The Myth and the Propaganda of Halloween and Registered Sex Offenders

3 weeks from today is Halloween 2016 and in about 2 weeks I’ll post my annual Do’s and Don’ts list for RSO’s in Virginia on Halloween.

Over the years of advocating for data-driven laws and reform here I’ve learned the worst time of year for Myth-Based and Hysteria-Driven articles, policies and laws is Halloween. Halloween can be more emotionally draining than the annual Virginia General Assembly in Richmond. Full Article on It’s Time to Reduce, Reconstruct, Reclassify, Rethink and Reform the Virginia Sex Offender Registry

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We live in a sad place, I mean I grew up watching the twilight zone and the fears that people can fall prey too, and the worst episodes were of mass hysteria. It’s a fact, Halloween is one of the safest nights in this country for those who trick & treat. The biggest danger is idiots driving and running over and into them.

In the name of fear based safety these phobia driven people for their own benefit are destroying every significant culturally acceptable American event there is. When are people going to realize they are being manipulated to give away their rights to enjoy life.

I want an acceptable answer from someone who has the legal duty to uphold our laws to explain why they are allowing these non American fear fanatics to make a mockery of our nation. I can just imagine what other countries think of us now. Look at whats happening in the Phillipines, they basically told us to go to hell because we have no moral authority to say anything.

How can we continue to claim we represent the land of the free and the brave, when we permit slavery, deny people every constitutional right, and our legal system continues to allow these fear fanatics the opportunity to pass laws and ordinances they know are unconstitutional? Regulating products, animals, etc., may be legal, but regulating human behavior that requires a person to tell anyone everything they want to know can only be defined as slavery or non-citizenship. No one who thinks could deny this, and yet judges claim it is legal.

Now its easy to understand why people in this country are easily misled, the law is meaningless. Irrespective of the outcome of all of the effort to overturn these laws and it’s success, the damage has been done, and it is extensive. To those who still think the law and the Constitution mean anything, I give them respect, as for the rest, well they will be responsible for the destruction of this country.

My court ordered conditions of probation do not include “house arrest on Halloween” but guess what..