International Travel 2022

This post is intended as a place for discussions about International Travel ONLY.

For more information and previous discussions on the topic, please see International Travel 2021, International Travel 2020 and International Travel 2019.

In this International Travel 2022 post, the information is identical to the International Travel 2021 post. We added a new post for 2022 in order to keep the discussion manageable. Please help us by sticking to the topic of International Travel only.


From 2020: We have updated our main International Travel section. It features:

  1. List of Schengen Nations (allowing entry to registrants);
  2. Resources (including a CA DOJ Travel Notification Form); and
  3. User Submitted Travel Reports.

This post is linked from the Main Menu at the top of the site.

1. The 26 Schengen Nations (which allow registrants to visit)

As an agreement, Schengen was signed among the five out of ten countries of the European Union members back then, on the 14th June 1985. Under the Schengen agreement, travelling from one Schengen country to another is done without any passport and immigration controls or any other formalities previously required.

Czech republic

Note: US Citizens are visa exempt when visiting the Schengen area for up to 90 days in a 180 day period (List of Countries, Section B or map).  The European Commission is proposing creating a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for such travelers, beginning sometime in 2021 – which may or may not take criminal convictions into account. ETIAS Fact Sheet April 2018July 2018

2. Resources



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Going into the post office to surrender my identifier less passport. on monday. From reading directions for our situation all you need to do is fill out the same form you would fill out as if you were applying for a new one. Need a picture and letter stating you fall under IML. If they send me back one without the identifier i’m using that and getting on the plane and let the cards fall. I’m keeping serious records of all this including pics at the post office and the agent submitting it.

I just looked at the ETIAS website and it said coming 2023. Just FYI.

We need something better than travel matrix.

I have applied to be removed from the registery.
I don’t know how being off the registory will effect my travel restrictions.

I’m looking for any foreigners that are not citizens, in the US and are forced to register. How has IML effected you when giving your 21 day notice and travelling on your unmarked passport?
I am such a person so want to know in advance what to expect.

A few months ago someone posted they were enjoying the good life free of the registry in Ukraine. I wonder if he’s still there, unfazed by the impending Russian invasion or…?

Wouldn’t it suck to be captured by Putin to be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the US? “But really, comrades, I’m good right here. I don’t really want to go back.”

Last edited 3 years ago by C

Oh, the failures of IML! 🙄
A couple years ago, a “green notice” falsely identified me as a “fugitive”. And for my most recent international travel last September, it appears that all agencies that might send a green notice, entirely failed to do so! 🙄
I submitted FOIA/PA requests to:
[1] USDOJ,
[2] USDOS,
[3] US Marshals,
[4] DHS,
[5] CBP, and
[6] DOJ’s SMART Offices.
None had sent the required green notice.
What a useless POS the IML is!! A waste of time, effort and taxpayers dollars! 😡😡😡

(Yes, I have a marked passport.)

Last edited 3 years ago by David ⚜️

So called (IML) International Megan’s Law is a diplomatic nightmare.
The bunch that thought it up had something other than the full faith and credit of the people of the free United States in mind when the insisted upon it’s promulgation. If ACSOL were to again take up the IML issue I would suggest first experiencing this short vid. Wisdom can be hard to come by in the center of highly emotional confluence of interests in conflict.
Charlie Mungar’s life advice
BTW, IML IMO, violates the first rule of any such profession: First do no harm.

I’ve been silent for awhile because i just seen an army of cowards who let the government stomp on our rights.. Anyway it seems there are some fighters out there.. Ideals how to defeat the beast legally.. you overwhelm it you bleed it.. Have everyone regester add new emails update data and over whelm them..

Next ideal.. international travel to mexico day.. imagine if 1000 or 10000 of us flew into a country that banned us on the same day it would overload them.. We are almost a million strong if we unite we can legally take down the system

I obtained a COR in early 2021! Right after (non child related/17b/expunged), I obtained a new passport and travelled freely to Europe. Prior, I would be harassed every time I re-entered the US. I know it takes 30-60 days for the DOJ to update their system. I had no issues anywhere and I re-entered the US without any questions, detainments or what not: life is good

Just want to share my experience as a registrant.

In the year 2016, I tried traveling to Mexico with my family and got turned away. soldiers or security were waiting for me. One by one they were checking the passports and then when they came across mine, they pulled me out of the line and then interrogated me in a room. They were taking pictures of my passport and drivers license. I had to pay for an immediate turnaround ticket to go back to the U.S. It was very sad because I could see my uncle and aunt across the way but could never go and say hi or hug them. Then one of the airport employees escorted me to the airplane and took pictures of me boarding the airplane then they told me I had to sit all the way in the back of the airplane. I had no idea about the IML. I just hate how no one notifies us and we are supposed to magically know what is going on.

my passport expired last year, and applying in person at postal office is not possible because they are booked. what alternative do I have to submit a signed statement with my application?

Random thought: A “Green Notice” is similar to the infamous “Green Book” that Black individuals had to carry for their protection when they traveled out of state or even out of their city before civil rights. It paid particular attention to what areas to avoid to prevent being arrested for breaking segregation laws. While of course I don’t compare our situation to those who underwent the horrific racial strife back in the day, registrants are actually treated, legally, in a much worse stead, and the Green Notices are an international codification of those laws.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eric Knight

@HD As far as I know, there has been no discussion here about the new IML provisions (H.R. 6552) which would put all convicted sex offenders on a list to be distributed worldwide and require marking of passports of US passport holders living in foreign countries. I don’t think the bill has passed the full House of Representatives yet, but that could be soon. Then it would have to go through the Senate and be signed by President Biden, but they don’t expect any opposition there.

Anyone recently come back from Europe? I’m planning a trip next month and the COVID requirements to get back seem pretty onerous, almost alarming. It would be interesting to hear how others navigated the testing requirement, especially for France.

went in to the post office today to surrender my passport and apply for the marked passport. it was fairly painless as the person helping me didn’t really realize what this was all about. how is this not compelled speech?

In IML there is this. Has anyone ever filed an FOIA request to have the entirety of this data disclosed? It might give some insight into if they actually always send notifications abroad, what is actually being sent and what destination countries are actually saying about it. The US marshals section (as opposed to watch center) also has a similar collection of data clause.

(6)Collection of data
The Center shall collect all relevant data, including—
(A)a record of each notification sent under paragraph (3);
(B)the response of the destination country to notifications under paragraph (3), where available;
(C)any decision not to transmit a notification abroad, to the extent practicable;
(D)the number of transmissions made under subparagraphs (A),(B), and (C) of paragraph (3) and the countries to which they are transmitted, respectively;
(E)whether the information was transmitted to the destination country before scheduled commencement of sex offender travel; and
(F)any other information deemed necessary and appropriate by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Has anyone had experience in travel after receiving a COR and being removed from the registry?

🤗 Okay! Who’s ready for European travel and adventure (which might possibly include death)?🤷🏻‍♂️:

The Ukrainian Embassy has also publicized an email address for those who want to enlist in its newly established foreign legion. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky yesterday waived visa requirements for anyone traveling to fight on his country’s behalf.

Last edited 3 years ago by David⚜️

It would be great to have this thread up under the International travel header before it gets buried too deep in the blog. Thanks!

Maybe someone can answer this question. I was offered a job in another country, but at times would require traveling to other countries. Would the Us still send notices to the other countries I visit even though I would not be based in the US, and thus would not be telling them I’m going to another country?

Can anyone re-post the link of the gentleman travelling through Europe Europe and posting his videos of his experience on you tube. I’ve been scrolling through comments here and in general comments for the last two days and cannot find it. Thank you in advance, much appreciated.

We decided to reschedule our trip to Ukraine, Moldova, and Bulgaria from this June to June 2023 😏. Apparently, some of the things we planned to see have already been blown up or seriously damaged. It will be interesting to find out if anything is left to see by next year, and if we will need Russian visas 😒.

Okay, so I’ve lived out of the country for almost 6 years now. Still stuck on the NY registry for an out of state conviction from MI.

I’m a bit worried about the whole IML updates now.

I’ve got no issue with visas as of yet since spouse visas/business visas require no background check outside of the country where you’re applying on this side of the world.

But how would I know I have a revoked passport if I don’t even live in the country and do not live under US jurisdiction(even though somehow NY seems to think they still have jurisdiction overseas)

I know this isn’t International, but I’m considering visiting California and can’t find good information on what restrictions are placed on registrants for visiting. Can anyone point me to a good resource, or if it’s simple, give me the rundown on how many days I can visit without triggering registration, exclusion zones, if any, etc.

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