CA: Registration Procedures Vary Greatly at Local Law Enforcement Agencies


Registration procedures currently vary greatly at local law enforcement agencies in the state of California.  While some agencies, such as the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), are remotely registering individuals by telephone, there are other agencies that continue to require individuals to register in person.

“It is difficult to understand why local law enforcement agencies continue to require individuals to register in person during a pandemic after issuance of both the Governor’s Executive Order and the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bulletin,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.

Based upon information provided by registrants, ACSOL has sent letters demanding that five local law enforcement agencies stop in-person registrations and replace them with remote registrations consistent with both the Governor’s order and the DOJ bulletin.  The agencies include the Oakland Police Department, the San Francisco Police Department, the Riverside County Sheriff, the San Bernardino County Sheriff and the Lake County Sheriff.

Registration problems in the City of Oakland and the City of San Francisco have resulted in hundreds of people being listed as “in violation” for failure to register on the Megan’s Law website.  Many of the people listed as “in violation” were not allowed to register either remotely or in person.

The most recent registration problems involve the City of Long Beach that closed its registration office due to protests in that city.  At least two registrants have reported that their scheduled appointments to register were delayed for a week or longer.  The delays could result in their being listed as “in violation” for failure to register.

ACSOL requests that anyone who has recently experienced or is now experiencing a registration problem, report that problem to





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Sad. I rarely make comments, but this is both silly and immature. It’s sad to see. how much time you spend attacking one another that you miss the point for this comment section. Worst yet, nobody even sticks to point. I’m a registered citizen and it’s becoming increasingly apparent many of you lack remorse and regularly point fingers at others. Judges can pick your persona out pretty quickly. People are constantly complaining how terrible these laws are and how things aren’t fair, yet you treat each other like animals and try and point out or call out the mistakes of others? I think being a hypocrite will get you no where! Very very sad. It’s time to grow up, change your ways and be the better person.

If only it were true I might even start participating again on this site. And look what a loser this individual is, always using pseudonyms like “Jason”or “USA the 2nd” to try and boast an online appearance of support from others or some twisted self serving motive. “Jason” sure sounds exactly like this USA and USA the 2nd crap. Good riddance and please be gone and not tease individuals with your petty threats that mean nothing to most. You have been worthless to this site or the conversations and have deterred many people from even commenting because of your ignorant rants against 99% of the people on here. If only it were true that USA is leaving the site for good. Contributes nothing but animosity and hate.

The top ten reasons I’ve seen people form hostile, nasty cliques at work are:

They’re jealous of other people’s intelligence, talent, skill, potential or success.
They’re insecure and hate or are threatened and scared by differences and get to feel superior when they disparage other people.
They use the clique to gain power, promotions and publicity.
They want to attach themselves to the “in” crowd.
They feel a thrill at the power of making someone suffer or beg for mercy.
They feel justified because the victim did something bad to them.
They feel powerful that they’re in control of punishment and retribution.
Habits – they grew up that way and don’t know any other way to organize their emotional lives or get what they want.
Narcissism and arrogance – “I’m the greatest. Kneel before me or feel the whip.”
It’s human nature.

You guys are ridiculous. Grow up and stop calling people names. This behavior is disgusting!

Steve, I agree. Trash talk on this site shows who has made changes in their lives and those who continue their deceitful lifestyle. I just had OC visit my door. I’ve never had people with badges out and clearly showing no regard to me or my privacy. No class! I informed them we where in the middle of a pandemic and asked why weren’t they wearing masks? They weren’t happy! I informed them that I had already registered and I have a copy via email! I further informed them that I refuse to expose myself to them (no masks) and I refuse to use a ink pad/to finger print myself or be exposed to documents that could potentially expose me to the virus! I requested they exit my property and never return uninvited! You should have seen their expressions. White lesbian like lady and large Latino man!

I complained enough to my local PD (via emails and phone calls) that they mailed my Registration forms to me along with an ink pad and a stamped & addressed return mail envelope.
Still, it wasn’t accompanied by a birthday present, so I remain a bit disappointed. 😒

I live in Sacramento. My new wife had to go to handle a drug case in San Bernadino. Here registration is easy, but in San Bernadino they have a bunch of extra registrartion questions. She has to stay down there a year as the probation office would not process her request for transfer, they would rather pay for her to live down there. They won’t let me visit. She was the crime partner in a 25 year old case. I got caught up in the case and charged with conspiracy to commit. Her case now is a previous drug case that she picked up before we got back together. We both did our time for the old case. San Bernadino does not seem to care about her current case. All they are interested in is punishing her and consequently me for our old case. Me noir our attorney can figure out why they are trying to punish us both. She only has to do 1 year probation, but registration says no you will wear the ankle bracelet for 5 years. Probation says and her paper work says 1 year. Registration says 5 years ankle bracelet. They seem to have there own laws in San Bernadino county. I hope somebody can explain this. We are both registrants.

Has anyone here registered in Riverside County? Specifically at the Perris Station? Are they doing in person, over the phone or mail? Coming up on needing to make my appointment and just want to prepare myself for what they’ll be doing.