NY: Gov. Cuomo Supports Banning Sex Offenders From Subway

You see all kinds of things on the subways, but if one New York City lawmaker has his way, repeat sex offenders won’t be among them.

City Councilman Chaim Deutsch’s proposed ban is designed to prevent certain sex offenders from taking public transportation, CBS2’s Jessica Moore reported Wednesday. Full Article


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I totally disagree! I can understand making one mistake, but making 2 in the (subway) same location conveys the person has issues and is unable to control these issues. Not acceptable. I’ve ridden the subway in NY and I commit to supporting this measure. I don’t agree with registration, but serious? Not acceptable. You don’t agree with the word sex? I don’t agree with victimizing innocent bystanders GLNG to work, school or wherever. Get with the program.

Great job! We aren’t talking (I don’t recall the article discussing anything about sex offenses) about other crimes. You guys seem to have answers for everything. Ie: what about other crimes? What if they can’t control themselves? The conclusion (what does everyone is obsessed with sex? Have you done statistics?) is that if someone commits and is convicted of 2 offenses on a subway, they shouldn’t be allowed back on. You guys seem to want to rationalize and have an answer for everything. Very disturbing. I guess if someone commits 2 offenses and they are unable to control themselves, we should let them back on? Really? Your thought process doesn’t address the points. I’m disturbed by this.

AJ, your response tells me a lot about who you are. I guess if the Subway riders need more to protect themselves, this wouldn’t happen? Or,, maybe if the woman wore something more appropriate or hadn’t given you the look, you wouldn’t have touched her? How terrible.

My opinion on this is the same as every opinion I have ever posted about laws targetting anyone based on past criminal conduct, sex offense or not. It is in line with what Amanda stated above about how California addresses the issue.

Protecting the public from those convicted of a crime is the job of the judiciary on a case by case basis during sentencing. It doesnt matter if someone groped 2 or 20 people. Any restrictions and the duration need to be determined by the fair court process one time at trial. Not every time the legislature changes its mind and differing based on every town that person visits.

This is how “ordered liberty” works. Period. If the right case could get to SCOTUS and they have gotten beyond being the gutless turds they were in 2002 and 2003, then perhaps things will finally change and a proper precident will be set to eliminate creating fake classes with their own laws.

Also, I haven’t had much time to keep up here, but I think Mike R could be on to something with those cases demonstrating the government cant create laws against classes.

I have to go here….
“You have no idea if a person is “unable to control these issues” or not. ”
USA knows that he cannot control his behavior as he has admitted that the registry is what keeps him from re-offending.
This tells us what kind of person he is !!!!!!!!!!!!!
“AJ, your response tells me a lot about who you are. I guess if the Subway riders need more to protect themselves, this wouldn’t happen? Or,, maybe if the woman wore something more appropriate or hadn’t given you the look, you wouldn’t have touched her?”

I really like how someone that has worked the system to get a sexually violent assault reduced through loopholes projects his own ideas of justifications for treating others that have done their time unconstitutionally, and as second class citizens because he projects his own lack of impulse control on others.
“This also tells us what kind of person USA is !!!!

This mindset must have been (and must still be) the issue with USA since by his own admission he cannot control his behavior with out a registry!!!
“Or,, maybe if the woman wore something more appropriate or hadn’t given you the look, you wouldn’t have touched her?””

And not only that, use some class USA, you say you have all these degrees (4 to be exact), but yet you cannot debate respectfully when you disagree with some one or have a difference of opinion without going to personal attacks on people’s characters. I do not know how the hell you would have got through college to get those degrees with the attitude you project to others.
You are just like the people pushing these laws, you have to try character assassination since your premises on which you rest your arguments are completely fallible and indefensible on rationality every time you speak.

Let me put this in even more context.

“An individual who bought a car two years ago and may buy another in the future is not ” active in the car market” in any pertinent sense. The phrase ” active in the market” cannot obscure the fact that most of those regulated by the individual mandate are not currently engaged in any commercial activity involving health care, and that fact is fatal to the Government’s effort to ” regulate the uninsured as a class.” Id., at 42. Our precedents recognize Congress’s power to regulate ” class[es] of activities,” Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 17, 125 S.Ct. 2195, 162 L.Ed.2d 1 (2005) (emphasis added), not classes of individuals, apart from any activity in which they are engaged, see, e.g., Perez, 402 U.S., at 153, 91 S.Ct. 1357, 28 L.Ed.2d 686 (” Petitioner is clearly a member of the class which engages in ‘extortionate credit transactions’ . . .” (emphasis deleted)).”

The significant part is the following,

“An individual who bought a car two years ago and may buy another in the future is not ” active in the car market” in any pertinent sense. The phrase ” active in the market” cannot obscure the fact that most of those regulated by the individual mandate are not currently engaged in any commercial activity involving health care, and that fact is fatal to the Government’s effort to ” regulate the uninsured as a class.”

An individual who engaged in an unlawful sexual act 10-20-30 years ago is not an “active recidivist,” nor are they “currently engaged” in committing sexual offenses……….

That would be like stating that an individual that had a traffic citation, or DUI is an even better example, 10-20-30 years ago must get and maintain a driver’s license. In the name of public safety is irrelevant, previously convicted DUI drivers are much more dangerous as a class than previously convicted sexual offenders.

BTW, I have been stating for awhile now that the gov cannot just take your gun rights with the law being narrowly tailored and finally someone has address the issue and won.

Interesting Mike R. If anyone disagrees with your views, you attack (narcistic) them, manipulate the facts, try to convey they are a bad person and it’s also not uncommon to accuse them of traits you might or do have! You just wrote a book in response to others comments and it’s factually clear it’s your way or no way! I suggest looking into the mirror, before it’d too late. I bet 1000000000/1 your a repeat offender. Your persona conveys this.

Man what keeps happening to my post???

What the hell are you even talking about USA???? Name one thing I stated that projects that it is my way or no way or where I attacked someone for their traits or characteristics , besides you!!!!!!! If you are talking about the PD or the gov then I concur. You attack people on here that are in the same boat as the rest of us. I do attack and will continue to attack these domestic terrorist or any cog in the system that does not help us and supports registries such as yourself and the PDs, DAs, civil rights orgs that do nothing for us or the constitution (ACSOL not included anymore as Janice et el has done more than any other), politicians, cops, etc…. And you are 100% wrong as usual when it comes to me being a repeat offender, you could not be more wrong a matter of fact. Have you never read any of my filings??? No I am lying to the courts, wow… 4 degrees, LMFAO…. You are the one that self admitted the registry is what keeps you from re-offending, I am just stating facts out of your own mouth.

“If anyone disagrees with your views, you attack (narcistic) them, manipulate the facts, try to convey they are a bad person and it’s also not uncommon to accuse them of traits you might or do have!”

Put your money where your mouth is USA and bring on some quotes from me that fits your descriptions that are not aimed at the system or those part of it. If you cannot, which you cannot, then once again you lose your arguments pal.

Also, in case you did not notice, response was not even about me. It was your attack on AJ’s personal character that made me comment on you. Kind of goes against your narcissistic theory there pal…
But I still want you to attempt to put your money where your mouth is USA and bring on some quotes from me that fits your descriptions that are not aimed at the system or those part of it.

Oh boy. You guys continue to make yourselves look worst all the time. Somebody posts their sincere opinion and you attack them like a predator? Then, you manipulate their thoughts, attack them, call them names and attempt to create some form of shame for them giving a differing opinion? As noted, Mike R is clearly a repeat offender and I bet 1000000000000/1 AJ has a child related offense! You guys take no acceptance for your actions and it’s everyone else’s fault? I’m a bad man for differing in opinion and disagreeing with your book long responses that include ramblings, book quotes and make no sense at all. You guys should read a self help book, get counseling and realize you are now officially out of control! You can respond (spend hours) all you like, but you don’t matter. Don’t re offend!

“But I still want you to attempt to put your money where your mouth is USA and bring on some quotes from me that fits your descriptions that are not aimed at the system or those part of it.”

As usual, no credible response. All vitriol and character attacks because you have no rationality to any of your arguments. And it is worse not worst with your 4 degrees.

And USA I do not know if you realize it , but you did not just post an opinion. IDK why I even bother with you, and I know AJ can handle himself, but I like bashing you for what you are.

“AJ, your response tells me a lot about who you are. I guess if the Subway riders need more to protect themselves, this wouldn’t happen? Or,, maybe if the woman wore something more appropriate or hadn’t given you the look, you wouldn’t have touched her? How terrible.”

This is not an opinion, but is an attack on AJ’s personal character. 4 degrees you ought to be smart enough to understand the difference between opinion and personal attacks. Then you go on to state all this BS about re-offender and child offenders to try and take away from the fact that you could not quote one sentence that I have made character assassinations like you claim I do. All I do is state facts while you just spew hate and suppositions based on absolutely nothing but your failure to respond with rational thought and legitimate arguments.

“As noted, Mike R is clearly a repeat offender and I bet 1000000000000/1 AJ has a child related offense! You guys take no acceptance for your actions and it’s everyone else’s fault?”

What a joke you really are. AJ did not even say anything to you hardly, but you you continue to attack him an the bases that I put you in your place. You are not even worth debating because you failed your debate classes or have lost your mind since you were in college.
Like I stated idiot, look at my briefs in my case and you will see my convictions and it is not any repeat offense, that is a verifiable fact if you were smart enough to research before opening you hole in your face.
And in case you were not coherent enough to see the nexus I am fighting my own case so by definition I am taking responsibility and acceptance that I got myself into this so I will get my self out.
You are funny USA and I love bashing you, you make it so easy I almost feel bad for doing it…LMFAO. It is like fighting a coward (which I will not do) that will not fight back or someone that has never fought before and has no idea how to even throw a punch let alone put up a real fight.
“But I still want you to attempt to put your money where your mouth is USA and bring on some quotes from me that fits your descriptions that are not aimed at the system or those part of it.”

And BTW, AJ could not be any more reserved and rational and respectful in his responses to you or anyone else on here and yet you continue to attack him. How pathetic………. AJ has more class than anybody on this site and is a completely respectable individual, and shame on you for getting him in the middle of our back and forth. Once again just showing your true colors….

I have asked this question many times over the past few years and NEVER not once have you responded with any example or coherent and rational thought.“But I still want you to attempt to put your money where your mouth is USA and bring on some quotes from me that fits your descriptions that are not aimed at the system or those part of it.”

I used to commute with BART, but due to their horrible service, I now take the ferry as my daily commute. There is nary a case of sexual assault on BART by anyone on the registry (or anyone at all). What is mostly documented? Hate speech/acts against people of color or Muslims, juveniles who swarm a BART car and physically assault and rob train riders, assault and battery, murder (remember Nia Wilson), petty theft, homeless riders rolling a joint. The only time I heard of sexual misconduct was a couple having sex in the back of a BART car train (and it was caught on video). Authorities never found them.

Point is, the people on the registry are the least of commuter problems, and sex crimes are but a tiny percentage if they happen at all.

Well stated NPS. True. Then, as long as your not a repeat offender like Mike R/Josh/AJ, you have nothing to worry about. This entire blog is a fiasco. Best wishes

Comical for sure. The people on this site would definitely not miss you. You bring nothing but hate, vitriol, and you have the mindset of the domestic terrorist we are all fighting against. And you possess the lack of rationality and reason (as in lack of common sense just in case USA does not know what the words mean) just like them as well.

“put your money where your mouth is USA and bring on some quotes from me that fits your descriptions that are not aimed at the system or those part of it, or YOU.”

“He spouts a lot of politically correct bullshit that sounds a lot like what proponents of sex offender registries would spout….And quite frankly, it goes counter intuitive to everything we’re all fighting against”

Amen Josh, glad I am not the only one that sees this. It is almost like he is a politician or something man.
And you are right about me enjoying trashing USA. LMFAO… I just wish he was a little more challenging though…. He takes everything so personally and gets hell a mad and shit and spews all kinds of lame crap, I think it is funny as hell. The only time I get mad is when he starts trashing others, especially when the others have the class not to stoop to his level. Well I have no shame in my game and I will get in the mud with the loser just to smack him down and make him look like a real fool. I might look like a fool doing it, but unlike USA, I do not give a shit as nothing negative anyone states will ever effect me personally, other than the positive shit. I thrive on compliments. 🙂 I am a >>>Narcistic<< and am >worst<< 4 degrees. Wow. LOL….

Nice trying to pull NPS over to your side like you have an ally here. I actually do not believe she was agreeing with you though, maybe wrong though. Also USA, don’t leave the site. You are too comical and make the site a little more fun bashing you. The site gets kind of boring sometimes. Lol. Just the same old crap and every once in a while some good or bad news. Like I stated I just wish you were a little sharper so you could challenge me on facts or at least at the same level of mentality. What is really comical is I do not even have a degree yet. LMAO… End of this semester though I will have two ASs, one in general science and one in mathematics. What are your degrees in USA? Oh man I did not mean to ask two questions at once, you will lose your train of thought as you do not even seem capable of addressing one at a time….

Just in case you forgot already from scrolling down,
“put your money where your mouth is USA and bring on some quotes from me that fits your descriptions that are not aimed at the system or those part of it, or YOU.”

Back to a serious note. So AJ, I had you thinking you stated, so any conclusions?

“Our precedents recognize Congress’s power to regulate “class [es] of activities,” Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1, 17, 125 S.Ct. 2195, 162 L.Ed.2d 1 (2005) (emphasis added), not classes of individuals, apart from any activity in which they are engaged, see, e.g., Perez, 402 U.S., at 153, 91 S.Ct. 1357

This is an interesting statement for sure…

Wow. I agree with US. Mike, you just posted 28 comments. Every time anyone posts their opinion, you write this huge rebuttal. Not everyone thinks alike. Your way over the top and this isn’t normal.

@ Will Allen, I created a FaceCrook page to post on the site you suggested, but I do not see any postings by you. I have never used FaceCrook before so I guess I can just posting and they will start bashing me…. Post a link to make sure I am on the same page and lets both bash them…

Yeah AJ, it is a far stretch but an interesting statement by SCOTUS though.

Thank you for your observations there “Wow” (USA).
This statement really got me thinking and Will is right. I will try and refrain from my responses. No matter his point on view he is on the list. Hopefully, someday he may even be open minded to what others say and think .
“I think we need to cut USA a little bit of slack. I’m being serious and I mean no disrespect but it is clear that USA is not that bright and has serious trouble with coherent thought. Again, I mean no disrespect. That is just how it is. And people generally can’t help it. So we need to be understanding for fellow warriors.”

I will just post the Judicial Notice statistical facts and studies on that site an see what they come back with.

I like it Will Allen. Good advice and call. If we all did this we could probably make a difference in public opinion for what it is worth. I guess like they say, “if it changes one mind.” I like the statements about how that one guy is not dangerous and how they have known him and his mother for years. They are defending the guy, that is a great start to what I see on that site.

@AJ, this is why collaboration is so desperately needed. I did not even catch the part,

“As SCOTUS touched on in Sebelius, “[a]ny police power to regulate individuals as such, as opposed to their activities, remains vested in the States.” 567 U.S. 519 at 557.”

That pretty much sinks that entire avenue.

Now the part that you noticed in footnote four is truly interesting,
“Footnote Four says, “prejudice against discrete and insular minorities may be a special condition, which tends seriously to curtail the operation of those political processes ordinarily to be relied upon to protect minorities, and which may call for a correspondingly more searching judicial inquiry.”

The statement, “Carolene Products is best known for its fourth footnote, considered to be “the most famous footnote in constitutional law.”” is also very interesting. “The most famous footnote in constitutional law” seems like a pretty powerful statement that this precedent seems somewhat solid.