Please mark your calendars for ACSOL’s upcoming meeting in Berkeley:
Saturday, July 20
10 a.m.
Finnish Hall (upstairs meeting room)
1970 Chestnut Street
Attendance is limited to individuals required to register, family members, and friends.
Media, law enforcement, parole, etc. are not allowed to attend meetings.
The meetings start at 10 am and last about 2-3 hours. Topics of conversation include information about ACSOL’s advocacy as well as current topics and pending legal action.
Please Show up, Stand up, and Speak up!
I’ll be there. I’d like to see more information about the Certificate of Rehabilitation process IN the Bay Area. Each region is different, so I’d like to hear from locals who have gone through the process and succeeded (I know of one in particular who recently got his in SF, but I haven’t seen him at the ACSOL meetings since he was relieved of the duty to register). Perhaps help with resources and/or referral to attorneys who can do this. I have considered doing this in pro per (as I had successfully done for my early termination of probation, 17b and expungment). But I have to admit I’m intimidated by the process and considering legal representation. My 10 years will be July 4, 2020.
San Diego isn’t too far from silicon Valley, perhaps a person who understands clearly the nature of the database machine. Maybe someone from the Electronic Frontier Foundation would help. After all WE ARE TALKING ABOUT government USES thereof upon the citizen criminal.
OK, they (???) are using it on everyone, criminal or not. For every good use of database there is a bad one. SOMEBODY decided to grant unfettered use AND unconstitutional USES thereof and plain liberty of ALL will suffer. Scapegoats for surveillance saints, public and private enterprise. An unfettered digital information market where citizen uniqueness by identifier cross reference to the Nth ° is collected AND stored for uses by whoever AND whatever purposes.
AND while no person can reasonably dispute a sovereign state may have and electronic database of bad actors & acts; he or she MAY damn well dispute it’s accuracy, it’s efficacy, it’s maintenance AND the morality of it’s necessary operation!
What a great meeting today. Janice was on fire. The questions were pertinent and it was really good to see the people I made acquaintance with in Sacramento at the hearings.
Beginning to like this ACSOL thing.