This post is intended as a place for discussions about International Travel ONLY.
For more information and previous discussions on the topic, please see International Travel 2021, International Travel 2020 and International Travel 2019.
In this International Travel 2022 post, the information is identical to the International Travel 2021 post. We added a new post for 2022 in order to keep the discussion manageable. Please help us by sticking to the topic of International Travel only.
From 2020: We have updated our main International Travel section. It features:
- List of Schengen Nations (allowing entry to registrants);
- Resources (including a CA DOJ Travel Notification Form); and
- User Submitted Travel Reports.
This post is linked from the Main Menu at the top of the site.
1. The 26 Schengen Nations (which allow registrants to visit)
As an agreement, Schengen was signed among the five out of ten countries of the European Union members back then, on the 14th June 1985. Under the Schengen agreement, travelling from one Schengen country to another is done without any passport and immigration controls or any other formalities previously required.
Czech republic
Note: US Citizens are visa exempt when visiting the Schengen area for up to 90 days in a 180 day period (List of Countries, Section B or map). The European Commission is proposing creating a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for such travelers, beginning sometime in 2021 – which may or may not take criminal convictions into account. ETIAS Fact Sheet April 2018 – July 2018
2. Resources
- RTAG Travel Matrix
- IML Dispatch (SMART Office, Feb 2016)
Older Posts
- International Travel 2021 (2021)
- International Travel 2020 (2020)
- International Travel 2019 (2019)
- International Travel after IML (2016)
- International Travel – Mexico (2014)
- International Travel (2013)
I received an unmarked passport. Anyone know what to do (who to call?) to get it marked? I don’t want to mess up my vacation plans. I tried emailing, calling and visiting the passport office with no luck.
can someone please guide me what my letter should say to get the mark on passport when applying walk in with usps? They are not helpful and expect me to have passport form ready. I actually went in and got denied help I am trying a different location to apply for my passport. my email is
Not all Schengen countries are friendly to RSOs!!!
Long story, but I hope this helps someone not go thru what I did
I recently traveled to Spain, based on trusting what we read here that it was safe and would not have any issued, but that was a bad idea, there is NO safe place to travel that is 100% for sure.
When I got to passport control, they read the computer and right there, stomach sank and new it was going to be a problem. I was pulled aside, brought into a room and sat there for 3 hours with no updates no one telling me anything.
Finally, they moved me, had me sit again for a 2nd ‘interview’ which they did the basic questions of what I was doing and where I was staying and other qualification to enter the country. They asked me how much cash I had and my intinerary, I had $500 and plans to do a side trip to Morocco but had not finalized them as I was waiting on some other details. Turns out, they said (lied) that I did not have enough money per their requirements and because I did not have my flight and other info, they used that to deny me entry – again, a lie. They said I could hire a lawyer or use a public defender as it was their law I needed to be represented before they sent me back.
They brought me into a room AKA airport jail where I was searched, all my electronics taken and most of my personal belongings locked up. I was able to get some numbers off my phone as there was a phone in the room that allowed me to call anywhere, but of course when you don’t have access to search, makes things very difficult.
I called my brother in the US, middle of the night for him and had him search for lawyers, called a ton, and that phone BTW had a 3 min limit, a pain to have to redial every time. I was able to find one and after telling him my story, he said this was all BS, but would cost me $300 for him to come down to the airport and represent me (the US would be $1000s). When get got there, he learned that they were using those reasons as excuses to keep me out but the real reason was the notification they got from the US. Their law says anything after 15 years the slate is clean, so what they were doing to me was basically illegal by their own system. The problem (one of many) is they see this notice and it is how they interpret it, which for most in the worst way, as the US has intended, my crime had no victims and it was over 20 years ago, but in their eyes, they see someone who committed the worst crimes imaginable and there is no way to explain otherwise.
I did call the Embassy and she said there wasn’t anything they could do as long as I was being treated ok, they cannot help in this kind of situation
They brought in an interpretor for me and we met with the airport judge, which was just another officer to listen to the story and prove I should be allowed entry. Before we met, my brother was able to book my flights and I was able to get my proof I had plenty of money to prove to them their claims were BS. Turns out, that judge agreed, but because his boss said because of the notice from the US – specifically said that, they still denied me entry. I got lucky because this lawyer was good and he had a ‘nuclear’ option, (another $200) they have an all night court and he knew that what they were doing was wrong, which turns out he was right. This started at 8am when I got in, and it was 1am when I got the call that the judge said we won – relief, right, nope, They made me stay in this room all night, food was horrible, and in the morning they were supposed to release me, but they didn’t. Turns out, they tried to appeal the decision and introduced the real reason to deny me, but the judge said they didn’t present that initially so he said nope and to let me into Spain. That didn’t happen until 10am the next day and they finally let me go. In the 20+ years of being in the system, I never spent one night in a jail or holding cell until now – 8.5 years after being off of probation.
Happy ending right, nope, part of the plan, which we did disclose to them was I was to come back thru Spain to go back home, we didn’t realize this before I was released and when I asked my lawyer, he said there is a good chance they would deport me back to Morocco! Soooo, I tried to find a way to work around not going back thru Spain and there really wasn’t one, but found one to go thru Germany with a layover in Spain, of course, but didn’t think I would have to go thru passport control again, which I did! They looked at the screen, again, but I was prepared with the letter from the judge and my boarding pass, he called his supervisor and they did let me go thru. So that change cost me another $400 in fees and an extra night in Germany. When I left Germany – coming into Germany you do not go thru passport control (more on this in a sec), but on the way out, the passport guy saw the stamps and I told him a bit of the story, he laughed and said it was BS too. Oh, and of course, was searched at US customs coming back too, yay!
The rest of my trip was amazing, this was the 8th country I have traveled to since I was able to, but the first I had any problems getting in, and it was a Schengen country.
Here is what I learned and suggest for anyone traveling out of the US –
READ the entry requirements going into the country, money, plans, etc, do not give them ANY excuse to deny you entry
Fly into a country you know you can get into and make your connections from there, if you are denied, then you are deported there, not back to the US – following all proper registration requirements – if available
Once yor are in Europe, you do not have to go thru passport control in most Schengen countries, except the UK, since they are not part of the EU anymore and pretty strick at their borders. Not sure about Eastern EU, but there is always a risk like it was in Spain.
Take a train if practical, they check passports on the train, but I don’t think they run them like they do in an airport.
Print a list of all your contacts and important numbers so if they do take your phone, you have access to that information.
Bring plenty of cash
If anyone says that the registry isn’t punishment and that IML is only to ‘prevent sex trafficing’ is complete and total BS. I have about 18 months before I can even try to get off the registry, I do just about anything to make that happen, this sucked! These laws need to change!
I was told previously after giving 21 days notice that if I exceed the reported Travel return date its not a issue. That I should not report when I return but report when my next in person report date is due. Is this correct? and what happens if I am stuck outside the country and miss my next Registration date? Do I need to inform anybody? Im intending to be back in time but might not be able. I cant seem to find anything about this. What happens when they do Home checks and nobody is answering? Thanks
I have a question for all you world travelers. We all heard about Airbnb doing background checks and banning registered sex offenders from their properties. Is this only happening domestically, or is this also happening to American registrants seeking Airbnb properties overseas?
Just landed at LAX. ‘Had to go through the usual U.S. Customs “secondary” review. 😠
To paraphrase the Law Professor and ACSOL Board Member Catherine Carpenter, it was purely “public safety theater”!! I told the Customs officers from the start, “Nothing personal, but I will definitely be submitting a complaint on this unnecessary secondary review action.” I expressed how frustrated I was with this action and I pointed out how ridiculous going through “secondary review” every time I return to the US was since my offense occurred more than 25 years ago.
As one officer was searching my luggage, I asked him point blank, “What exactly are you looking for?? Nothing in my luggage would have anything relation to my criminal conviction.” To which he said, “We’re just trying to keep the public safe, [blah blah blah].”
(I will note that all of the Customs officers with whom I had contact were extremely courteous and professional. But, as any civil rights attorneys would point out, that’s irrelevant.)
Okay, enough about Customs BS! 😝
Now let me state very clearly:
🇨🇵 France was great!! 🇨🇵
I had absolutely no problems at French Customs despite my carrying an IML “uniquely-identified” U.S. passport. And the French people we’re wonderfully hospitable! 👍🏻
Florida has although I dont know of anybody who has recieved it a lW that says you have 3 weeks to reply to any mailed address verification letters or you can be violated. I will report my out of the country address to avoid the issue as it appears to drop off the Registry once travel period pre disclosed has expired. I usually get a knock on the door every few months. I dont see any rules saying i have to answer but they are always nice and Respectful. I am afraid they will just keep coming back if I dont answer upsetting my neighbors why cops are at my door all the time.
I am not in the USA anymore so I don’t have to register but when I go back to the US I do. Anyway, can I apply for a new passport and get an unmarked one?
The DOJ and The Library of Congress recently released an updated report on “Sex Offender” laws around the world. As usual, Mitchell-Hamline School of Law has the info on it. I’ve only skimmed it but the Appendix seems like it could be helpful.
I am a Tier 1 RSO (CP). Just returned from Chennai, India after visiting my elderly mother and relatives. I gave 21-day notice to the Pennsylvania State Police and obtained approval from my probation officer (in writing). I have an unmarked US passport received in January 2022 (even though I requested unique identifier be added).
I didn’t have any issues at the port of entry (Chennai, India). No questions asked by the immigration officer. Not sure if any notification was sent to India by the US interpol.
Upon return to USA at the port of entry (Philadelphia) I was sent to secondary inspection of my baggage. The customs officer asked me “when were you arrested?” He inspected my bags briefly and let me go.
✈️ 🇪🇺 FYI: Travelweek: EU’s visa waiver program delayed again until November 2023.
According to the IML, the passport marker applies if one is “currently required” to register for an offense involving a minor. What does it mean to be *currently required* to register? It would seem that It means that we are required by state/territorial law to provide registration updates periodically where we live, work, or study.
However, what happens when a state merely lists you after you left and without requiring any updates thereafter whatsoever? Florida is a state that lists thousands of people who have left and have no connection to the state. In those cases Florida law does NOT require registration updates on the part of the individual who no longer lives, works, or studies there.
I am not aware that the issue of what constitutes “currently required to register “ in this context has been litigated, except indirectly in the NICHOLS case in which SCOTUS held against the state attempting to exercise jurisdiction over a previous registrant who left for another country altogether. The Nichols Court held that the SORNA statute was clear in this regard -that to be an “involved jurisdiction “ the individual at issue had to presently live, work, or study in the jurisdiction. Absent that, the state could not exercise enforcement action against an individual no longer living or working or studying there.
does anyone know if this specific issue has been litigated? Or have an opinion on this?
Has anyone reported any traveled to Mexico after removal from the registry? If so, were there any issues?
Greetings, I have a happy trip report to make after a 5 month trip overseas. I am protective of my info so please forgive me if I don’t give specifics in some cases. I had a completely trouble free trip which started Mitch my uneventful arrival in France. They just scanned my unmarked passport and waved me through just like everyone else.
I did give 21 day notice and they only asked where I was flying to. They only do it over the phone and there was no form to fill out.
I had a great time for 3 months all over Europe and then decided to go to one of those SE Asian countries that we aren’t supposed to be able to get into. They also didn’t ask me anything when I arrived and processed me very quickly.
The best part is that I met a female on a reputable dating site there after I booked my trip and she spent every day of my two month trip to her country with me. Again I’m sorry that I would rather not provide more specific details. We are trying to get her a visa now but it is very complicated. Yes, I did tell her about my situation and she was very understanding so that won’t be a problem.
Upon returning to the US after changing planes in Tokyo I had a completely uneventful trip through US customs. They never actually scanned my passport and didn’t even ask to see it so they had no idea who I was. He just asked what was In my luggage and I said it only contained clothes. He just waved me through.
All through Europe I stayed in Airbnbs without incident and actually I’m back in the US now and temporarily staying in one. I have a common name after a legal name change and I’m not on any state registry website but I am registered
My letter from the Marshalls office stated Green notices had not been sent because that law requires a underage charge however they quote another that lets Travel Notices be sent if they want. I also did a Inquiry with Interpol and confirmed a Greebn Notice was never sent but a travel Alert was. All I can say is the system is not applied equally and regullary. I have beeb denied 2 tines to a country then gone back 3. As somebody also pointed out you are dealing with many moving parts and people.
Riddle me this:
Petition for removal from the registry granted on the 7th of October.
Misdemeanor charge of 314.1 back to 1999.
Offense did not include a minor.
Tier designation was Tier 1 adult.
Did not ever appear on the ML website.
Just received a new passport, no markings.
Traveling on business to India.
India evisa just granted.
Due to PetitionIbeing granted I am NOT filing 21 notice, as it no longer applies.
Should I have any real concerns for India immigration?
From my experience AirBNB is a toss up as I have used them. Also you can Host I have had some succsess and 1 failure. You can get creative by putting the House in a Real estate Trust to keep ownership secret. Also use a third party they have them both here and many International. They will combine Airbnb,Vrbo and many others. They list under the company name and from what I know dont care unless somebody knows. You pay a small % but get a dashboard and they do lots of the work. Some even let you eent from your own website. I cant give more detail but search and you will find a company that works for you.
For what it’s worth, I have used VRBO vacation rentals for years when visiting France. I like ’em & recommend them. 👍🏻
Can you give more information on this than just a link? What is it about? What is the story?
Just wanted to let everyone know that i went on my first international travel after being released from registering. Little backstory; back in April at my bi-yearly check-in my LEO said I was no longer required by the state of Utah to do any registration. I verified through the state as well as the Federal Marshals Office (fed charge of possession in 2001). This also meant that I did not have to do any more SORNA notifications.
I decided to go back to Tanzania again this time for two weeks. Got there at the same time I did 2 years ago. Much more people this time since Covid is going away. Got up to the Visa window, did my fingerprints, and the officer looked at the computer, looked at me, looked at the other stamps in my passport and said “Welcome” and let me through. Didn’t check anything but my vaccine card.
When I got back to the US, Customs only asked if I had anything to declare and I told him sodas and cheese from the Amsterdam airport. No questioning, no secondary check, no electronics check. Didn’t have those 2 years ago either.
Again, did it matter that I am a woman and not a man? I am not sure. It is a possibility.
I am now planning another international trip in another year or two to a different registrant-friendly country to see if anything is different. if you have any suggestions please let me know. I do have my eyes on Turkey. or Eastern Europe. Someplace inexpensive.
Thanks everyone.
Dead link for me just now.
has anyone made it to argentina? i’m currently living overseas
This is True However I and people that Travel like me also have done various entry into some crazy places that do Biometrics and have NEVER been denied. Its what those countries actually do with the info. Now A Interpol Green Notice or a Travel Notice that basically says this “Deviant” is coming to your country wink wink is a different matter. Some places simply deny you for that or a seperate inquiry to the Registry. I have actually been told it wasnt so much the charge just the fact I was on one of the USA states Registry git me denied. As Notorious has stated many times here is a multi prong smorgasboard of Info that catches you. One size doesnt fit all and the system has its issues often due to Human and Implemntation problems.
the Registry and notifications should be abolished.
Hello Family. After 22 years, I’m finally out of that horrible state of Wisconsin. SORP sent a technician to cut my ankle bracelet off within hours of me leaving the state. I’m currently visiting relatives who just hosted a bon voyage party for me. This week, I’m off to Istanbul by way of Chicago O’Hare. I still have to report my overseas locations to Wisconsin—for some reason, they feel they still have territorial jurisdiction over me. But I have to follow the law until it gets tested in court—either through a lawsuit or someone unfortunately being prosecuted. The fight is not over, but I feel I will prevail in the end. I just want my former state to leave me alone in peace.
I was reading a Wikipedia article on Roman Polanski. One thing stood out to me and could ease a lot of minds here. His 1977 international warrant for rape brought about a “red notice” from Interpol. Yet as of today, Interpol no longer recognizes or enforces that red notice and isn’t bothering with him.
this tells me that Interpol has a more common sense approach to our offenses than Angel watch. As such, I am far less concerned with them issuing “green notices” for my misdemeanor offense.