International Travel 2022

This post is intended as a place for discussions about International Travel ONLY.

For more information and previous discussions on the topic, please see International Travel 2021, International Travel 2020 and International Travel 2019.

In this International Travel 2022 post, the information is identical to the International Travel 2021 post. We added a new post for 2022 in order to keep the discussion manageable. Please help us by sticking to the topic of International Travel only.


From 2020: We have updated our main International Travel section. It features:

  1. List of Schengen Nations (allowing entry to registrants);
  2. Resources (including a CA DOJ Travel Notification Form); and
  3. User Submitted Travel Reports.

This post is linked from the Main Menu at the top of the site.

1. The 26 Schengen Nations (which allow registrants to visit)

As an agreement, Schengen was signed among the five out of ten countries of the European Union members back then, on the 14th June 1985. Under the Schengen agreement, travelling from one Schengen country to another is done without any passport and immigration controls or any other formalities previously required.

Czech republic

Note: US Citizens are visa exempt when visiting the Schengen area for up to 90 days in a 180 day period (List of Countries, Section B or map).  The European Commission is proposing creating a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for such travelers, beginning sometime in 2021 – which may or may not take criminal convictions into account. ETIAS Fact Sheet April 2018July 2018

2. Resources



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I’m in one of the good states (rather not say where) and turned in my 21 day notice. I asked to be removed from registry as I have no anticipated return date. I will likely return in 4 months or so, but to unknown location. They made it sound like I would still be registered although not on the website and they insisted I have to call them as soon as I come back to the US and tell them where I will be. Is this right. If I’m not in the US, can’t I just unregister and then register if/when I return?

They only asked about my initial destination which is in Europe, but not any other destinations.

I have a newly issued unmarked passport

I need to reach out to the U.S. Marshals office to get clarification on returning to the U.S. for less than 21 days. Does anyone have their email?? I am tired of calling and leaving messages only for them to not call back.

When you arrive in another country (Europe on this trip) and they pull you aside because of the friendly notice they get, do they go through all your stuff like they are looking for something? What about coming back into the US? I just wonder if they go through all my organized paperwork and notebooks and everything else I plan to take. I will be checking a very tightly packed large backpack and hope they won’t unnecessarily make a mess of things.


We would like to go on a cruise. Any information (restrictions, etc.) would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, the joys of Registrant international travel. 😒🙄

From the Police Propaganda Promoters:
Convicted Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Violating Federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

“[He] faces up to 10 years in prison, supervised release of five years and up to life, and a $250,000 fine.”

So, how does the 21 day notice work for those in California and whose offense did NOT involve a Minor? Will they still have to give a notice? I believe the registration form has a check box for this, but it does not distinguish between offenses with versus without involving minors.

As stated here on this page, Greece is one of the Shengen nations.
On the travel matrix of, however, it states that Greece has turned registrants around.
Can someone please kindly explain this?

Last edited 2 years ago by AC

The Travel Matrix has only two entries for Africa. I went to Tanzania back in 2020. Does anyone know of any other countries where I can travel to? Any African countries (or even European ones) where someone, who has a large bit of money saved up, can visit for an “extended time”?

I was just released from my state’s (Utah) registry (even tho mine is a fed conviction). My sentence was over 20 years ago. I am still trying to find out if I still have to notify someone (SORNA) if I want to leave the country (tho I do not know who I would talk to). I have tried contacting the Federal Marshalls but no one returns phone calls or emails.

My second option is Nepal, but I have a lot of contacts and hosts in Tanzania who are happy to have me and I have learned to speak the language a bit.

My dream is to relocate to another country and be done with this crap here.
Any advice is welcome.

A quick discussion

Last edited 2 years ago by webmaster

✈️ European Union: ETIAS to be fully implemented May 2023 ✈️

My upcoming travel next month involves at least one connecting flight in the US on my way out of the country. One of the airlines is having strike issues and flights are regularly cancelled. In regards to the 21 day notice if one of my flights is cancelled and I can’t make my connecting international flight then I am SOL because my 21 day notice requires identifying specific flights correct? If I am not on the specified flight then I have to cancel and start all over again with a new notice is my interpretation. Just something else to stress about.

My question is about dual citizenship in Mexico can I get one And if I can What is the process and will it have the s.o stamping

So I posted a video regarding an email response from the U.S. Marshals office about IML. They advised me to check in with the local registration agency when I arrive back in the states. If they determine that I do NOT have to register, then I am NOT obligated to report international travel under IML. Well, an individual posted a comment on that video and said that the information was wrong and that I am STILL obligated to report international travel under federal law even though the state does NOT require me to register.

To be clear, the information from the U.S. Marshals website says “Not every state reports international travel”. A state NOT reporting international travel is NOT the same language as not being required to register and STILL being required to report international travel. Their site does NOT mention anything about those who are no longer required to register needing to report international travel under IML.

Can anyone provide better links to information regarding this matter so I can correct the video I posted if I am wrong? So far, I am just going off of the information that was given straight from the response email from the people themselves who are handling international travel. I need links and clear details with the correct information. Thanks in advance!

So I’ve heard a few people make reference to this and I didn’t really believe it because it was so contrary to what I had come to understand but, indeed, the U.S. Marshalls state on their website: “Whom do I notify that I am traveling and when do I need to do so? The IML and the relevant Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) guidelines require that all registered sex offenders report international travel…” Wait a minute! Not just child “sex offenders?” Is this just the U.S. being typically stupid here or are they really enforcing it for ALL “sex offenders?”

So I found this on the travel passport website and doesn’t this mean the evil stamp is supposed to be on the last page of the passport?


OK family. I got some very great news today; life-changing. Back in early April, I showed up for my twice yearly “appointment” as I call it. i was informed by my LEO that according to the state of Utah I had met the requirements of my registration and would no longer be required to come in. I contacted the state agency in Utah who confirmed that information.
Now since my charge was a federal charge from 2001, I needed to go higher up the food chain to find out more. I got in touch with the US Marshall’s Office in DC and spoke with a very helpful man. I explained the situation, about my passport, my concerns, etc. Here is what I found out….
1) I have been removed from the registry. Texas still shows me but it only says that I moved out of the state in 2009. I even searched my name and it does not come up (except in TX with that info)
2) My passport is now free of any markers. He said the words on the first page are on half of the passports for no reason, he even has it, there is just nothing on page 27.
3) The biggest of the all….. I am no longer a slave to IML! No devil’s watch over my shoulder. No SORNA. I do not have to give the hated 21-day notification to anyone… (except my boyfriend…lol). I can get on a plane tomorrow and just…go. He said that foreign countries have no access to arrest records here in the US.
I am sure I am probably still barred from Mexico and Canada, since they are so close to the US.
So I pose a question to you all… If I want to go to any of those red marked countries on the Travel Matrix, what are my chances of being welcomed in? Will I be turned away from Jamaica? Will I be re-planed on a transfer in Dubai? Will I be laughed all the way back home when I land in India?
I did ask him why the sudden freedom in my life and he did not have an answer specifically. It could have been I was a tier 2 and it has been 20 years since my conviction. He doesn’t know.
My mind is blown with all this new liberation. 🙂

This is a background check question.
California has law that states an employer is limited to a 7 yr search into criminal history.
With that, my question is:
Does the 290 show up separately in a background check or is it part of the conviction record.
I am wondering how a potential employer would know if the 7 yr limitation is actually adhered to and the prospective employee’s conviction was beyond that.

First day of travel to europe with stamp of shame on the first page/Lax, at the gate checking in agent didn’t notice anything. Going thru security and passport scan didn’t notice and no second looks. Landed in Paris and waiting for connection to Zagreb where I will go thru customs, the next hurdle.

Smooth sailing thru Croatian customs. No beeps when they scanned my passport and not a second look.

I have appt at the postal office june 1 to apply for a new passport (my passport expired 3 years ago). what do I need to show to get this stamp on my passport. I have a feeling that the agent wont have the answer. Do I write a letter that I am SOR and this is my charge in the state of texas? and they send those documents/my letter to them?

I just reapplied for my new US passport after mine was revoked last year. I got the new updated passport and the endorsement is on the front page of your picture. This is pretty terrible. Now any country opening your passport is able to see the endorsement on the top.

image_6483441 (4).JPG

Does anyone have any recent experiences to share about traveling to Aruba?
I’m looking to take my family there in 2023, but have read different accounts of whether or not we can successfully vacation there or not.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Has anyone traveled to India (Chennai) recently? Are RSOs being turned away from entering the country? I am a naturalized US citizen and planning to visit my elderly mother who lives in Chennai in July. Thanks.

Has anyone traveled to Vienna Austria? I’m going to Germany, but have a stop over in Austria. Wondering if anyone has had a problem there?

IML Question – do I need to provide the 21-day notice? I live in a state where I’m not required to register for my 1996 non-contact offense (indecent exposure with child victim), and I’m past the registration requirement per my Federal tier (Tier I).

However I remain listed in the registry of my state of conviction with no updates in over 20 years (“moved out of state.”) as they never remove.

I’d expect to still have the passport blurb and possibly have green notices sent out for me to my travel destinations. But my question relates to just the Federal 21-day international travel notice. Sorry if previously covered

thank you!