TX: First-Grade Students at Texas School Allegedly Force 6-Year-Old Girl to Perform Sex Act, Record Act on Ipad While Teacher was in the Classroom

Source: ibtimes.sg 5/8/23

A large group of Texas parents were seen protesting outside of the administrative offices of the Plainview Independent School District, demanding answers from authorities over allegations that first-grade students forced a six-year-old girl to perform a sex act in the classroom. The incident took place at the South Elementary School in Plainview, Texas.

According to the Plainview Herald, the parents of the girl received a phone call about the incident last month. School officials informed her mother that an inappropriate video was found on an iPad given to students. However, the officials did not tell her what was on the video.

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Gee, I wonder where they got that idea? A tiktoc challenge?
Ipads in grade school settings? Who’s great idea was that?
Let me guess, the machines were FREE! Am I wrong on that score?

Well at least this happened in Texas and not Florida… or the 1st grade student(s) involved would get the death sentence.

Please find a moment to wish that poor little girl is doing well now and in her future.

Death Threats?!?!? Have to close the School out of fear of vigilantes?!?!? Teacher is neither implicated nor present, but threats still coming?!?!?!? This is true, but the liars will still demand that the Registry doesn’t place people I’m extreme risk of vigilante violence…despite this, and all the vigilante violence Registrants have experienced.

Here’s another article about this alleged incident and the uproar over it.


I think a little skepticism might be warranted — sound like a lot of allegations and rumors without much solid evidence at this point. Maybe at least let the investigation play itself out before jumping to any conclusions.

When I was in grade school, the teacher was so attentive that she knew if someone in the back of the class was chewing gum.
How could something like this fall upon blind eyes?????

I read what happened from OAN it was reported that one of the 1st graders exposed himself in the lunch line and then made the girl perform oral sex on him in the classroom when another filmed. What kid learns to expose himself in a lunch line and about oral sex?

It didn’t happen?? 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

Plainview ISD states “Sexual assault did not occur” South Elementary


Excuse me, but neither of them are old enough to consent, so mutual or not is irrelevant. According to the law a sexual assault occurred. Its time to end this garbage double standards. The law is clear. The male and his friend at the very least committed Statutory Rape of a minor and sexual assault through coercion or threat of force. If they sweep this under the rug then that is absolutely horrific. While I do not condone putting these kids in prison for life, I have been told over and over again. The law is the law, don’t like it change it. No where in the law does it have a carve out that says that if the perpetrator is a minor as well then nothing happened and the victim is allowed to consent to sex regardless of age as long as the offender is also a minor.