Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of March 2019. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Man I have to say it, WTF are you doing to your son and sister for that matter?
Call 1-800-273-8255 suicide hotline.
How old is your son? how about your sister? Just because you have been through hell do not put them through more than what you already have by your mistakes. Do not make another bigger mistake because you k]made a mistake in your past and these domestic terrorist are attacking you every which way. How old are you? If you want to come on here and state shit like that then you need to talk it out on here as well. Believe me I am talking straight from the same or worse experience than what you are dealing with. When i first got out of prison after doing three years for the internet BS I had already lost the three years with my 11 year old son. I was homeless living in homeless shelters and in tents because of f^&^&$ Jessica’s law with the GPS strapped to my leg. And still could not, was not supposed to anyways, to see my then 16 year-old son that was on drugs and killing himself because he lost his dad and could not understand what was happening since his brain was still developing. I was about to walk in to the American river in the middle of winter and just let go. The reason I am stating this is to point out that I have a right and the experience to be able to say what I am stating.
Buck up dude, if not for you than most definitely for you kid and sister. I was in the same boat, my son and my sister and nephew were the only ones that I cared about and was and am very close with, and the only reason I did not just let go. I could not do that to them, and neither should you. They are more important than you at this point as the have a chance for normal lives and they did nothing wrong. If you did something like you are talking about it would most likely destroy these people if they are anything like my son, sister, nephew. They can get past what you may have done and still love you and have normal lives, but they would never get past what you claim you may be considering. No sympathy from me buddy. Buck up, call the hotline, talk it out here, do Whatever the F^&%^%$ you have to do, but do not do something like that to these other people that have not done a damn thing wrong, except love you if you do what you say you want to do.
Call 1-800-273-8255 suicide hotline.
Man up and call the hotline or talk it out here, whatever, but do not do this to your family or let the terrorist win…….. I do not even think you should be talking like that to your family members after what you have put them through already, but they say talk to whomever so you do not do it, but whatever talk on here or to suicide hotline and leave them out of it..
Can you use the Piasecki Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on habeas corpus in your filing now or is it too late?
On top of that shit, go to court and file file file suit. What the hell do you have to lose, you are already at rock bottom it sounds like. WTF, it sure as makes me feel better fighting my own fight and taking the fight back to them. You have a computer and internet, write letters to politicians, send emails to the president, whatever.
And I do not know how smart you are or what level of education you have, but what you are going through is not just from what is happening to you. If you are feeling like you say you are you have a chemical deficiency in your brain just like I did. This is scientific fact. Depression and feelings of suicide are caused by a chemical imbalance of serotonin and dopamine in your brain..
Every psych class and evolutionary biology class has stated the same thing. My anthropology class that I am in right now is talking about this very topic. See a psych and tell them you want serotonin (mirtazapine) and dopamine (wellbutrin) uptakes. After about a month you will be fine.
The article states, “There may be a link between serotonin and depression. If so, it is unclear whether low serotonin levels contribute to depression, or if depression causes a fall in serotonin levels.”
This is the only BS about the article, we do know…
You will not even notice it but you will be fine. You will not feel the same enjoyment and pleasures as others that do not have these chemical deficiencies, but you will not feel like suicide and worthless and all that shit that goes with depression and you can be there for your son and sister. It is an illness and hereditary, it is in your genes. Do not deny it or rationalize it just do something about it and get the uptakes.
And no I am not a doctor, you do not have to be to know this basic and what is common and consensus knowledge now.
Here’s a funny one (yes, this is real)
Lawmakers Push Bill Requiring Older Men To Report Every Release Of Sperm
TS, yeah it is done in the lower court, no more arguing, no more filings. It is up to the real judge to accept or deny the magistrate’s findings and recommendations or do whatever he thinks needs to be done such as sending it back down with instructions for the magistrate of accept and close the case. Then it is off to the 9th.. Betch your ass I will use Piasecki in my briefs to the 9th though……..
What happened to @ R M, Hope I wasn’t to harsh, but man, come on… This shit is hard on all of us, but we have to be real. I truly do try to be more sympathetic and empathetic, but even being in the same shoes as I was it is still hard for me. My P.O. is the one that was the hard ass with us, he was like deal with it like a man dude. You got yourself into this shit deal with it. And I think he was exactly right. I actually really liked the guy. He reminded me of my buddy that did not let me do dope. Shit he helped get me housing and took me to get my bus passes and all kinds of shit he did not have to do, but he was all business. Cross the line and you’re gone back. I really hope @RM takes it to heart and sees a psych or makes the call. I feel for him and his family man. If I would have did something crazy and clocked out I know my son would be devastated beyond repair for the rest of his life. Sure he would go on, but man it would haunt him forever. And my sister too. So he needs to think about them if not himself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since we’ve discussed here in this forum before, it is appropriate to remind us of our country’s knee jerk reactions from history among the many they have done before:
The War Relocation Authority, established on March 18, 1942, 120,000 men, women, and children were rounded up on the West Coast. Three categories of internees were created: Nisei (native U.S. citizens of Japanese immigrant parents), Issei (Japanese immigrants), and Kibei (native U.S. citizens educated largely in Japan). The internees were transported to one of 10 relocation centers in California, Utah, Arkansas, Arizona, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming. The quality of life in a relocation center was only marginally better than prison.
If Megan’s Law is merely “regulatory, civil or administrative” (as SCOTUS claims), then how can THAT be perceived as justice, or even more succinctly – the “will” of the people? It’s a paradox to me because they claim it’s not punitive, yet it IS punishable with a criminal offense if not strictly adhered to via role or duty.
Isn’t that the definition of someone’s life whom’s under siege and held hostage (subservient servitude under duress?)
Has anyone ever tried to be enrolled in enough colleges and reside in enough states to make it physically impossible to actually get to all the jurisdictions in the amount of time it takes to get there? (Some states that you have to give notice of travel would make this especially easy)
“The pre-Thirteenth Amendment understanding of “involuntary servitude” indicates that the condition did not result from government compulsion of an unwilling actor, per se. Rather, courts and legislatures drawing the line between permissible enforcement of contracts and the creation of “involuntary servitude” under the guise of a voluntary agreement looked at four interrelated factors.12
First, did the promisor enter the contract while in a state of “perfect freedom,” or did the promisee have some overarching power over the promisor?
Second, was the promisor compensated for her services with a “bona fide consideration,” or did the relationship constitute “unrequited toil?”
Third, were there temporal limits on the contract? Agreements extending over extremely long periods of time were suspect while more limited engagements were not.
Finally, did the promisee—the master— physically dominate and degrade the promisor—the servant— with abuse and claim a right to personally capture her and return her to service if she tried to quit?
“Second, was the promisor compensated for her services with a “bona fide consideration,” or did the relationship constitute “unrequited toil?””
Unrequited=not returned or rewarded. Toil=work extremely hard or incessantly.
All the requirements are there, but there is that damn word again though. “Service”
Unless I can find SCOTUS or 9th case law showing service is more than or equal to “African slavery, peonage, serfdom, or feudalism” then the court is going to walk right over the claim.
I will be using all the recent cases in my brief to the 9th, and hopefully I can find SCOTUS or 9th case law that backs the “service” issue up better.
City Councilman Chaim Deutsch’s proposed ban is designed to prevent certain sex offenders from taking public transportation, CBS2’s Jessica Moore reported Wednesday.
Other links to same story:
Here is a story out of New York, where a law to ban “repeat sex offenders” from the subway is being suggested by the governor and a city councilman. Note my use of the quotation marks, which implies ALL individuals whom have to register as a sex offender. However, the story refers only to those who have been convicted specifically of groping other people while riding on the subway.
The problem, of course, is that this law WOULD apply to ALL registrants. I have no problem with punishment geared to the individual as part of the court sentence within the limits of Constitutional authority, but have absolute opposition for using the registry to impose this draconian ban. Pure and simple.
Has anyone read this article about your governors comments? Maybe there is some hope for you! I hope so.
Watching “Steve Wilkos” today( don’t ask) and a woman was accusing a man of acosting her son. She said that the man had looked at transgender porn. Steve said, “ Looking at porn doesn’t mean that you will abuse minors. There is no reason to think that”. She then admitted that he was right.
My point in this being that maybe we need to get on shows and get the truth out there. The legal and political system is not coming to our aid. Those that think a change is coming from that angle are living in a fantasy world. More people listen/watch media than trust government. Let’s create a conduit to them by doing this grass roots style. Honestly, standing in front of a bunch of stuffed shirts and saying “I appose this” is not going to get a damn thing done.
The DA opposed and the judge denied my felony reduction to a misdemeanor on Friday. Said I don’t seem to be doing too bad in life since I have a wife and 4 kids, own my own house, am a supervisor with 25 guys under me, etc… wtf kind of crap is that to not reduce me to a misdemeanor? I was convicted of a 311.11A on March 1st 2010. No prior or post convictions. Anyone else have success in reducing with these same charges?
For anyone in Georgia, the next DCS board meeting is scheduled on June 20th, 10am.
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive SE
East Tower, 8th Floor Board Room
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
The board meeting will be held at the Sloppy Floyd Towers in the 8th floor Board Room of the East Tower.
I saw and questioned the board meeting participants on a previous video at and commented and inquired as how to attend. Here’s the response I got:
Dear Mr. (me),
Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns. I am forwarding your message and document to Mr. Niles.
Public attendance at the quarterly DCS Board meeting is welcomed, and the date, time, location, and proposed agenda of each upcoming meeting is posted on the DCS website as soon as it is confirmed. Currently, we anticipate the next meeting to be held on Thursday, June 20 at 10:00am, but this is subject to change. Changes to the schedule are posted here:
Please let me know if you plan to attend the meeting and I will be glad to assist you and answer any questions you have about the meetings.
Racheal B. Peters | Director of Public Affairs
Georgia Department of Community Supervision
2 MLK Jr Dr SE Ste 864 E • Atlanta, GA 30334
w: 470-755-4358 e: l: linkedin
I will be there. If nothing else but to listen as I will be nervous as hell (being under their supervision). I do realize DCS doesn’t make the law but they do enforce it and I have issues with that.
Anyone want to join? Registrants, ACSOL, NARSOL, family members, anyone? I can provide a ride from near the Fl/Ga line hwy 75.
A client of mine who happens to be an old defense attorney said an insightful thing today. He said, “ The law is not to be mistaken as a tool to correct the wrongs of society, but as a marketing tool to allow society to pat itself on the back and sell itself that it has done something to make society safe from its own inner dark side. Those effected by the law in the present are seldom those who will ever benefit from it in the future.” A deep thought to consider when addressing the registry.
On a different note.
Do people get as fed up with hearing these politicians screaming race inequality. You know I would have voted for Bernie and think god Hillary was the Dem candidate. Now you can see how Bernie is just another pandering, lying politician screaming race this race that, when he is one of the old white guys that is probably racist as shit. He sounds and looks like an idiot up there yelling Trump racist, America racist, justice system racist, school systems racist, inequality from racism. NO it is you corrupt politicians, the Hollywood type elites, the big corporations, the natural resource exploiters, and the upper middle classes that are the problem. Inequality is not racial anymore, it is strictly financial. I love how they are trying to put the real reasons on the race card and are playing it to the fullest. This keeps the sheeple from thinking about what the real problem is, monetary inequality is what is killing this country. Monetary inequality in every thing that I just named that they are screaming racist about. I am really liking Andrew Yang’s idea about giving everyone a $1000 a month guarantee income. Only it needs to be for those that are making 50 or 60 grand or less, and for those not working already put rules and requirements on them like training or work requirements even if it is just going and volunteering at old folks homes or in home services or road clean up and repair or whatever. It is BS that a family that is barely making it, if at all, do not get any help from the gov but where someone that is doing crap are getting all kinds of gov benefits. Or the big corps are getting bailouts and handouts and are making billions and billions off of all of our natural resources that are AL of ours, just as in Alaska they give a stipend from this exploitation of OUR natural resources. If you
have 15 kids and do not work you get tons of food stamps (which they sell half price for cash) and cash every month, but if you work you do not get shit. Nothing but taxed and pay every penny of your checks just for a roof and food and to the gov. Your car breaks down, your homeless, you get sick for a month, homeless, you’re company you work for goes under and you cannot get a job for a month, you’re homeless. I know lots of people that cannot afford to register and smog or insurance for their vehicle because they are taxing the hell out of registration and gas for so called road improvement while you cannot even drive down ANY road here in Sacramento without dodging potholes constantly. These are working couples and they cannot afford to pay their bills with two full time jobs. Shit I know at least three couples where the man is working doing contract jobs under the table because they could not afford for them to keep going the legal routes and survive. Ridiculous, give those people the $1000 a month and watch all these people in those situations jump out of poverty and into the real middle class (because anything under $50,000 now is poor), and in a few years they will be stable enough making over the limit and so on to the next person or couple. Andrew Yang has the right idea just as long as it is implemented right. I love this statement,
“It is impossible to overstate the positive impact of $1k a month on households around the country. It would take people from a constant mindset of scarcity to a mindset of assured survival and possibility. It would transform our society in myriad positive ways by taking the boot off of people’s throats,”
This is a fact. They talk about universal health care shit, that most people do not give a rats ass about when they are trying to survive and buy food or pay their damn rent.
Nothing much has changed, except bias has become bloated since it now includes the “criminally different”. Here’s a decades-old film about what happens when “blacks” move next door. The similarities are startling. The knee-jerk reactions from the “virtuous” and “good-status” neighbors. Especially, property value dropping when one moves into your neighborhood. What has changed, except it has now extended to other types of Americans. This is what happens when we don’t put a stop to these things before it starts hitting the silent (and thusly complicit) next.
I am looking for answers/suggestions/ cautionary advice on how to view/ approach a situation.
This morning I walked my dog as I always do. Taking the same route as I always do. This route passes by a private school. I have taken this route for 3 yrs. today after passing the school and maybe 10 minutes later I noticed an unmarked LE stopped and observing me. He then drove past without incident. 5 minutes later, the car was again in my view as I crossed a street. He quickly turned around and drove away from me. I am approaching my apartment and there he is yet again. Turning down my street. 5 minutes later a community service officer drives by, turns at my corner, drives around the block, then drives away.
Am I paranoid? Is this harrsssment? Can they stop me for anything? I am 1 yr off probation, no interaction with LE for anything . These kinds off things put me in to a tailspin mentally and disrupt my attempt at putting this behind me. I literally can’t eat now because my stomach is in knots, yet I have done nothing to warrant this attention.
“Alert issued after influx of sex offenders call Virginia State Police for help” This is as a result of people claiming to be law enforcement calling up registrants to scare them into giving them money. This has now happened twice to me.
Life on China’s social blacklist “worse than prison.”. Can you relate?
I registered in a county in Ca, and was informed that next time I will be required to fill out additional forms becuase it will be my 10th year of registration.
Has anyone seen this form? I wanted to bring whatever I needed to fill it out since per sheriff policy any refusals of any information trigger a failure to register investigation.
I see a lot of newcomers here (new names at least) and I applaud you all. I have decided to withdraw from my daily activities on here and other sites in an effort to reduce my stress and my time spent fighting. I’m just tired. I will continue to fight for me, my rights, and my path to getting off of this circus ride.