TOPEKA – A ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit has reaffirmed the authority of states to maintain sex offender registries to inform the public and rejected the claim that registries are a form of punishment, Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt said Monday.
The appellate ruling last week reversed a 2017 lower court decision striking down the Colorado sex offender registry as unconstitutional. The case involved a claim brought by three individuals against the director of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.
“While the offender registry laws in the states differ, the appellate court recognized the sovereign state interests in these laws and applied a legal test that reaffirms the states’ ability to notify Kansans of this important public safety information,” Schmidt said. “We will remain diligent to protect the Kansas law from legal attacks.”
Download the federal decision in Millard v. Camper
The PDF is a link to Millard v Rankin.
Anything to make the Attorney Generals look against those monsters!! The tangle that we weave is getting frightening; yet it’s exciting to see the public getting fearful and we get re-elected.
Kenosha WI dust up is big news TODAY.
The sex offender registries are big brother.