Janice’s Journal: High Risk COVID-19 Registrants Required to Register in Person

As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the nation and the world, local law enforcement agencies continue to require all registrants – even those with multiple high-risk factors – to register in person.  This requirement places in extreme danger “high risk” registrants as well as everyone who comes into contact with them.

This requirement must be stopped immediately!

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), high risk factors include older than 65 and/or suffering from one or more chronic health problems including heart disease, diabetes, asthma, COPD, hypertension and cancer.  The CDC recommends that every person with just one of these high-risk factors self-isolate including but not limited to not going to public places such as police stations.

The requirement that a person with one or more high risk factors register in person with local law enforcement defies CDC’s recommendations.  Who knows more about the dangers of COVID-19 – the CDC or local law enforcement?  That is a rhetorical question for we all know the answer is CDC.

The requirement to register in person puts all people with one or more high risk factors in a very dangerous place.  Should they refuse to register in person and face the possibility of going to jail?  Or should they register in person and potentially expose themselves to COVID-19?

At this moment, these questions can only be answered individually by the registrants who have one or more high risk factors.

Speaking only hypothetically, if I were a registrant with one or more high risk factors, I would not register in person.  Instead, I would contact the Registration Officer at the local law enforcement office where I register and identify myself as high risk.  I would tell that person that I am willing to register by phone, by mail, by email, by FAX or by any other method including a “compliance check” at my home.  I would remind the Registration Officer that the CDC, an arm of the federal government, has told me to self-isolate.

ACSOL has started and will continue to work with national, state and local law enforcement organizations toward protection of registrants with one or more high-risk factors.  That protection could include the ability to register using a method that does not require a personal visit.

If you are a registrant with one or more high risk factors or a family member of such a person, and you are able and willing to join this effort, please let us know by emailing the details to us at the following email address we created just for this emergency:


Just clicking on this link won’t necessarily create an email. You may have to type this address when you compose an email in your usual way.

Please include all your contact information and as many details about the situation as you can think of. We are getting many requests, so please be patient.

We will contact you, not in person, but by phone or another safe method.  Thank you.

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Best quote ever…


“COVID-19, the respiratory illness that derives from the novel coronavirus, could be particularly toxic inside prisons. The disease is known to affect people with underlying health conditions much more severely than healthy people, and prisons are filled with sick people. Lives of crime, drug abuse, poor self-care, and underlying diseases such as hepatitis, which is rampant in prisons, make the prison population particularly vulnerable to the disease.

In Santa Clara County, California, prosecutor Max Zarzana says that putting someone in the county’s jail is tantamount to a death sentence.

To that end, Zarzana is working with the defender’s office, and with judges and the county jailer, to get as many people out of the facility as possible.”

I hope the hell that 95% of the SHERIFF and CONGRESS all get this COVID 19 and F’ing DIE A HORRIBLE Death from it as 95% of the GOVERNMENT is EVIL and deserves it ! Time for COVID to CLEAN HOUSE !! If a SINGLE registrant gets it from Registering in person and DIES then they should to (PIGS)… a eye for a eye !

Now Jeff and Will you stop that. I didn’t get involved in this sex registry ordeal because I wanted to. I would not think anyone would get involved because they wanted to but where is the balance in forgiveness or the balance in I wish I would or they would die. Jeff I went thru the same thing at one time and I kick myself each time.

After getting kicked out of schools expelled three times, sitting in guidance counclors offices and trying to grow up with good advice from dad and grandparents. And yes they wanted me to graduate and so I was determined and I did it. This sex ordeal is a bit different from getting expelled from school but the principal is their. Sure this ordeal confuses us all a lot and its more of a civil abuse even an ethical abuse in many ways. Sure abuse comes in many forms but where is the liberty in all this vain injustice in many or much of these ordeals.

I believe Janice said to someone on here that I’m not that type of lawyer. While some lawyers only practice in certain areas and certain types of law. Sure forgiveness is good or who is tresspassing on who or whois invating who’s space. At times I wish we knew what we wre all fighting for or is this cornivirus-19 ian epidimic to make everyone in the Nation or world understand that something is wrong today or have principals lost their meaning today.. Sure one can have divine law beliefs or some true understanding or go with man made beliefs so who’s testing who.

Sure nobody wants to be discriminates by this tactic thats why we all have to stand up and voice out.

⭐ In-Person Registrations ⭐
I have emailed my City’s Police Chief and City Attorney as well as our local NPR radio station regarding the requirement that those convicted of sexual offenses must continue to register in person. Hopefully, some change will result!