Murrieta City Council Revises Residency Restrictions

The Murrieta City Council unanimously voted in favor of revising its residency restrictions on February 21. When it becomes effective, the revised ordinance will apply only to registrants on parole who live within 1,000 feet of schools and parks. The revised ordinance also limits the number of registrants who can live in individual housing units and creates exceptions for some disabled registrants.

“The revised residency restrictions adopted by the City Council tonight will violate the Constitution and be inconsistent with recent decisions by the California Supreme Court,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “The City Council has exchanged one arbitrary distance for another arbitrary distance.”

During the Council’s discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Jonathan Ingram stated that the proposed revisions were both disturbing and necessary because the City had been backed into a corner by the filing of two lawsuits representing three plaintiffs. City Councilman Randen Lane added that the lawsuits are just 2 of a total of 88 lawsuits filed by attorney Janice Bellucci on behalf of registrants. In addition, Police Chief Sean Hadden noted that he believes the City has crafted a law it can defend.

The first lawsuit challenging residency restrictions in the City of Murrieta was filed in federal district court in October 2015. A second lawsuit was filed in the same federal district court in March 2016. The City filed a Motion to Dismiss the case in January 2016, which was denied. The judge later granted plaintiffs application for a Temporary Restraining Order in July 2016 and Motion for Preliminary Injunction in August 2016.

“The City of Murrieta is an outlier because unlike other cities that have been sued, this City failed to repeal its residency restrictions which undermine public safety by increasing the homeless rate of registrants,” stated Bellucci.
During the City Council meeting, City Attorney Jeff Morris stated that there are currently 64 registrants living in Murrieta. Of that total, there are 6 registrants on parole.

“The City Council focused only upon the number of registrants currently living in Murrieta and not the number of registrants who would choose to live there in the absence of the city’s residency restrictions,” stated Bellucci. “As a result, the City has chosen once again to harm families.”

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This is B.S
How do you say the rule should not be applied to one side, then turn around and apply it to the other with no effing reason for supporting it???
They must enjoy watching us and our families squirm at every flick of the wrist.
I pray that those of us lucky enough to find a path off the shame list can rise up in office and pull the weeds.
I wish Janice would pursue political power…

How is it a city can determine parole conditions?

Let’s get em!

Janice, you’re a Saint. Thank you.

California has recently had at least two police officers killed by career criminals with multiple violent felonies including fire arms and are known gang members released back into the community only to resume their violent behavior, yet, no special residency restrictions, no registration, no public registry. It seems the city council has the bully syndrome of going after the most passive people they can focus on.

All these cities and County politicians just sit back all day and think of ways to fight the ACSOL it looks like Marietta found a loophole which every city and county will probably adopt the truth is every registered citizens will probably have to register and be publicly displayed for the rest of their lives

Eric….c’mon bro, put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn’t your spine shrivel up and fever set in if you got a taste of enslavement? I mean….if the roles were reversed, wouldn’t you destroy them?
Wouldn’t you paint a target on them and their children?
Of course not. We’ve all been handed a plate of Sh*t and forced to eat it. Yet we still cling to hope and for the most part believe in the good of man. That’s the passive part of who we all are. As our numbers swell, tempers flare and we see our unholy group start to organize…
This country protects Murderers and Gang Members, and yes Terrorists and feeds us to the Wolves because we pose no immediate threat of retaliation.
Eventually we’ll all get sick of chasing residency restrictions and r-tarded sh*t like that there. Until then, just sit tight. It’ll happen.
As far as Murrieta goes, Janice will twist the knife on that one.
P.S tax season is upon us, I plan to donate what I can and hope y’all do the same.

I agree with you ” ready to Fight”, The pot can only boil for so long before it boils over.
I some times read Suggested Bills that cover other issues besides RSO’s, if it’s a stupid bill that Might harm their Reelection, I email them and tell them it’s a great bill.