State Department Revokes Second Passport

The State Department has revoked the passport of a second California registrant.  Similar to the first known revocation, a State Department letter dated January 22, 2018, informed the registrant that he is “not entitled to a U.S. passport that does not contain the passport endorsement required pursuant to” the International Megan’s Law (IML).  The letter also informed the registrant that he could apply for a new passport which includes the endorsement required by the IML provided that the registrant pays “all required fees”.

Unlike the first known registrant whose passport was revoked after he completed an overseas trip, the second registrant recently attempted but was unsuccessful in traveling overseas on a vacation with his wife.  The couple was given a boarding pass for a flight to a Caribbean island, however, the U.S. airline on which they had purchased roundtrip tickets refused to allow them to board the flight.  The registrant received by mail at his home address the State Department’s notice that his passport had been revoked within 30 days of his scheduled departure.

In a related story, a California registrant purchased a roundtrip ticket to South Korea in December 2017 in order to attend an important business meeting.  Although he attempted to obtain a boarding pass for his flight to that country, the U.S. airline refused to issue him a boarding pass.  The registrant subsequently requested a full refund for his roundtrip ticket, however, the airline has refused that request.  The registrant has obtained legal assistance in this matter.  He has not received a letter from the State Department regarding revocation of his passport.


State Department Revokes Registrant’s Passport

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It appears the government is putting the airlines in a bad situation. I would imagine that this will only help the many lawsuits that will be filed against the government and perhaps now, even the airlines.

So this doesn’t limit our ability to travel right? Oooh look how not like punishment it is! (sarcasm)

This is ridiculous

Is it ripe now?

The fact that they are not able to leave the US – as opposed to being denied entry by a sovereign foreign nation that can do as they please – seems hugely significant. This IS indeed a prohibition to leave the US, now.

I have questions-‘In a related story, a California registrant purchased a roundtrip ticket to South Korea in December 2017 in order to attend an important business meeting. Although he attempted to obtain a boarding pass for his flight to that country, the U.S. airline refused to issue him a boarding pass. The registrant subsequently requested a full refund for his roundtrip ticket, however, the airline has refused that request. The registrant has obtained legal assistance in this matter. He has not received a letter from the State Department regarding revocation of his passport.’

Did he inform the CA state he was traveling and offered his flights details etc etc?
Did he travel knowingly after he received the letter from the State Dept to turn his passport in?

NO drama please

The governments rational for this law is that people who commit crimes may do it again?

Why the f… do we have to pay the fees to get a new passport if they are revoking it for no reason except they decided to pass a new law?

My immediate thought…the United States has just declared a Civil Rights War.
This time we will win.

Too much missing information to know what action to take just yet…

Did the airline deny boarding at the direction of the State Department? Were they denied boarding due to the passport being revoked, even though the person had not yet received his letter?

Is the State Department ready to issue the new passports? Should anyone with upcoming travel plans reapply for a passport right away so that they won’t have this problem at the airport?

Do we know of anyone actually receiving one of the new passports? If I was to apply for a new passport right now would I get one or be faced with a months-long wait?

Would be nice to be able to get some answers. At least then I’d know what action to take to be able to continue traveling. I don’t want to travel with a marked passport, but if that’s the only way to travel then I will do it. To me it’s better to travel as a marked man than not be able to travel at all.

with the Korean guy that means there’s three not two cases; albeit the Korean guy seems to be the last person in the world to know about his revoked passport!

This part of the story is somewhat confusing:
“The registrant received by mail at his home address the State Department’s notice that his passport had been revoked within 30 days of his scheduled departure.” but yet he says he wasn’t allowed to board his scheduled flight, which could have been for an invalid passport. “The couple was given a boarding pass for a flight to a Caribbean island, however, the U.S. airline on which they had purchased round-trip tickets refused to allow them to board the flight.”

So the RSO knew prior to attempting to board his flight that his Passport was going to be revoked?

I’m guessing tomorrow marks the 10 day requirement that the Government must respond to the latest IML Complaint. Let’s hope for an injunction, so they can examine this mess, sooner rather than later.

If people are removed from registration will they get an identifier on their passport if they apply for one after they are removed?

They need to start suing the hell out of the federal government. What a disgrace. This country is going to sh*t as long as they allow laws like this to be passed that DESTROY human basic rights. Disgusting.

I know the comparison to Nazi Germany and other fascist regimes of the past has been brought up before, but these recent reports of people literally being stopped at the airport and prohibited from free travel is now a terrifying reality and is EXACTLY what had occured in the past (and were proven to be human rights violations).

I plan on travelling this summer to support my partner who’s showing his work at the Venice Biennial. This scares the hell out of me; I can’t afford to buy an expensive ticket and reserve hotel rooms only to be prevented from boarding. What is our game plan to counter this?

Wow, unbelievable. Trump’s corrupt State Department, enforcing a law signed by Obama. Both political parties are supporting oppression.

Does anybody know if after you have given your 21 day notice to travel to the state dept, or whoever gets it, if you cancel your trip do you have to notify them that you are no longer going to travel? Seems like if you didn’t notify them then it would create all sorts of unnecessary paperwork for the state department and also the other countries. They would be looking for you, but you would never arrive. kind of like the boy who cried wolf… or the country who cried wolf. Just wondering if we decided not to drive to Mexico if we have to hassle with paperwork telling them we canceled the trip.

Based on these 2 incidents, without knowing the exact details about how these RSO’s received Certified Letters, I’m thinking that there were 2 types of triggers involved. The first being when the RSO returned from overseas and passed through Customs at the U.S. Port of Entry. My guess is he received his letter soon thereafter. The second occurred when the RSO provided 21 advance notification to his Agency.

Any thoughts? It makes a difference in my case as to whether I should make the decision to return to the United States now or wait for the possibility of an Injunction. I certainly wouldn’t want my Passport revoked in the midst of processing my visa application.

Well, this is really too bad. It’s very unfortunate that he would buy a ticket and never be informed of this. In summary, he nor anyone else would not be aware unless this website existed. If I’m not mistaken, this new legislation only affects child related offenses? What if the individual is still required to register, but their original offense was expunged? Just curious.

I believe their timing on revoking these people’s passports was completely planned and intentional. They want to make it so painful to travel and have so many people lose money with all the hassle that we’ll all give up and not travel anymore. Since they can’t legally bar us from traveling they do the next best thing. Similar to the whole registry thing. They can’t legally lock us up for life so they put us in a virtual prison within our own homes. The only difference is we don’t get free room and board. I wouldn’t be surprised if more people get these notices right when they book a flight, but with not enough time to get a new passport. Don’t let them win. Just get a new one now and travel to Europe or Africa or any of these countries that will let us in. On the countries that aren’t known for letting RSO’s in apply for a visitor visa in advance. it looks much better if you come clean before uncle sam rats you out. And you will have much more open ears. They all know the US is incarceration nation so exploit that fact when you write your letters of explanation.

Does anyone know the airline involved? I’m traveling in April on an airline I’ve traveled before, I’ve always given my 21 day requirement, and will again, sounds like I should turn in my passport for one with an identifier

Boy I hate to say this but the public servants have finally brought about critical mass on this stuff Im afraid some bad things are bound to start to boil over you can only kick a million people in the ribs so many times They are going to end up with some serious problems on their hands.

It seems like revoking the passport then charging us fees for a new one is illegal. We bought the original passport for a term of 10 years. In effect they have stolen property without any trial. There ought to be a suit for that just to be a pain in their ass.

I was overseas when Adam Snowden was hiding in China,
remember that the State Dept. Revoked his passport and did not contact the airlines. This is while he was on a flight from China to Russia. They knew his passport was revoked they let him board and also let him enter Russia. It was not unit he got to customs that they said your passport has been revoked. So does the Govt have the authority to tell airlines to deny the person.