W.A.R. Meeting Oct 12: Professor Ellman will share the results of their Frightening and High research

Source: womenagainstregistry.org email 10/7/21

My Fellow Warriors,                                                        October 7, 2021

We want to commend Professor Kristina Thompson, Doctor of Philosophy at Georgia Southern University on her clear precise presentation and the wealth of knowledge gleaned by our WAR Room participants from her presentation on Predicting Failure on the Sexual Offense Registry published in collaboration with Professor Beth Huebner of University of Missouri St. Louis. Meetings which are recorded are on our You Tube channel along with materials used in the presentation. Just an FYI, we do honor the request of our guests if they do not want to be recorded.

Next on the agenda is Professor Ira Ellman – Tuesday, October 12th at 7 PM Central Time, 5 PM Pacific.

Registeration is required for this Zoom Meeting: Oct 12, 2021


Professor Ellman and his wife, Tara researched the highly touted and often quoted, but untrue, high recidivism rate of 80% among registered individuals. Professor Ellman will share the results of their research in Frightening and High‘ as well as his newly released paper ‘When Animus Matters and Sex Offense Underreporting Does Not: The Sex Offender Registry Regime.’

In Romer v. Evans the Court drew a constitutional distinction between civil laws enacted for a broad public purpose that justifies “the incidental disadvantages they impose on certain persons,” and laws that have “the peculiar property of imposing a broad and undifferentiated disability on a single named group”. Laws of the second kind “raise the inevitable inference that the disadvantage imposed is born of animosity toward the class of persons affected.” The difficulty lies in deciding when the inference properly becomes a conclusion that the law violates the Equal Protection Clause. The more sweeping and unusual the burdens imposed on the targeted group, the more difficult it may be to discern a common policy explaining them other than the forbidden purpose of harming their targets. At some point the animus inference becomes strong enough to require scrutiny of the laws’ purported rationale, including whether it has any actual basis in fact.

Click one of the below links to pre-register now for Tuesday’s WAR Room.

We open the doors at 6:30 PM (4:30PM Pacific) for those who want to engage in the pre-meeting chat. Please don’t be intimidated by Zoom. You need to hold on to the confirmation email with your unique link that you will receive shortly after pre-registering using the below links.

Are you beginning to hear the faint sound… in the not so far distance… the subtle drum beat… uniting… calling… each of us to a gathering of the Registered Nation… listen … the beat will grow with intensity. We are the Registered Nation … we are millions Strong. We are Not Alone… Find Your Voice… It’s Time To Rise… There are millions of us.

See you Tuesday October 12th at 7 PM Central Time, 5 PM Pacific.

Mike Woodall
Host, The WAR Room

Below is the ZOOM pre-registration link and you are required to use it prior to each meeting:

Register for this Zoom Meeting: Oct 12, 2021


Here is the recurring meeting information:

We will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. We will begin the meeting at 7:00 PM Central Time, sharp. Please join a few minutes before the meeting begins. The meeting will end at 8:30 PM sharp. Immediately following the meeting, we will have “Mikes Open” for an additional 30 minutes for those who want to stay and get to know each other. Our guest speakers are invited to “Mikes Open” for Q&A.

WAR National Directors

Women Against Registry


P.O. Box 463  – Arnold, MO 63010





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The link to register for the 10/12 presentation by Dr. Ellman gives an error message. Can this be fixed?

I love that! We are the “Registered Nation”. It’s time to rise up and take our rights back. God gave them to us and NOT the government.

wow. The second academic paper cut through the registry scheme like hot knife on cold butter! It went thinking outside the box. Instead of searching for punitive perspectives, it went after animus reasoning supported by several cases. Amazing! It’s a long read, so take it in small chunks.

This is a huge step. The error of that fraudulent article stating recidivism for SO’s was frightening and high was the foundation of the SORNA and all the suffering and civil rights violations for millions. Get the real information out there.

Are people forced to register aloud to express themselves without prejudice or moderation, society has allready taken our freedom of speech and choice, and even amongst are selves we still aren’t allowed to say how we feel.
If a person forced to register would like to continue interacting with other registrants or say how they feel they must stay complaint, thinking to far outside the box and going against the grane is unacceptable and disrespectful to the people controlling the scene.
I wonder how maney people got rich off of outher people’s misery At times I think about cashing in on the situation but because I have children, haveing my face blasted all over the TV screen with the words registered sex offender on it would probably affect my youngest daughters life given the fact that we both have the same name.
I’ve been around the block a fue times and I’m a native of California and I’ve been on the registry for 22 years now and I’m not even 40 yet, I know what I know and experienced what I’ve experienced, taking time to be politically correct is out the window.
People who are not forced to register could never feel the true pain of a person placed on the registry for life, their just spectators some get the nerve to try and help but most people don’t care unless it affects them or there’s money involved.
Who am I and how can I make a difference are things I never asked my self while on the registry, luckily for everyone Involved in this situation the DOJ will free me next year because if they didn’t California would have Hell to pay.
I dont need a lot of people or some big organization to get Governor Gavin Newsom attention or getting things accomplished, just the label sex offender alone is enough to get news coverage.
It’s not hard to be a leader but it’s hard to be original and set the mold apart from the rest.

Good luck 😇

Last edited 2 years ago by AERO1

The only thing “frightening and high” is how Scam Artist Anthony Kennedy — yes, the same professionally corrupt fraudster who penned Smith v. Doe — sold his country out to the Trump-Russia-Deutsche Bank connection. It’s not a conspiracy theory… there’s even a book about it called Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and an Epic Trail of Desteuction by David Enrich (who is a well known financial editor).

We can expect Kavanaugh to continue Kennedy’s corrupt bidding. They’re pretty much clones.

[off topic and political comments removed by moderator]

Smith v. Doe purveyor John Roberts must feel awfully great about calling the “balls and strikes” in his corrupt court. NOT! Let’s all forget that the clown show known as “SCOUTUS” turns a blind eye to clear corruption. SCOTUS loves to use fake statistics. They all think we’re completely stupid.

This country is headed for the poop shoot. America: Land of over a million Registered Sex Offenders. America: Where over one-third of Americans have a criminal record. America: Where the incarceration rate is larger than China, Russia, and North Korea… combined!!!