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And this reduces recidivism and sex crimes? What does this registry do? What are it’s goals?

They maybe doing this to create fear factor for the public and convince them of wanting more strict sex offender registry laws to protect them but nowadays we are waking up to this nonsense.

“Currently, 84 of the 490 offenders were convicted of sexual misconduct with a minor. Of those, about two would be considered as Romeo-and-Juliet cases, Shimkus said.”

More than half are on the registry for life. The other half are on the registry for 10 years or the number of years their convicting jurisdiction sentenced them.
This sentence jumped out at me. If registration is not punitive, how is it that a convicting jurisdiction “sentenced them”? Hmmmm…
I’m glad these Thin Blue Liars can go home with a feeling of “job well done” in reducing crime…(*end sarcasm*)

“It’s a public misconception that a lot of people think they’re on here for Romeo-and-Juliet type of offenses, where the offender is slightly older than the victim. The truth is the majority are very much older offenders than their child victims, Smotherman said. ”

I would beg to differ this statistic blurted out by this jerk Detective.

“Since the division’s creation, the team has arrested more than 300 offenders for failure to register.”

So almost 50% of all registrants were arrested for failure to register. You can bet they would have bragged if any of these arrests rescued a child currently being abused. So they didn’t save a child (or anyone else, for that matter, but did save some McDonald’s hamburgers from 2 sex offenders.)

School shooting occurs while cops out rounding up those with decades old convictions. NOT a headline, YET!

Community Policing means another level of lawmakers on the local level. Can a Congress create jurisdictions not contained in the constitution’s stated in the words? “No other than Federal and state shall be”. Exactly how that 21,000,000,000,000 was created. NBC used to call it, “The fleecing of America”. Wal-Mart shoppers pretty much describes one Americans concern for other Americans. That is the general attitude. Most prefer it fast and cheep and so what if it unemployed other Americans. Dog eat Dog as we follow our leadership. Tick tick tock till the next mass shooting. The press can not wait.

The whole sex offender registry is NOT the problem it is a symptom of the problem. The problem is fear and how the Media and law enforcement and other institutions like our schools and churches feed into it…Our real enemy is to fight false popular perceptions…

My videos shine a light of truth about those misconceptions. We all can do something…Like Janice says, “Show up, Stand up and Speak up” to do so is to fight a patriotic for free of all people…

“But when they walk in the door, “there’s no judgment,” Smothermon says. “Not all of them are monsters.”

NONSENSE! They DO judge. ALL of them. They also flatter themselves into thinking they’re making a difference. THEY”RE NOT.

In their subterranean windowless office, a small band…

Gee, such a dramatic entry to this rather bland article, much like Indiana overall. Trying to make them sound like they’re on par with Robin Hood and his motley crew of merry men who are a small band in Sherwood Forest! Back to the golden arches for you!

Must be nice to write the law to secure your own job for the future when you work with legislators.

Because having the Label means you are a criminal and a predator for life…