CO: Why One County Took Its Sex-Offender List Offline

Montrose County, on Colorado’s Western Slope, has pulled its sex-offender list offline, reportedly because of a recent court ruling in which U.S. District Court Judge Richard Matsch found that such registries constituted cruel and unusual punishment in the case of three plaintiffs. The action was taken despite the fact that the ruling is specific to the complainants in question, rather than everyone on the roster, and Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman has announced her intention to appeal. Full Article

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While at first I was wanting to give kudos to this sheriff, I then started thinking a bit deeper. Are you telling me it was only because of this single ruling, by one judge in a district not covering his county, that the sheriff felt the registry is punishment? I seriously doubt that. And that means he’s felt it punishment for some amount of time yet, like a German solider in WWII, was “just following orders.” So “guarded kudos” to the sheriff for making a statement on our behalf, but the overarching statement I get from his action is that he’s doing some CYA and straddling the fence at the same time. If he truly wants to take a stand, he should pull down the site entirely. None of this, “we don’t post it here, but you can find it on the State site.”

I guess I should be happier that there’s someone taking a stand beyond what a court is forcing to happen…but I’m not. Hopeful, but not very impressed.

Wow. Nice to see law enforcement actually being proactive in such a case rather than being dragged, kicking and screaming, like so many. Then again, he’s probably an actual good cop who pays attention to statistics and actual rate of re-offence, and sees that vast majority of people he overseas have yet to re-offend. I bet he seems the same drug and alcohol abusers over and over and only see’s RC’s during their annual reg.

ummm.. Homefacts and OffenderRader both defended themselves in the past that they take the info from state websites… I wonderer if the state websites go black would their info disappear?

Hahahaha. They know the AG’s gonna lose in court. The woman’s got nothing but lies on her side.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigations runs and maintains the Colorado online registry, so what exactly did this sheriff pull from the internet? His own supplemental and redundant community shaming list? 🤔

It’ll be interesting to see the “outbreak” of sex crimes in this county now that the sex offender registry is private.

Seriously though, I do hope all advocates for reformation laws document this occurrence for its entire duration and present it as a demonstration of what life would be like if the registries were removed from public forums.

TS- Being in Los Angeles, I wasn`t aware that smaller counties have their own offender page on the sheriffs dept website. Interesting. So the online registry has octopus tentacles replicating itself everywhere.

AJ- I wonder if one of the plaintiffs lives in this sheriffs jurisdiction?

Interesting….hey the scheme won’t ever fall we heard from some of the naysayers on here. Eat crow……

Wait a minute. a sheriff pulled it and the AG is appealing….wow did I name the erong defendants????I thought the AG has controll over whether it can be pulled or not…I really hope I didn’t just waste all that time and another $120 and o find out I sued the wrong people…

No, I think since the AG is the one that will be appealing the decision, then that means she is trying to defend the registry, which makes me believe that I absolutely have named the right defendants…

yeah, I am surprised that a local sheriff can even have control over any registry in any form and the top dog can’t tell them what to do…