, attraction, beauty, and flirting just to list a few subjects.

The message in this article is important as it links the nation’s “war” on drugs to the nation’s “war” on sex offenders. In both “wars”, the government uses similar words and similar actions. One marked difference between the “wars” is that people in almost all socio-economic groups are affected in the sex offender “war”. This difference may in the end help us win that war when a state governor, U.S. Senator or perhaps a former President is convicted of a sex offense.

Like the war on drugs, the war on illegal sex is creating an economic underclass. From the data I have seen in California, the highest densities of registered offenders are in urban areas, the poorer communities and not in wealthier coastal areas with the higher property values. And the difference in densities between poor and wealthy communities is major. This economic disadvantage transfers to the families of registrants, putting the children of registrants at a distinct disadvantage. Some way to promote the welfare of children, not!

This can also be a new topic .(moderator)
Discrimination: Discrimination: Discrimination.!
Drugs are an object to be against.
They incite public policy to be Against a person ; people.
There’s a BIG difference in their “war”. Their public policy incites to discriminate.

The so called “war on drugs” was against an object=the alleged drug.
This “war” against exoffenders is blatant discrimination bias prejudice on the person; people.
Judges, does it have to be in Vegas style lights; ‘war’ is punishment.?.

When a Government declares war on it’s own people is it not time for a revolution?

Average Joe registrant is concerned about registry add-on laws that affect his ability to live and are leveled against him for being a member of a class that gets collectively punished quite frequently. Average Joe registrant and I would also say the consensus of those here is that they are not concerned with the way things are reported to police that do not single out registrants. Average joe registrant, I believe, is not so concerned with how investigations are started as long as registrants are not scapegoated, accused unduly in those investigations, or singled out in any way. Registrants have an under 1% reoffense rate during parole. After 17 years, registrants have the same offense rate as the general public. Average joe registrant is not committing sex crimes and would like to see less sex crime. Having so many mandated reporters may make things more difficult for non-registrant sex offenders to get away with their crimes. To average joe registrant, there are already more than a few people already reporting their every move to the authorities. Mandated reporters ,who are not psychologists/psychiatrists, as I am not talking about those mandated reporters, but the kind at Universities, who could actually witness sexual abuse as in the Sandusky case, those mandated reporters are not generally reporting on registrants.

Registrant = Someone who is forced to register
Unadjudicated arrestee = someone arrested but court process has not been completed
detained, accused = someone interrogated, but not arrested
non-registrant sex offender = I generally use this term to mean someone who does not register, has not been arrested, and not interrogated, who is actively committing sex offenses. This group accounts for over 19 of 20 sex crimes.

ill bet Tyson and that billionaire in Florida move freely anyplace in the world. I evev trump mentioned Tyson as one who endorsed him. I don’t know what that could mean for us or how we can use that info but apparently trump was proud enough to have Tysons endorsement that he said it on a major news channel. and Tyson is considered a SVP.I don’t know what I’m getting at I’m just throwing it out there.

here is just one link there are many more just put trump tyson friends in the search and you get hundreds of articles.

your absolutely right Joe i cant find anywhere where the billionaire epstien has been denied entry and its hard to comprehend that tyson didn’t try to fight his ban i just guess he didn’t want all the bad publicity.