UK: Semen-sniffing dog used by British cops to help bust sex offenders

Source: 10/21/22

Man’s best friend may be a man’s best chance at busting sex offenders.

A semen-sniffing dog is working in the sex crime unit of a police department in England to help catch creeps and perverts, cops announced this week.

The 1-year-old yellow Labrador, April, was trained to detect even tiny amounts of seminal fluid at crime scenes — and is better than traditional kits at extracting DNA, according to the Cheshire Police Department in England.

The perv-busting pooch can pinpoint as little as 0.016ml of semen deposited even years ago, Cheshire Police Chief Dean Allen told the BBC.

“Once [she’s] identified the scent, that piece of material or vegetation can be sent away and the extracted DNA profiled, leading to more prosecutions,” said Allen, who was April’s lead trainer.

“The result is we can catch sexual offenders that we may not have been able to otherwise.”

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Talk about tainted evidence. The pooch sniffing it will end up corrupting the DNA by mixing the Canines DNA with the purported DNA sample and how useful would years old dried and degraded DNA really be in a prosecution? This stink of a PR stunt to trick low IQ people into thinking that the cops will be able to protect them and catch the bad guy years later.

This story is “redolent,” if you will, of the British comedy, “Brass Eye” where they purport to detect “paedos” through ever-more bizarre techniques. I had expected that they would claim that the semen of sex offenders can be discerned from non-sex offenders but it seems that they could not successfully make that argument, inclined though they were. Such damning evidence seems to be implicit from the jizzed-up headline and I’m sure many will come away from it with that impression along with the belief that bushes and hedgerows outside of schools and in parks are just loaded up with the byproducts of “sex offending.” Perhaps we should all (we males, at least) make a contribution, wherever we should take a fancy, to their growing body of canine-detected evidence. I’m guessing that Linden trees might pose a problem of creating false positives, however. (Google “Linden trees” and the other British comedy “Mitchell and Webb,” and “Queen Victoria” if you’re unsure of the reference)

Last edited 1 year ago by Notorious D.I.K.

This is real sickening!

Ummm, when exactly is this useful? In a crime scene where the police know that a sex crime took place, and it is reasonable to assume that semen may have been left behind, but they can’t find it? That happens a lot in the UK? Often enough that you need to train a dog to sniff this out? Seems like one of those, great if you have it, but that may never happen sorts things. Like having a full set of hexagonal wrenches in metric sizes. If you need a 1.25 Cm hex wrench…you’ll be glad as hell you’ve got one…if that need ever happens.

Are they just having this dog run about sniffing here and there in the hopes they’ll find some semen?

I’ve trained detection dogs for over 20 years, I don’t see this working, a lot of false negatives. Lol would not wanna be the handler. 🤣 🤣 🤣

Last edited 1 year ago by Jason

How do you cross examine a semen sniffing dog?

Am I the only one that finds this absolutely hilarious? I mean it’s great to catch sexual predators but it’s a “c*m sniffing dog.” You just can’t make this stuff up.

Came for the comments and wasn’t disappointed. Comedy gold.

Is this a joke? Can’t tell if this is an article from the Onion.

What good is the dog when a good portion of individuals don’t even report sexual assaults right away. That’s where you have to get the numbers up, instead of relying on MeToo inspired victims who report their assault decades down the road

I guess my dog must have been trained too! Whenever a new female comes around, he always goes directly for the crotch! I just always thought he was a pervert dog, but nope he’s just trained! On a serious note, they make it out that this dog is finding all these sex offenders reoffending, which we know is not the truth. Trash news.

I wish people would stop exploiting these dogs for profit. It’s a form of animal abuse and neglect. They’re expose to chemicals and subjugated with a “reward for hit” system during “training” which is loosely abuse and neglect in my eyes.

They get 5k per dog, so I can imagine future dogs trained for other nefarious means.

What if the crime seen has a teenage boy living in the home the dog’s head would probably explode 🐕

I don’t know who’s dumber – the person that had this idea or the people that believe it.

How exactly will this dog “…catch sexual offenders that we may not have been able to otherwise”? Because at first glance, I can’t imagine what this dog can do that can be done by a UV light.

Also remembered the story a month or two ago about dogs trained to sniff for thumb drives, purportedly to catch CP offenders (but apparently wouldn’t work on white collar crime for some reason). Pretty sure that came from England too, maybe even in this same town. Guess they don’t trust forensics.

Does this dog also say “roooby roooby roooooooo”

So, they can take this dog in anyone’s home, and he will go crazy.