General Comments Oct 2021

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A cop delayed his child sex abuse case for 25 years. The justice systems treats everyone the same. NOT. LEs seem to get special treatment as we all know.

dying ex ny cop decades

I’m involved in a lawsuit against the California parole department and I’m going to be appealing. I’m in a unique position in that I have standing now to challenge penal code 290.04 and penal code 290.45 because these are inconsistent statutes. Inconsistent statutes violate procedural due process. If I am successful, the California sex offender laws will change dramatically. Specifically the subjective static-99 test will be eliminated and the objective conviction statute will be used. These appeals are very expensive and I am looking for an attorney to help me with my appeal preferably a pro bono attorney. Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thank you.

I received a COR in June, just before the deadline and no longer am required to register. I know that includes a petition for a governor’s pardon, but I had no thoughts that it was even in the realm of possibility, especially since I had heard the parole board almost never recommends a pardon for anyone convicted of sex offenses. However, this week, I received a letter from the parole board saying they are recommending me for a pardon. I’m still skeptical as to whether I should be hopeful.

Has anyone else on here received a recommendation by the parole board for a pardon, and if so, what were the results?

It’s an interesting feeling being this isolated and controlled. Very few if any want to spend time with me. I tend to watch a great deal of TV. Not sure why this isn’t considered cruel and unusual punishment. It’s been declared punishment. Thoughts of suicide cross my mind frequently

New person, I hate to say this but is the sex offender being taken by an advantage or disadvantage? Three years ago I wrote a letter to the Gov. of Virginia asking for a pardon if not for me for others. Here about 3 months ago I got a letter back that my rights were given back to me to vote but I am still on probation. Even one person I talked to said he had to go to court to get his rights back. So who’s looking at their own vision or advantage.
So who is thy brothers keeper in much of this registry of tier labeling and this unjust way of liberty and justice for all. Is Government, police force using vain hindsight, foresight or who’s doing a carnal knowledge abortion type of injustice. Someone correct me on this, Although I do have a letter of my correspondance from the secretary of state.