This post is intended as a place for discussions about International Travel ONLY.
For more information and previous discussions on the topic, please see International Travel 2021, International Travel 2020 and International Travel 2019.
In this International Travel 2022 post, the information is identical to the International Travel 2021 post. We added a new post for 2022 in order to keep the discussion manageable. Please help us by sticking to the topic of International Travel only.
From 2020: We have updated our main International Travel section. It features:
- List of Schengen Nations (allowing entry to registrants);
- Resources (including a CA DOJ Travel Notification Form); and
- User Submitted Travel Reports.
This post is linked from the Main Menu at the top of the site.
1. The 26 Schengen Nations (which allow registrants to visit)
As an agreement, Schengen was signed among the five out of ten countries of the European Union members back then, on the 14th June 1985. Under the Schengen agreement, travelling from one Schengen country to another is done without any passport and immigration controls or any other formalities previously required.
Czech republic
Note: US Citizens are visa exempt when visiting the Schengen area for up to 90 days in a 180 day period (List of Countries, Section B or map). The European Commission is proposing creating a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for such travelers, beginning sometime in 2021 – which may or may not take criminal convictions into account. ETIAS Fact Sheet April 2018 – July 2018
2. Resources
- RTAG Travel Matrix
- IML Dispatch (SMART Office, Feb 2016)
Older Posts
- International Travel 2021 (2021)
- International Travel 2020 (2020)
- International Travel 2019 (2019)
- International Travel after IML (2016)
- International Travel – Mexico (2014)
- International Travel (2013)
How do I get in contact with Janice? Thanks
I have a green card permanent resident .I have a conviction for sexual assault on 2013 .I field a post-conviction relief 2015 .when i was under immigration custody on parole under my sentence. Than the judge appointed counsel to represent me on tbe post conviction relief and set a date for a hearing February 14,2016.ICE immigration took me from prison to an immigration detained facility. I was appealing my immigration status throughout the immigration board of appeals at the same time.when the immigration board of appeals denied my appeal iwas deported.even know my immigration attorney file a petition to stay on the United States of appeals. But ICE immigration still deported one week before I have my hearing with the judge my immigration attorney try to stop them from deported me with the approve letter from the United States court of appeals.the United States court of appeals put my case on abeyance to wait on the Supreme Court opinion on dymaya case.i won my immigration appeals on 2018 and legally comeback to usa 🇺🇸 😀 . Now I am trying to get my day on court but I do not have money to pay for my appeal. And I have to renew my green card 2024 .I am planning to apply for citizenship unfortunately the only way I can be successful is if I over turn the conviction or get a pardon. Can I get some advice from someone please what type of appeals I have to file.the county and United States court of appeals from the state denied my petition as moot because I was deported. My state attorney file a petition for reconsider to the Supreme Court of nebraska but they denied as untimely even known my attorney send me a receipt from the United States post office that he sent the petition August 9,2017.but due to a snow-storm the petition did not gather to the Supreme Court clerk until August 11,2017 .the dead line to file the petition was August 10,2017.i know for fact that my attorney file my petition by us mail on purpose. When. He can do it electronically. I filed myself a petition to the Supreme Court of united states when I was in Mexico and spoke to the supervisor from the Supreme Court clerk but he explained to me that I can not proceed my petition on the Supreme Court of the United States until I run of all my states remedies. I don’t have an idea what kind of petition I have to file to reopen the case now that i am back on jurisdiction on usa.can some one 🤔 give me some advice please I will appreciate.
Conviction in 1997 possession of CP
Fell off the state registry in 2012 (15 years)
Have never lived in another state requiring registering.
Being asked to travel with friends on a closed loop cruise from a US port to US port. Will Bahamas let me in? Mexico is a “no”?
Bahamas seems to allow entry without a passport…. mine is expired.
Cruise is RC but since I’m not registered that should be ok?
Cruise will be in 2023 so I’m 26 years post conviction shouldn’t be on any SORNA obligations…
Any warnings or positive thoughts appreciated
I applied for TSA Pre-Check way back in April 2022. At the time, I was on the California registry but now I am off the registry.
Well, I finally heard from the TSA people today, and I was APPROVED!
So, it took almost 4 months, and I don’t know if it had anything to do with me getting off the registry, but I am happy! There is hope.
Now if my new unmarked passport would just show up!
I want to go to Europe. Namely France. I’ll fill out the SORNA 21 day notification informing them I’m only going to France. Land and stay. Is there any legal problem with me changing my mind, so to speak, once I get to France and visit other countries such as Switzerland or Greece once I’m there? Or maybe Spain. Maybe I’d like to go to more places.
The question is, can I change my agenda once I’m there? Do I need to inform any agency of my change in travel plans while I’m there? What if I wanted to extend my trip by several weeks. Any advice?
No problem and thats what I have done for over a decade!. Get to France then make plans this way you stay in compliance. Once out of the USA you have no obligation to report anything including last minute changes. Your state might request a check in that you are back.
My husband is a SO, currently on Probation until 2034, and lifetime registration. Previously, we’ve been able to write to the court where he had the conviction because his PO can’t grant international travel to ask for permissions to go to Europe. We’ve gone 3 times now, in 2016 and 2018 twice. It’s been 4 years since we’ve gone partly because of Covid. We decided we should go this Xmas because it’s been so long. He wrote a letter 2 months ago asking for permission in the same court and we just received the rejection letter. The letter says his sentencing was very generous and that he has no reasons stated as to why he should go to Europe. We are so sad and I’m especially sad for my husband because I know it makes him feel responsible. I’m extremely sad for him because it would seem they agreed to the sentence, he’s in compliant for the last 13 years, but in their eyes people cannot have 2nd chances. It’s like people who are SO can’t have a vacation? What kind of BS is this? We both work hard to build our lives together and we love to travel but I guess we’re never going to be able to anymore? My husband searched the names of these Attorney Generals that rejected his letter and it seems they have been at this Court in 2016 and 2018 so they would have approved his requests in 2016 and 2018. Did something change in the regulations somehow? My husband thinks it’s because they are up for reelection.
Should we just wait until next year after the election is over and try to ask for permission again?
We are working hard to save money so we could retire on time or earlier. We’re hoping to be able to retire in Europe when he’s off probation in 2034, but now I’m extremely worried that we’ll even be able to go?
When he’s off probation and he only has to register, we can go on vacation without this hassle right?
Has anyone been able to move to Europe to retire as a SO and not come back? Any issues? How to get out of this hell?
Thanks… Feeling so down
Hello all!
There was a concerning post on FAC regarding the upcoming ETIAS European travel (don’t-call-it-a!) visa.
Yes, ETIAS will go into effect in November 2023.
EU Postpones Launch of ETIAS to November 2023 –
In my experience and opinion, registrants will not be banned from traveling to and entering the European Schengen Agreement countries.
I travel to France regularly and, although I do have an IML uniquely identified/marked United States passport, they have not restricted my travel and entry in any way.
In fact, the border patrol agents at the passport desk in France, tend to completely ignore the stupid IML notification, ask me the standard questions, then wave me through while wishing me a nice vacation.
France has a strong societal belief in encouraging successful reentry into society, and there is generally a limited time frame (4-5 years) that they feel a previous criminal charge is relevant. I believe that is also the time frame indicated on the ETIAS application form.
So registrant travelers: Deep breath. Don’t panic. Not much here to worry about.👍🏻
I plan to travel internationally soon, so just to cover all bases, I wrote directly to USDOJ’s NSOTC. I received their standard reply, but it included this last paragraph:
“Although you’ve submitted all the required documents to your local registering LE agency we still haven’t received notification from the agency. We’re unable to process the travel notification until the form has been received on our end from your local registering LE agency. We suggest reaching out to your local registering LE agency to check on the status.
Thank you,
IML Team”
Who knows? I might have some travel adventures in my future! 🤷🏻♂️😄
Got my brand-new UNMARKED passport in the mail today. It is a relief, but in all honesty, in almost four years of traveling with the marked one, the mark never made a bit of difference.
Still waiting for my passport card (apparently, they always ship separately).
Can SO get TSA pre-check?
While trying to get the best info possible about an upcoming trip, I stumbled upon an IML complaint form. Never heard of this until now….
Is this their way of denying responsibility for refused entries so we can’t claim IML deprives us of due process or our liberties to travel abroad? Has anyone ever filled out the form?
I would really like some advice and/or someone to talk to. I absolutely do not want to make any mistakes. I am tier I (10yr) in California. I want to live abroad, or at least extended travel. I know I can read a lot and get lost in various rabbit holes – which I’ve done plenty of! But really I just want someone to talk to who knows. I used to live in Thailand and have a support network there. I tried calling the Cal AG office just now but the advice felt iffy at best. They said I can leave California and live internationally and just unregistered here and re-register when I get back. Is that true? Is there anyone I can talk to, or any direct resource about living/extend travel abroad, generally and specifically Thailand? I need to live somewhere cheap and get out of this legal debt, that is why Europe is not my best option. Thanks so much for any help.
I am so happy to have found this forum. Big y hanks to the 3 of you who replied yesterday. I learned a lot yesterday. I just finished my probation requirement and I now can consider what is next. After learning Thailand is off limits I am considering my options.
Could someone confirm/explain 2 things:
1) I just learned this yesterday: is it true that the Tier 1 time clock doesn’t run when you are living overseas? My plan was to leave and wait out the 10 years and come back and get off. But it seems that was ignorant thinking. Could someone confirm/explain that?
2) Someone mentioned 6 months. I don’t know this avenue yet, but is the best way to do this and run the clock to spend 6 months in the state and 6 months abroad each year?
Last: I could support myself on my laptop with reliable internet, but I would like to work if possible. I had never considered Europe until yesterday. Is there a good resource/place for me to research the reality of this path for me? California is so expensive it’s crushing me. But I need to run the clock. I truly appreciate any and all help.
has anyone traveld to argentina.. I was denied to colombia then tried peru few days later.. the immigration at colombia said they are linked to us data base as mexico and canada.. then he said peru.. peru knew i was denied in colombia and sent me back.. i dont live in the us and not on the registry no 21 notice new world order bs.. but now i’m wondering if latam is linked i went into brazil no problem before colombia.
Could anyone chime in about the IML passport mark: I am 2 years from conviction and don’t have one. Will a 21-day travel notice trigger the need to get one? I have a Tier 1 offense against someone under 18 over 16. I was never asked to surrender my passport. Am I lucky, or does it not apply to me, or will the travel notice trigger it? Thanks in advance.
Also, anyone who has any insight into living cheaply in Europe as a non-retiree I would also really like to chat with. Please get my email from the Moderator.
@Mike G; I would love the chance to ask you a few questions. Could you email me?
@Moderator you have my permission to share my email upon request.
How does one notify the state department to find out if their passport has been revoked?
Q&A regarding living abroad under IML.
Remember Green notices get sent for charges Involving a Minor and a Travel Notice gets sent for others per this email I received from the UMS. notice was sent under 34 U.S.C. § 21504(a)(1) (formerly 42 U.S.C. § 16935c(a)(1)) which you are not exempt from, NOT under 34 U.S.C. § 21503(f), which you are. They specifically write, “As such, while the Angel Watch Center is limited in its ability to make notifications of foreign travel to cases where a person is registered on the basis of an offense against a minor, the National Sex Offender Targeting Center is not so limited”,
I traveled numerous times on an unmarked passport over a two-year period. My passport was not revoked any of those times. It was nearly a year later when the revocation letter arrived.
It took lots of time on the phone, and I finally got to someone with some answers. What I was told is that they are slowly working through the list of all offenders checking for current passports, and then working on revocation for those that fit the criteria. It didn’t sound like the travel and the revocation was connected, but rather they get to you when they get to you.
After my last travel, I sent in my passport for early renewal. I received another unmarked passport. It was the one that was later revoked. I was told the unmarked one was sent because the office going through the list hadn’t reached my name yet.
I was also told that if I had sent in my passport for the early renewal with a letter stating I met the criteria AND requesting a marked passport, they would have sent me the marked passport and also sent back my old one which had my visas inside it. When they revoke my passport I did not get it back – they do not return revoked passports, even if there is a live visa inside it.
My advice is to request the marked passport if you are worried about a revocation being done at the wrong time. It took about 6 months to finally receive my marked passport, and luckily I did not have any pending trips.
A new interview regarding IML and living abroad. Email me to join WhatsApp group and verification process.
If you have a layover for like 4 hours in either Boston or New York would you still have to register in that state? The connecting flight to your destination.
I see the discussion on passport cards. What are the benefits of having it? Is it to avoid entry denial for certain countries? If so what country is that?
Is it true that when you send the 21 days notice, they will just alert the first country you are visiting? So for example, since it’s possible to go to Germany, then after Germany fly to Japan or Taiwan or other destinations that you may not be subject to the notice and can enter?
What is the limit for the length of time a person in California can go on vacation without having to register as leaving or returning to California. Traveling internationally for 19 days and need to be sure I don’t have to re-register in California upon return. Just traveled to Spain and four countries in Europe without any incident. Although I’m not sure if my local PD filled the information I reported to them with the international megan’s law people.