Here’s Why Donald Trump Doesn’t Have to Register as a Sex Offender

Source: 1/30/24


[ACSOL’S NOTE: This article is posted to show the differences between civil lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. It is NOT posted to show preference for any political party, both of which pass laws against registrants and sex offenses.

Please stop all political party attack comments.]

You’d think someone found liable for sexual assault would be considered a danger to society, but unfortunately the law says otherwise.

Being on the sex offender registry isn’t punishment, according to the Supreme Court of the United States. Which is to say, we do not have to check off the box of criminal procedural rights before we put someone on it. We can even do it retroactively.

Which has led to some people asking: Why isn’t Donald Trump on the sex offender registry? ​The basis is simple enough.

On May 9, 2023, after a scant three hours of deliberation, a New York jury delivered its verdict: by a preponderance of the evidence, it found that Trump had “sexually” abused the columnist E. Jean Carroll by groping her in the dressing room of a department store. Carroll had buttressed her claims with accounts of people she had told at the time, as well as other women who said they had faced similar treatment. It certainly didn’t help that there was widely viewed video of the former president saying that he sometimes grabbed women “by the pussy”—a statement which, at the time it surfaced just before the 2016 election, helped confirm him as the president of choice for social conservatives.

As Mark Herrmann noted recently in The Daily Beast, the judge in the Carroll case “later held that Trump’s conduct was, in the common vernacular, rape.”

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If someone is not convicted in a criminal court of a sex crime, then they are not [forced to register] by law.

In America, the court of public opinion, including civil cases, do not rise to the level of classifying someone as a sex offender.

There are a huge number of people that don’t know why they hate Trump, would gladly now label him as a sex offender, just because orange man bad and he at least for now, lost a civil case involving allegations made for TV.

Sure – if it isn’t punishment then why not put Trump on it? I’m sure he won’t object.

The Registries only apply to the underprivileged, the poor, or the ones who they can get away with applying it too (Retroactively). The Registry is a way to disable the underprivileged Citizens of our communities.

if the shoe fits

I wonder how many Americans would fully support Donald Trump even if he had to register. To many believe Donald Trump can do no wrong or when he’s held accountable it’s fake news.

Trump should not be registered, nobody should be, including him. However, it is a grand opportunity to point out the hypocrisy and lies of the Registry. If it’s not punishment, why not? Better safe than sorry, and if it saves just one child!

Funny how both those ideas disappear the moment it calls for people to do something that don’t want to. When it throws someone they want, or don’t care about, under the bus, it is undeniably necessary, but for him it is a travesty of justice…. Why?

Ohio wants to put people in prison then on the registry, based on the “Reasonable presumption” that someone is grooming a child for future sexual assault. No need to prove that any kind of assault has ever taken place, just that it is reasonable to presume they want to. Good enough to send someone to prison for years, then register them for whatever is left of their life.

Trump also has a proven and admitted friendship with Jeffery Epstein. Reasonable to assume that all of Epstein’s other friends may have, but magically impossible to think that Trump ever did. Why? Clinton yes, we know He’s a philander, but the man that dumped his first wife for his mistress, who he also dumped for wife #3, that he also cheated on her with a porn star he paid to keep quite… Somehow, no possible way? How are these Presumptions reached?

Oh and the Billy Bush tape… But he was just kidding… and we should all magic think that real, why? The man that has twice been found to have headed a business that systemically engaged in various types of fraud, and is facing new allegations of the same, should be believed, why? Oh that’s right, everybody lies, but him. He’s the only person that ever tells the truth. Right?

Numerous people have been registered, often after prison sentences, based on false convictions they were later found to be factually innocent of, yet we still register everyone automatically, and inescapably. So it is ok run the risk of error with absolutely everyone else, but not him… Why? No problem with registering people that cannot reasonably be considered risks, and continue to do so for decades with no evidence of any new attempt to recidivate, but not with him. Why? Drag up convictions that could be decades old, with no evidence of any attempts to recidivate, then register them all as a necessary precaution, but no need with him. Why?

One could ask the same questions about John Walsh and Bill Cosby. Walsh admitted to a statutory offence. Cosby also admitted he drugged women, and only had his conviction overturned on a technicality. If the registry isn’t punishment, then why not put them on as a precaution?

Nobody should be tied to this abomination. Not, Trump. Not Walsh or Cosby not you, your loved ones and AlsoMe. 😁

I do not want anyone to be on the Sex Offense Registry… no matter who they are, no matter what they did, no matter when they did it, no matter what.
The goal here is to get rid of the Sex Offense Registry, not to be envious or jealous because someone does not have to register.
We may be forced to register, I hate being forced to register. I hate it. I hate every minute of it.
But I also do not think that anyone else should have to register… ever.
I get joy out of seeing that someone does not have to register any longer, or in the first place.
Even if every single person forced to register, except for me, was suddenly relieved of that requirement I would be thrilled, not jealous or envious.
One less person forced to register is one less person forced to register.
Let us fight the registry, not fight those that don’t have to register.

Wow, suddenly a person who might have to register is a very bad person, guilty without question, the registry is suddenly holy and correct, a person on the registry is now everything the public and media says it is. My God, just listen to yourselves vilifying someone for a sex offense. I guess your sex offense is one of those pure ones, those misunderstandings, those lapse in judgement unlike this other person’s who deserves all the pain and suffering the registry brings. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. You know nothing of this man other than what the media tells you, that very same media that wants you locked back up for your heinous act, even though they don’t know what you did, the fact you are on the registry is all they need to know to want you back in a cell.

There is no more privacy in America everyone is one google away from being exposed, this is the new world of “social media” The only difference is PFR are being hunted by law enforcement agencies everywhere Throughout the country.
I was watching this documentary on YouTube and this guy was arrested at the airport for having an out of state warrant, the TSA officer said they run peoples names looking for [people convicted of a sex offense] and people with warrants.
So every time a person buys a plane ticket they do background checks to see if they have warrants or if they’re on registry WTF. I hope Trump wins and continues to shake up Washington because this country’s DOJ is out control.

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO1

Not to beat a dead horse, but there is a mechanism that New York State Democrats could use if they want Donald Trump on a registry–do what Ohio did. Here’s a link to an article that discusses that law and how no one has yet been put on it. The tl;dr is that, as a compromise between plaintiffs who wanted to sue the Catholic Church beyond the statute of limitations and the church itself, which obviously didn’t want to be sued, Ohio Republicans passed a bill that would allow plaintiffs to ask for their alleged abusers to be put on a registry if, as a result of CIVIL, not criminal, action, a judge agreed that it was likely they had committed the crime. It doesn’t appear that this registry has actually been used (although it does exist), but it remains a blueprint for a legal mechanism that New York State could use. Do I support that? I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind if half the country had to own up to voting for a “registered Sex Offender,” which may make them think more critically about this category of people that many of them are likely to dismiss or scorn. It might make Democrats hate us more I suppose, so it’s a bit of a double-edged sword, but getting more high profile people on any kind of sex offense registry is honestly what’s going to be the downfall of the whole crusade.

Absolutely Absurd!!!!

Look at some pictures (CP) and you end up in prison for years – can’t find a job – can’t find a place to live.

Sexually abuse someone, no prison time, you can be POTUS and live in the White House.

Can someone please explain the logic of this!!

I would suggest a massive truce…NOW!

When I read the article, NOWHERE did I read ANYTHING about how the registry affected registrants and their families. All I saw was a massive desire to punish someone USING the registry. And the massive problem that we face is that the audience for this story is certainly not Trump supporters, but Trump HATERS; i.e., the people we most associate with the political party who would be most open to getting rid of the registry.

And to that end, only the Constitution provides the salvation. And supporting Janice and other champions of the movement is vital to the cause. Keep in mind that attorney Norm Pattis, who is vehemently against the registry, also defended major Trump supporter Owen Shroyer for his involvement at J6. Norm is about as dedicated to the Constitution for every issue that I know.

This fight TRANSCENDS politics. We all know that politicians use the registry to score political points. We all know that politicians come to us and whisper, “We support you, but have to vote against you because we’d be thrown out on our keister by the voters if we don’t.”

But when we are divided, we fail. To be blunt, I could give a fig about the presidency when the registry is the big focus. It is the local and state politicians that need the brunt of our focus, as Janice has so willingly put out though the past 15-16 years or so.

This article and thread has gone way beyond the criminal verse civil aspects.

The mods have allowed “Please stay on topic – both in terms of the organization in general and this post in particular.”

[MODERATOR’S NOTE TO EVERYONE: @LPH is correct. This article is posted to show the differences between civil lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. It is NOT posted to show preference for any political party, both of which pass laws against registrants and sex offenses.

Please stop all political party arguments]

All politics aside, Trump is getting a pretty raw deal if you look at some of the facts of the case, and how certain conclusions were reached.

Here’s a Washington Post article that highlights some of the more interesting quotes from the judge.

BOTH parties are guilty of our ongoing persecution.