U.S. wants Canada to share travel information on convicted child sex offenders

Source: theglobeandmail.com 2/2/22

The U.S. government says it’s frustrated that Ottawa refuses to routinely notify Washington when Canadians convicted of sexual offences against children travel to the United States, noting that it alerts Canada when the same class of American offenders are heading here.

The Americans say Canada cites federal privacy law as the reason.

Mr. Kenney said the U.S. government would like Ottawa to amend its laws to allow the RCMP and Canada Border Services Agency to provide information on the travel plans of all registered child sex offenders.

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Look at all of the descriptions used in this article:

1. 64 convicted child molesters
2. two convicted pedophiles
3. convicted of child sex abuse
4. child sex offenders
5. child sexual predators
6. convicted child sex offenders
7. registered sex offenders

And probably a few more. I did not bother to keep reading all of the “bull”.

You have to read some of the comments below the article.

Hopefully the Michigan aclu lawsuit will shut the dumbest in the government up.
Dana Nessel and her like 36 cohorts.

Well in Canada their registry isn’t public, they’re is a mechanism for ending registration even with a lifetime requirement. It is still dumb but at least it seems more commensurate with likely recidivism.

Is Rep Smith really behind this push given this is his lust in life? Can’t buy Canadian influence here as other countries can be bought.

“Mr. Kenney said about 10 countries provide reciprocal notifications to the United States. He declined to say which, but said many European countries also refuse to share such information because of privacy laws.” What’s the benefit of the USG knowing ahead of traveling? Mr. Kenney said earlier in the article there’s a benefit but didn’t say why or what. Is OPSEC in play here? A FOIA req would get “lost” if submitted to find out the ten, I bet.

“The law forbids the RCMP to share information on convicted sex offenders with another country unless they have evidence an offence is going to be committed.” Best line of thought I’ve ever seen on notification purposes and should be the basis used by the USG, not assuming something in character defaming/slandering notifcations under the guise of re-sharing public information.

US wants, US wants, US wants. The people and the rest of the world get tired of capricious unfunded demands.

As a wise man once said: Want in one hand, crap in the other, and see which one fills first

The key factor: Most, if not all registrants whom are forced to disclose their status WERE REFUSED ENTRY once they arrived at the destination. I believe that there should be grounds to sue based upon that fact, that in fact the “notification” should NOT be construed as a “ban order.”

In demanding this information from our fine neighbors to the north you figure they’ll use a human diplomatic agent to transfer the information deemed “necessary” for our National Security Interests? OR will they(we) demand transactions via electronic means?


“ sharing information on convicted sex offenders with another country unless they have evidence an offence is going to be committed” this is the same terminology the eu uses to PUT a green notice out on someone. that’s why they are very confused when we show up there with a green notice.

leave it to the USA Karen & Daren Gov’t to forcing this trash on weak minded people in the name of fake safety , PFR’s just want to stop being in danger of Karen’s & Daren’s as well as on going investigation and harassment of family , this is strait out unconstitutional from the very beginning , dose that mean people don’t screw up ? no ! But if you did your time they had plenty of time to help people become better people, rather than punish them even long after their time is done , With LE acting like they are not only so called heros but also say they keep people safe with a lame registry , and those that get murdered that are on this shame/punishment registry are seemingly just unmentioned collateral damage ! yet still constitutional and not punishment by some wizard of oz stretch of the imagination ,