Compliance checks conducted of 620 people with a sex offense conviction, [only] 18 arrests made

Source: 6/18/21

A recent  compliance check of people convicted of a sex offense was conducted in the valley during the week of June 7-11, 2021.

The LVMPD’s “Sex Offender Apprehension Team”, in conjunction with the United States Marshals Service “Sex Offender Predator Apprehension Team” and Pacific Southwest Regional Fugitive Task Force, reached out to over 620 registered people.

Fifteen arrests were made for Failure to Obey Sex Offense Registration Laws and an additional three arrests were made for outstanding arrest warrants related to current alledged sex crime investigations.

People listed on the Registry because of a sex offense conviction must verify their address with law enforcement according to their assigned tier.


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Wow, most of the registrants were not in compliance!

No, wait, let me double check my math. Hmm. Half? 20%? Let me get my calculator.

18 arrests divided by 620 checks equals…

2.9%! Definitely worth a news article! I mean, that’s probably WAYYYY more than the general population who violate parole.

Hmm. Let me read

What?! 16.3% of all parolees are sent back to prison for technical violations!

More math: that means…drum roll… 2.9%/16.3% = registrants are only 17% of the rate of the general parolee population.

No, there’s no hysteria going on in this article. Move along. Nothing to see.

It was so nice of them to “reach out” like that. Doesn’t it give you a warm fuzzy feeling?

Well I have to say that I feel much better and safer knowing where those registrants are – all 620 of them. I can sleep better at night now. Oh give me a break!!

Talk about spending money on resources for nonsense. Wow!!
And to think tax dollars that we pay go towards these useless efforts.

See the registry is working… for those without blindfolds seeing how inefficient these hateful laws are to communities. How many crimes were committed as law enforcement knocked on doors and to find out damn this one is compliant too? Sure doesn’t seem non compliance is frightening and high; however the hysteria of the sheeple is.

That’s all law enforcement agencies have in their Arsenal is chargeing people with FTR? People who own homes before and after being put on the registery never have to worry about being hunted down like a dog, captured and sent to prison for failing to register.
That’s because law enforcement has very little power and intimidation on homeowners when they come to do their compliance checks after verifying yourself you can say thank you now get the f*** off my property and slam the door in their faces.
That’s why law enforcement goes after the weakest people on the registery like people with physical handicaps, mental illnesses, drug addictions, the homeless and unemployed they don’t go after people who have the ability and resources to hire a lawyer and Sue the Hell out of their as for harassment.

Good luck 🗣

It clearly says: “People listed on the Registry because of a sex offense conviction must verify their address with law enforcement according to their assigned tier” and that is at their ANNUAL (unless homeless).

First of all, there were only FIFTEEN (15), not EIGHTEEN (18) arrests made due to registration violations. Three of the arrests were for individuals whom already had arrest warrants for other sex crimes.

So let’s break it down: 15 out of 620 is 1 out of 41.333, or about a 2.4% of non-compliance for the registry. And 3 out of 620 is five times LESS, or less than 0.5% recidivism rate if convicted! This should be communicated to the press, not that they’d do anything about it.

I sent a comment to the news director. I suggest that everyone do that. Education of the ignorant happens only incrementally. It may fall on deaf ears–or more precisely, blind eyes–but my comments follow below.

Saturday must have been a slow news day in Las Vegas. Martha Cruz reported a story with the headline, “Sex Offender compliance checks conducted, 18 arrests made.” Misdirected headlines such as this perpetuate the myth that persons on the sex offense registry represent some heightened danger to society. The opposite is true. Those formerly convicted of a sex offense re-offend at a much lower rate than persons in any other genre of crime – except for murder.

This assertion is even indicated in your article. Of the 620 persons contacted, 18 arrests were made. Of those 15 were arrested for some technical violation of registration requirements, not for another sex offense nor even another crime. The remaining 3 had outstanding warrants, which could have been served by two officers. I won’t insult you by doing the arithmetic for you. However it is obvious that this huge waste of police time and money resulted in few arrests, and did nothing to contribute to public safety.

I suspect you won’t have the journalistic courage to report on the true implications of sex offense registries. The real newsworthy event of the last two weeks was the new Model Penal Code (MPC) approved by the American Law Institute with recommendations for these registries. The old media mantra was “if it bleeds, it leads.” That has morphed into “if it sizzles, it sells.” There is little sizzle but much truth in the new MPC.


Two thoughts:

  1. Why wait for a (publicized) compliance sweep to serve the 3 outstanding warrants?
  1. What specifically were the technical violations of the other 15 arrests? Guessing along the lines of not reporting an email address last used in 2002, not reporting a relative’s vehicle, or eating brown M&Ms on even numbered days in odd numbered months during the last leap year. Odds are, listing the specific violations would make most people say, “So what?”
Last edited 3 years ago by Dustin

The electronic dependant police state Will go to any lengths to avoid defunding. Imagine how these activities boost public perception and opinion concerning the police state’s efficacy in crime prevention utilizing registry database. The police state advanced the prophylactic qualities of database use (recidivism) when in fact more crime (lawlessness) resulted in the system as the database driven infrastructure was promulgated.

The more you rely on the database driven infrastructure the more vulnerable your personal sovereignty (human independence) diminishes.

Ya know… I really shouldn’t have to go out of my way to find out this took place in Las Vegas. Just saying.

three arrests were made for outstanding arrest warrants related to current alleged sex crime investigations.

Why did it take a compliance check to find these three people? I thought one of the touted purposes of the registry was so LE could easily find the perpetrators of sex offenses. Clearly they knew who they were, since there were warrants out and they were registered. No matter how hard they try to lie, they always expose the truth. Registries aren’t about catching criminals; they’re about continued punishment and harassment.

So it all make sense now. My hubby got a call from a detective in LV screaming at him that he wasn’t in compliance. We live in another town now and he does everything he is supposed to do. Once my hubby told him to contact our lawyer he litteraly screamed at him for like a min and then hung up on him!!!!

So I’m looking for advice, or any helpful feedback, especially from anyone from Nevada. Or Janice, for that matter.

I left northern NV in late 2018 after AB579 went into effect. I moved to a state where I’m not on the public registry and solely for that reason. However…I’m finding I really don’t like it in my new state for numerous reasons, and I’m several hours further away from the bulk of my immediate family and support network. I’m actually planning to move back because I’m not sure leaving was worth it. I’ll boil my comment down to this:

1.) Where I am now, tiers 1 and 2 aren’t public, but it’s a lifetime registry state.

2.) In NV, I’m tier 2, but there is a 25 year registration period, meaning I’d come off in about 10 years – If I understand correctly, that 25 year clock starts when I first started registering in my original state (CA) almost 15 years ago, meaning I’d have about 10 years left.

Not a fun choice to make. But I’ve decided not to let the registry dictate my life, and live where I want. What would you do?

I recently obtained a COR and ordered off the registry. I called both locations where I register and the clerks informed me my registration was terminated! I’ve also been sent a letter via the DOJ confirming this. OC visited me last year (we did phone registration) and they wanted to come into my home so I could sign the document? I signed it on my car hood! I’ve never been called by any deputy or LE agency. I’ll smile if the idiots come to my door by accident! I was accidentally (by law, I was considered an other/not posted) posted on the Megan’s Law website for 2 days when it was initially started. I’ll rip a civil lawsuit! Sending everyone the best!

Heh… Only 18 arrests?