Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of March 2019. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
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Anyone have the link for the snyder case in court today in Mi. I wanted the link to see what was talked about?? Thanks
Looking at the tiers, I see tier III status is due to certain crimes and/or having been diagnosed as likely to commit the crime again. I’ve also noticed a lack of people arguing on the behalf or tier III offenders and wonder why? It’s easy to be classified as tier III in some states, not to mention it isnt right that people must stay at said status the rest of their lives. At the very least after so many years offence free, one should drop from tier III status. After all, a man listed as tier III for 10, 15, or 20 years and has been crime free obviously shouldn’t be listed as such. Not only would it lessen the amount of paperwork (and money) involved in the monitoring of said individuals, it would go far to show said people they have a chance to get off the registry. Reward good behavior and stop repeatedly telling people they’re nothing more than a threat to everyone!!!!!!!!!!
California keeps a secret list of criminal cops, but says you can’t have it.
Attorney General warns reporters it’s illegal to possess list of thousands of cop convictions.
Their crimes ranged from shoplifting to embezzlement to murder. Some of them molested kids and downloaded child pornography. Others beat their wives, girlfriends or children.
Thousands of California law enforcement officers have been convicted of a crime in the past decade, according to records released by a public agency that sets standards for officers in the Golden State.
Anyone have any stories about traveling to Europe? Looking to go to Germany soon and trying to find some information. Thanks.
So apparently for rational basis anymore the threshold (according to the magistrate) is as long as it is in the name of public safety. What a statement.
“Likewise, the Ninth Circuit has expressly held that sex offender registration laws analogous to California’s SORA are grounded in public safety concerns and pass rational basis review. Tandeske, 361 F, 3d at 597. Public safety provides a rational basis for California’s Megan’s Law and SORA, See, e,g,, James v. Gastello,
No. 17-cv-170-H (NLS), 2018 WL 3546312, at *8 (S.D, Cal, July 24,2018), report and
recommendation adopted, No. 3:17-CV-01570-H-NLS, 2018 WL 6018030 (S,D, Ca1. Nov. 16,
How about you tell the Taylor case that? What the hell kind of statement is that. Damn I wish I would have noticed that before.
And there we go again with the analogous statutes statement when they are not by order of magnitude.
Double damn, I did not exploit Tandeske’s statement about tailoring,
“Moreover, the Court held, the “broad categories” of offenses differentiated in the Act and the “corresponding length of the reporting requirement, are reasonably related to the danger of recidivism, and this is consistent with the regulatory objective.” Id. at 102, 123 S.Ct. 1140. Thus, although the Does possess liberty interests that are indeed important, Smith precludes our granting them relief.”
The only case I did not state that in my brief. Oh well, be great fodder for appeal. See what I am stating? No law has been upheld that did not have tailoring in some sense. This is the only reason CA is doing its tiering. The only reason, and maybe to get those that are exempt right now into the registry again. Scandalous, all of em…
Yet another list you cant have…
The gov’t sure does love their lists…
mile, lmao. oops. So yeah like I was saying. Wow look at this crap straight from the AG and DOJ website, I see NO ambiguity whatsoever in this.
“May I request copies of records concerning any individual pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250)?
Criminal History Records are not subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. In California, state and local summary criminal history information is confidential and access is strictly regulated by statute. Penal Code section 11105 expressly authorizes the DOJ to disclose state summary criminal history information to law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes only, to certain employers or regulatory agencies, or to the person who is the subject of the record.”
“Can I obtain a copy of my Superior Court Record?
The DOJ does not maintain or provide certified copies of California Local and/or Superior Court Records and as such, does not provide these source documents. To obtain a transcript, you will need to contact the court with jurisdiction over your particular case(s) for certified documents.”
WTFFFFFFFFF???????? Easily accessible public record my ass………… Even the superior court records sounds like it must be “YOUR particular case(s)” for you to even get transcripts. No wonder I have never been able to find mine or anyone else’s. Sure any individual can go sit in any courtroom unless there is a gag order or something, but government controlled records? I think not from the sound of it. See this shit is what I am talking about. Unless you know this crap you are burnt. This is going to be hard for the AG to overcome here since this is coming from their own site. Sure public safety can negate privacy but it has to significantly advance a state objective at minimum, and it has to be justified by fact and data.
Man I am tempted to file suit against the CA AG right now or sending a letter exactly like the AG sent the news outlet demanding they immediately remove my criminal history information from the website or face a monetary tort suit….
This is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Under the CA constitution privacy is an inalienable right,
ARTICLE I DECLARATION OF RIGHTS [SECTION 1 – SEC. 32] ( Article 1 adopted 1879. )
All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.
(Sec. 1 added Nov. 5, 1974, by Proposition 7. Resolution Chapter 90, 1974.)
@AJ, et al,
Here is an interesting article on SCOTUS Justice Thomas from a major source that I question at times, but gives us a term (super precedent) we refer to here in our discussions without saying it directly because we hope it happens against laws against the registrant.
Clarence Thomas Is in the Wrong Line of Work
He thinks he alone knows the right answer—and that’s not a good attitude for a judge.
🌟🌟 MI vs. Betts & Taylor 🌟🌟
Here is the video of yesterday’s oral arguments before the Michigan Supreme Court:
NOTE: The Betts & Taylor arguments begin at 38 minutes into the recording.
The arguments continue here (and may also be -in part – on one of the other YouTube videos):
Has anyone thought about pushing a fraud case against states/cities/counties that deliberately inflate their registry (mostly Florida, but likely others as well) in order to draw higher grants? Pretty sure there are existing federal laws about that. Certainly unethical, if nothing else.
Would really like to see AGs and LE explain at a hearing how continued registration of dead, incarcerated, and/or those who have left is “protecting” the public. Wouldn’t hurt to ask what specifically are the “additional protective steps” constantly alluded to in virtually all pro-registry arguments.
I’m bringing this article up here because of the nature of the topic where others falsely use it as a weapon. If there is a need for residency restrictions, these three have earned it.
Man in ‘gardening while black’ case sues 3 white women who falsely accused him of stalking, pedophilia
Yes it was all of that and the cops asked me if I wanted to pursue it and I said no. It was 10 years ago. I would handle it very differently now though.
Living in a jurisdiction with presence restrictions, it struck me that I should try to find some ammo to fight it. To that end, today I signed up for email notifications from my U.S. Rep. and Sens. (State equivalents to follow) in the hopes they someday speak at a location I’m not allowed to be. Zingo-bingo, instant First Amdt. issue. 🙂
Actually, one of my Sens. spoke at a school back in November. I recall it being open to the public (except this member of the public and his ilk) and am hunting down that info. I want to build a case-file in case I file.
So how many Dads have killed kids this year? And how many dads//anyone on a bogus llist have…
If you’re looking for work, the following places will help:
San Gabriel Valley:
Pirate Staffing
13050 Valley Blvd #203, La Puente, CA 91746
(626) 333-0110
(Most hires will work at Furniture of America in Industry on a permanent basis)
Torrance/Palo Alto/Carson
Horizon Personnel Services
23545 Carson Plaza Dr, Carson, CA 90746
(310) 513-0112
(Most hires will work at a factory packaging food for airlines in Palo Alto on a permanent basis)
Listening to the arguments for case Paul Betts video on the 2nd parts of the video, Justice Stephen J. MarkMan, asked counsel Jessica “does it ever cross your mind (this is just an academic question) to make argument under the state constitution due process clause that it’s unlawful to impose burdens on a criminal defendant, even when not punitive, when the consequences were not clearly establish…” << is the Court trying to give hint to counsel or us on how to challenge the registry? I also thought it was great that counsel Jessica let the Justices knew at the introduction of the recent 3rd circuit court regarding "custody" of the ha beaus case of registrant. I wondered how come non of the registrant attorneys mentioned the brief from MICHIGAN’S ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA NESSEL opposing THE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY? or mentioning of the Packingham "troubling facts" from Justice Kennedy while she was mentioning the case to the Court.
I’m surprised nobody (@Chris f?) has mentioned this news tidbit:
In a lawsuit filed Wednesday in a federal court in Texas, Huawei argued that when Congress called it out by name, that violated the Constitution’s Bill of Attainder clause, which prohibits Congress from singling out a company or individual for punishment without a trial.
Let’s see what the courts do with this much-underused and greatly-abused constitutional issue.
Watched the two Mi, cases yesterday Snyder & Bett’s, I think it seemed like the case went well, the prosecutor said (we can be sued under 1983, and we cant do anything about). also the that guy sounded like he knew it was/is wrong!! I’m going watch it again, Think you for the link, it seems promising to me, the Mi, cases are be used in a lot of other states, any thing new please post on this page.
Question- Doesn’t the very existence of a “Tiered” Registry suggest that the Registries intent is in fact PUNISHMENT???
The Second Prosecutors use the Tier as a “Bargaining Chip” I believe this to become evident. Any thoughts?
The statement about challenging the statute is state court on state constitution is definitely a hint to everyone. It seems not only does the court see a win on the issues, it appears they really want to weigh in on it after it goes thru the state courts. Still stupid they are bargaining anything. People that are affected by the Snyder decision that are not getting relief should indeed file 1983 suit as the state prosecutor admitted right there they would lose and there was nothing they could do about it. You would think a pro bono would jump on it. Oh yeah, we are not human, that’s right. Almost thought we should be treated equally as others……….
They’re framed. Here’s the NPR story from today on the six framed for rape and murder.
Nebraska County Owes $28.1 Million After Wrongfully Imprisoning Six People For Murder
I hope someone saved the you tube video cause I tried to watch it and it been taken down don’t know if state of Michigan took it down or who did
Hi all,
I have not posted in a while and wanted to know if any head way has been made on the IML. I have my passport, which thankfully doesn’t have the identifier on it. I go to Mexico a lot with my wife to visit her family and it’s kind of nerve wracking if I will get detained due to not notifying State. We get sent to secondary EVERY TIME we drive back across the border due to being on the registry. The Border Agents are apologetic when they find out I’m Retired Military and say they have to do it.
Thankfully, here in AZ, I am a level 1 and have no web entry or flyers put out. It just was a pain last year when the company I was working for, (making $26 an hour!), went and re-ran background checks at the customer’s request and I wound up losing the job.
But, I digress, I am very interested in the fact of SORNA being declared Unconstitutional as I was thinking of filing a petition here to try to get off lifetime registry because I want to be able to travel and not have the hassles at the border, visiting relatives in Michigan and friends in Florida and Cali.
Thanks for all the info.
Rule: 3.3 Candor Toward the Tribunal
(a) A lawyer shall not knowingly:
(1) make a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal or fail to correct
a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the
Here is the BS part,
Rule: 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct
(a) A lawyer having knowledge that another lawyer has committed a significant
violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct that raises a substantial question as
to that lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer shall inform the
Attorney Grievance Commission.
This is the Real BS, F*%$%& self-regulating BSSSSSSSS*&^^$$^!!!!!!
Comment: Self-regulation of the legal profession requires that members of the
profession initiate disciplinary investigation when they know of a violation of the
Rules of Professional Conduct.
Absolutely insane, just as the executive branches. Only the executive make the rules that are applied to them. Apparently in the judicial sphere they self-regulate………. Bad as the DA deciding if a cop was justified in a shooting. Or all the immunity clauses for gov actors.