A bill to extend supervision of low-level sex offenders for another decade failed to gain approval in the Legislature in 2016. Full Article
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Unfortunately I couldn’t read the entire article.
10 years extended to 20 years I think is enough grief for anybody.
“They should not be removed from the registry,” said Assembly. Dean Murray (R-East Patchogue), sponsor of the Assembly bill, which was passed with strong bipartisan support in the Senate. He said Level 1 offenders are being released from supervision because the Assembly failed to act on his bill”
Released from supervision or released from the registry? Supervision (parole) and probation are entirely different than being required to register for 20 years. Hardly any one does parole for 20 years although being on the registry feels like it
Ny level 1 citizens who are registered cause very very little problems in society. Those who do will face the wrath of our criminal justice system same as repeat animal abusers and murderes, repeat gang violence offenders, political corruption reoffenders (do they re-offend?), and repeat, repeat, repeat domestic violence abusers.
I’m glad for the defeat of the bill and am happy to see, yet again, an assemblyman put his foot in his mouth and call this supervision. Basically punishment.
My question would be this. Since the mighty state of California doesn’t have a tiered system and we have the most registrants, what happens IF the state gets a tiered system? Because of due process, wouldn’t ALL register citizens have to be evaluated individually? That’s over 135,000 if I am not mistaken.
Talk about a can of worms.
Too bad you can’t read the entire article
I bet Laura Ahole and Parents For Megan’s Flaw are having a pity party right now since they will have a few less registrants to harass.
“…Laura Ahole…”
ROFLOL!!!!!! I got a good laugh from this one, Derek! 🙂
If I am not mistaken, is New York not one of the states that “tier” their registry on a variant of the Static-99R scam? So it makes me wonder how many so-called “high risk” or “high-level” sex offenders are subject to lifetime registration scams when they are not at all high risk. An actuarial “intrument” that purports to predict human behavior, based on 10 so-called “risk factors,” is probably a scam. It’s just troubling when our great state would push the notion that, based on faulty science, one’s quantum of future risk must control whether one must register for life (as is disingenuously claimed by CASOMB’s tiered proposal). Hopefully advocates will work to expose and discredit the Static-99 Canadian fraudsters that give themselves the phony name of “developers” to make themselves SEEM more credible than they really are.
More congratulations to Janice and her team. I’m thrilled to see the new name and format.
New York is still the best place for Level 1 offenders as long as that sad bitter person Laura and her paid Trumpite employees are constantly challenged and that we must all do! Remember, poor bitter sad Laura comes from and works in the Anus Mundi of New York State- Suffolk County.
Please solicit the ACLU and NYCLU- write and express yourselves here and the more we write and help ourselves the better our lives will become.
Only letters, peaceful action, Youtube, Social Media and whatever you can legally use will have an effect.
I’ll make this short… You’re running off the page on my mobile so….
If you’ll notice, it was controlled by a democrat during the creation of the Tuttle mess. Sure you could ignore that and still push the blame to republicans just like you did and of course you’re talking out of your are when you say Miami has been mayored by “I hate Castro” republican as you can clearly AS FUCK see lol. Try googling first, flapping your toe-kissers next.
The reason I “went after” you was because of the seemingly flippant attitude another rso showed in placing blame by party and giving a pass for his party. I’ve gone on to show you that you’re full of shite bud.
Also my remark about the registries going back for a good bit longer than the 90’s was to show you that it has been a slow progressive build under the watchful eyes of both Democrats and Republicans. A registry has been in place since the 30’s…first for gangsters and then for us later on with ever increasing penalties so although Cali has finally put a stop to one aspect they let it build up to that point over a very long time.
I would happily do the same on your definitions/misunderstandings of Libertarians and many of the irrelevant points and links you’ve provided but doing so is especially tedious on a mobile phone. And for the record.. Libertarian is an umbrella term so is democrat. I know there are many different variations as there are with Libertarians.
Maybe one day they’ll get a standard forum going and we could go at it.
I’d advise you though to seek therapy for your obvious narcissistic tendencies. Speaking in third person which is of course a red flag of.
Take care dockers.
Does anyone have an update on this please?