MO: Vicki Henry Is Fighting to Reform the Way Missouri Treats Sex Offenders


Four hours into the armed standoff, the narrow residential street in Arnold is crowded with police cruisers, ambulances and SWAT trucks. Two TV news crews set up in someone’s front lawn, training their camera lenses on a boxy armored personnel carrier parked outside a one-floor duplex on West Highview Drive.

A TV reporter relays in a breaking news update that federal officials would not release any information about the suspect, only that the man is believed to be armed and that FBI agents arrived at the home around 7 a.m. to serve a search warrant for “a court-authorized law enforcement purpose.”
A neighbor evacuated from her home sits on a lawn chair in a patch of shade, smoking a cigarette. Yes, she says, she knows the woman who lives in the duplex. She doesn’t mention the woman’s name, but it’s Vicki Henry.

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I am so sorry to read that Vicki is going through this. My heart is heavy for her and her family and her son.
Personally speaking, after hearing about this, it will only cause me to support Vicki and WAR all the more! IF her son relapsed (and I say IF), it’s because he was not able to get on with his life.
If a person is in such a horrible place in their life that they feel the need to look at c.p., then shunning them by putting them onto a public registry is only going to throw gasoline onto the fire!!!
The criminal “justice” system in this country SUCKS!!!! It’s designed to be a revolving door, and I call bullsh**!!!

God Bless you, Vicki. We are here for you 100% no matter what!

Vicki, please continue to fight. I’m sorry that you’re going through all this recently. The tactical gear to get into your house seems quite excessive.

A lot of people don’t realize the terrible stigma that comes from being on the registry.

Son is on Parole in 2010, 3 months later US Marshal raid home under claim of CP on computer, none found.
July 2017 FBI raid home again looking for CP, will there be any? Still waiting to hear.
So………. have the US Marshall’s & the FBI raided Vicki Henry’s home under CP claim to take her WAR computers and/or RSO contacts?
If no CP is found again (2017), then I say YES her advocacy is what these Federal raids are really about, not CP!

I feel bad for Vicky and the rest of her family , best wishs for everyone in her boat in MO , its bad out that way , and this registry needs to come down , all our family’s are having a hard life , this is a sad time we living in and we must fight

This maybe a strange twist. It looks like the government is nearing the end of their rope. As facts are raising to the top their lies are being exposed, which, pushes the government into the corner of last straws.