International Travel 2024

This post is intended as a place for discussions about International Travel ONLY.

For more information and previous discussions on the topic, please see International Travel 2023, International Travel 2022, International Travel 2021, International Travel 2020 and International Travel 2019.

In this International Travel 2024 post, the information is identical to the International Travel 2023 post. We added a new post for 2024 in order to keep the discussion manageable. Please help us by sticking to the topic of International Travel only.


From 2020: We have updated our main International Travel section. It features:

  1. List of Schengen Nations (allowing entry to registrants);
  2. Resources (including a CA DOJ Travel Notification Form); and
  3. User Submitted Travel Reports.

This post is linked from the Main Menu at the top of the site.

1. The 26 Schengen Nations (which allow registrants to visit)

As an agreement, Schengen was signed among the five out of ten countries of the European Union members back then, on the 14th June 1985. Under the Schengen agreement, travelling from one Schengen country to another is done without any passport and immigration controls or any other formalities previously required.

Czech republic

Note: US Citizens are visa exempt when visiting the Schengen area for up to 90 days in a 180 day period (List of Countries, Section B or map).  The European Commission is proposing activation of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for such travelers, beginning sometime in 2023 – which may or may not take criminal convictions into account. ETIAS Fact Sheet April 2018July 2018

2. Resources



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Here’s a story that illustrates why we don’t have problems getting into Europe … whole different approach to people with a one-time offense, even people forced to register.

Sent to jail for raping a child, Dutch beach volleyball player qualifies for Paris Olympics representing the Netherlands

How will the Supreme Court’s overturning Chevron affect our foreign travel restrictions? Isn’t this the decision we have been waiting and hoping for? Maybe now no more International Megan’s Law, 21-day notices, Angel Watch, identifiers in passports, etc. Those were all agency regulations, which should be eliminated, I think, under this decision.

I am back from Việt Nam. I flew there on a direct flight from San Francisco to Ho Chi Minh City then a flight to Hà Nội. First I had a flight from LAX to SFO. I got to SFO and got my luggage and carry-ons and started looking for the departure gate. I found it, and was sitting there when 2 guys came and started looking for someone, it was me. They were DHS, they came up and showed ID and asked if they could talk to me for a few minutes. We went to a little more private area and I told them they just put a target on my back in front of everyone there. They asked what the purpose of my trip was, I told them I was going to visit my adopted family and friends there who I have been helping with English for several years. I told them I wanted to be with my family for Tet holiday there. My family are friends I have helped with English, one of them for around 14 years. He started calling me father long ago and has always told me I changed his life when he met me. For them, learning English is very important and can really help them in employment. Anyway, I have 4 sons and they are married so I have daughters and 6 grandchildren. So I told them, I explained to them I was going there to see/visit my family and I was going to live there for my retirement. I asked them if they were going to have me blocked when I got there, and they told me no, things were OK.
So I got there, flights were uneventful. My son picked me up from the airport in Hà Nội and we went to his home. I stayed there with him and his family. He lived in Yên Phong, Bac Ninh Province around 40km from Hà Nội and it was great! I went to HN when I could and I went to Giao Thủy, Nam Dinh Province to visit my other son and his family. My son there works on a cargo ship. He is the first officer on his ship and was at home in between contracts. I’ve been to VN 4 times before before the pandemic and always visited family and friends when I was there. This time my son was home and it was very nice to see him again. I love being with my family there!!
After a while I found and apartment in Hà Nội, it was a nice apt, but on the 4th floor and no elevator. It was priced really nice, I just bought a 55inch TV and soundbar. hehe In Việt Nam for a tourist visa you can only stay for 90 days then you need to go out and apply for another evisa. I got my visa for Laos and was planning to go to the border and apply for my evisa there. The bus ticket was from Hà Nôi to Vientiane, the capital of Laos. I got off the bus at the border and walked through the outbound line for Việt Nam, then filled out the paperwork for Laos and got through their border. I found a café and ate breakfast and used their WiFi to apply. I used a company I used for all my trips to VN and filled out the form and sent it and the photos of everything I needed. I got a message asking if I was out of VN and if I could take a picture of the exit stamp on my passport. I did, and sent it, then I got a message back saying my visa could not be applied for and issued because I violated Vietnamese law. I asked them what law and they could not tell me. I asked them again to ask the Vietnamese agency issuing the visa what law and the agency told them they could not tell them. So now, I am at the border and a long ways from anywhere I can get a flight or anything. The owner of the café gave me a ride to a town where I bought a ticket to go on to Vientiane. I got a hotel and started figuring out what my next step was. I messaged my son, he has a friend that is a policeman, she works with immigration and she asked them why I was put on the immigration blacklist and what law I violated, they said they couldn’t tell her. I cannot get any answers why I am not able to, or wasn’t able to get back into Việt Nam. I booked a flight from Vientiane, Laos to LAX with an 8 hour layover in Shanghai. I have to admit, Shanghai Airport is really nice!! I got back to LAX and I only had carry-on which was kind of nice. (I left most of my things at my apartment, I packed most everything up just in case and I had to have my son hire help to take it to his home) I went through the normal second screening and was expecting the worst. I told them direct and very adamantly that I did NOT go there for sex or anything like that!! After a while I was out of there.
I am back living here, the US is not my home, it is just where I am forced to live. Việt Nam I will always call home!! I am now finally getting ready to send an email to the Ministry of Public Security (the department that handles the evisa) to find out why I cannot go back. I NEVER violated any Vietnamese law, I was a contributing member of Vietnamese economic society. My son just lost his Vietnamese father to cancer. My son’s children know me as grandfather, they lost a grandfather, I don’t want them to grow up without having a grandfather. I need to be back!
I am sorry this is so long, I just wanted to let you know what was going on and what I went through.
(I never thought about going to Laos or Lao, but being there for 6 days, it was really nice. I would love to go there again one day)

now, IF I may ask another question, this is about spas and gyms here. This is probably not the right thread for this…………… BUT is it illegal for a registrant to go to a Korean Spa or go to a gym? When I was in Việt Nam I walked a LOT! I lost weight and it was good. NOW I am back and I don’t get out much. I would love to go at least to a gym and use their treadmill and find one with a sauna to sit and relax after my treadmill walk. I have Silver Sneakers and IF I have to be here in the US I might as well take advantage of it. The Korean Spa would be nice to occasionally get a scrub there, but the gym is MORE important!! Is there any California law against going to either one?

Should we book last-minute to avoid a Notice (assuming no need for the 21-day advance Notice)?

Wondering how much the ETIAS and Visa requirements for U.S. traveling to Europe that goes in to affect mid 2025, will affect all of us since on application they require info about criminal background and incarceration history??!!

Hey all.

I was coerced into pleading guilty to 2 counts of attempted cp possession in 2012. Sentence concluded in 2016. I have been forced to register in numerous states since. I have been looking into the possibility of moving to Nicaragua permanently because I am disabled and only make about $1,200/mo and their requirements for residency/citizenship are very relaxed. Can anyone tell me the best known strategy for getting there and staying there, or if it’s impossible?

Thanks a bunch.

Has anyone ever taken the chunnel from France to the UK? I’m in kind of a unique situation with my conviction/registration status. It’s a low level felony here (voyeurism) and I’m not required to register in my state. But with the UK having access to our record, I’m mostly sure I’ll get turned away. But I’d like to test it and see what happens, without running the risk of getting put on a plane back to the US. How inconvenient/expensive do you all think it would be to try to enter via the chunnel just to see what happens?

Been planning a trip to Europe -Greece in particular, initially flying into Paris first.

I recently checked my FBI criminal record and although my 1996 noncontact offense involving a minor is described accurately, the listed NCIC offense code for the offense is 3612 -failure to register. Which leaves me dumbfounded. I called up the fbi and they blamed the state and said they only report what the state reports to them. So I called up the state records office and they said they’d “look into it.” (I’ve never been charged with FTR).

The correct NCIC code for my offense is 3614, so I’m guessing that it was due to a data entry error.
btw I checked and there’s no warrant out for me for anything let alone FTR.

So My question is whether I should postpone my trip (late this month) until this is corrected? Paris is reportedly very easy entry for us. But I’m wondering if it could complicate things for me at Secondary?

I’m no longer on the registry and I have an unmarked passport ..

Thank you.

Ive noticed many postings using anecdotal accounts or evidence, which just creates more confusion and hysteria over travel destinations. I only post info that I have researched and found articles or actual confirmed accounts backing my postings. If you are just taking a SWAG at the info, then please don’t post. It does no one any good.

Well, as promised I’m here to share my travel experience to Europe (arrived home today). FYI, I am not required to register in my state of residence and have no passport marker, so therefore I did not give a 21 day advance notice of travel.
In a nutshell, not having the passport marker and not having to give the 21 day notice meant SQUAT! I arrived in Frankfurt on July 11. Now I have read a lot of comments on this forum about how Shengen nations ‘don’t care’ about our past like AW does. Well let me tell you, that is not 100% accurate. After presenting my passport upon arrival, the inspector fiddled on the computer for about 5 minutes before I was brought into the German federal police office. There, I had to show proof of every hotel reservation for my 2 week stay. Every hotels location and the date of stay was written down by the officer. I then had to show my rental car reservation and my bank account balance. Additionally, I had to sign a consent form to allow immigration control to search my phone and tablet. I spent well over an hour in the office while this was going on. Then two officers escorted me down to the baggage claim area and my bags were searched extensively before they let me through customs. The officer said a notice was sent “from Washington”.
I was so frazzled after all of this that I couldn’t even enjoy the first couple of days in Europe. I then decided to make the most of it and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of my stay.
When departing Germany, there was a 10 minute delay while the officer searched the computer and made a call before I was let through. Then, of course, when I landed stateside I was sent to secondary where my bags were thoroughly searched and CBP agents searched my electronic devices after providing me with literature about the legality of that processs. And that is NOT an option. Secondary took well over an hour to complete.
Although I enjoyed my trip I will never put myself through that bullsh*t again. They can have it.

I wanted to add another brief note about my recent trip to Europe. Due to current illegal immigration concerns in Europe, there are currently random border checks being done at certain Schengen border crossings. For instance, there were checks (not Czechs) being done at the Austria/Czech Republic borders and also the Italy/Switzerland borders. There are others going on as well in Slovenia, Croatia, etc. Just an FYI to always bring your passport even if only on a day trip. In my recent experience I was always just waved right through, but I just wanted to make potential travelers aware of this.

Recently read article that stated the expat community has increased to double its numbers in just 2 yrs. The current gen sees no pathway to the “AMERICAN DREAM” due to ridiculous housing prices, inescapable student debt and what most feel is a government in chaos. So for different reasons we are all in the same boat. I would not be surprised if the exodus by U.S. citizens soon matched the immigration from poorer countries. I know that my SS and Navy Pension, along with my stock investments, will make life so much more enjoyable anywhere else. Of course I am sure there is some Demented Congressman somewhere trying to take those hard earned government payouts away from us.

Courts Close the Loophole Letting the Feds Search Your Phone at the Border. Customs and Border Protection insists that it can search electronics without a warrant. A federal judge just said it can’t.

Yesterday while waiting for my flight to depart my name was called and a CBP officer was waiting for me. He informed me that my passport has been revoked. He needed to confiscate it and I was to be escorted out of the terminal. I was extremely surprised, confused and very angry to hear this.

This was my third new passport in 5 first was renewed and I was sent one without the Satan stamp. It was revoked 1 year later. I applied for a new marked passport and once again sent one without the mark. Last year it was revoked and I once again applied for my third passport and included the entire printed law with my application. The government must have finally understand because I received my brand new passport with the marked front page. I jumped through every hoop 3 times at my personal expense and yet, here I was hours away from a trip 2 years in the making being told, sorry, better luck next time.

I asked the officer if he was certain he had the correct passport number and explained to him what I had been through as written above. He said it was being revoked for not having the stamp and walked me to the exit. He was very sincere in his responses and was listening to everything I explained. I showed him the front page with the stamp and said that it’s embarrassing that a mistake 20 years ago is trumped by the governments incompetence 20 years later. When he saw the stamp he too was visibly confused but said once it’s revoked, there is nothing that can be done. He apologized and left me at the exit.

Sitting at the exit I started frantically trying to call the department of state, my congressman’s office, and the local emergency passport center trying to reach anyone that might be able to help. For the next 10 minutes I was bounced between voicemail recordings and automated messages and then my phone rang from an US Border Patrol number.

When I answered it was the very same agent who had taken my passport. He told me that he had made some calls and not to leave the airport if I hadn’t already. He have me instructions on where his office was located within the airport and to meet him asap because he got my passport corrected in the system and would need it if I was going to catch my flight that was scheduled to depart in 40 minutes.

I write this story from my hotel room in Europe with my very exhausted wife asleep beside me. I’m still not sure how I managed to stay calm through the rage I felt in the moment but the CBP officer helped me immensely when he could have just followed instructions and left me to rot.

A few topics as well as response to “Is my passport canceled?”

According to the Canadian lawyer in Ottawa I just talked with, people convicted of a felony have always been banned from entering Canada, but the enforcement of it prior to 2001 was lax and since then it has been enforced more stringently. He also said five years post-confinement people are able to apply for rehabilitation which takes one year to process for potential entrance to Canada.

Hello out there….

I have traveled to France and Italy over the last few years. (Italy last year). I am currently planning a trip to Germany for October to meet my wife and spend two weeks together as we fight through the AWA fiasco of immigration. Another topic for another time.

I have used this forum and others like it as part of my research in the past and it has paid off as to where to choose for us to meet and visit.

The next stop is Germany. I have the identifier on my passport….did not have an issue in France or Italy with it. Have used it in Hong Kong as well before China started shutting it down. My travels have been smooth.

I read JM 24’s recent account below and it gave me pause.

Any other recent travel reviews to Germany anyone can provide? My offense was almost 20 years ago now….not that it matters because any time it comes up it I am made to feel I committed it just last Monday.

Regardless any travel experiences would be appreciated. We were planning to fly into Frankfurt and out of Berlin. Tickets are not purchased yet but will be in the next couple of weeks. Still doing my due diligence.

Look forward to hearing from you.

We should rename the International Travel section ‘All Europe, all the time’

Hello Everyone,

I posted last summer about getting my new passport. I wanted to update all of you with events since then. Please feel free to post any questions below and I’ll do my best to answer them.

In June 2023, I completed 20 years of NYS registration for CP.
In February 2020 I received a UPS overnight letter from a spoofed address (State Department) telling me my passport is revoked and I need to surrender it for a new one with the Scarlett letter.

I didn’t surrender my passport because Covid and figured I’d wait it out 3 years. My wife and I normally traveled 3-5 times a year internationally, but with Covid, we used it as an excuse to explore the United States.

Fast forward July 2023. I used an expeditor and got my passport in 5 days. Wasn’t cheap, but since I had a wedding in Rome in September I needed it done asap. I surrendered my old passport that was revoked and submitted a letter I received from NYS that said I was not longer obligated to register.

Days after getting my new passport (with a new number), I took a run from JFK to Toronto. Left without an issue. Entered Canada with no issue. Went outside and walked back into the airport. Went thru US Customs – was asked if I lost my passport or if I had another one – I said no. Let me right in. Keep in mind, for the past 20 years I have been sent to secondary when returning to the US. Sometimes its a few minutes, sometimes it’s 30-45 minutes and they end up checking what little luggage I have. Every single time.

Side note: I traveled to Japan in 2014, Canada in 2013, DR several times between 2012 and 2019. Mexico. But when returning to the US, I got that X at the kiosk and sent to secondary.

My last trip to DR in 2019, I was denied entry. Also in 2019, denied entry into Barbados.

Ok, here are travel updates since getting my new passport.

September 2023, landed in Rome – no issue.
October 2023, landed in Madrid – no issue.
October 2023, drove into Gibraltar – no issue in or out.
January 2024, left St Thomas – not sent to secondary.
March 2024, landed Milan – no issue
May 2024, landed in Athens – no issue.
May 2024, overnight layover in Istanbul – no issue. Paid the $20-30 visa and stayed night at a hotel
July 2024, landed Milan – no issue.

Earlier today, I landed in JFK from MXP – secondary as always. 3-5 minutes of waiting the officer called my name and told me my passport is damaged and I need a new one and she was going to take it. I said I have an international trip “next week” – she let me keep it and also said something about a “lost passport”. Now granted, my passport is kinda damaged. It was in my pants pocket and went into the washer and dryer.

In case you are wondering, here is the email I got from AW last year days after being removed the the NYS registry:

From: “DHSInterMeganslaw,” <>

Date: June 14, 2023 at 2:48:09 PM EDT


Subject: Re: URGENT: Removal of Identifier


The Angel Watch Center has reviewed the information you have provided and has confirmed that you have been relieved of your duty to register… . We have advised the Department of State that you are no longer required to have the International Megan’s Law endorsement in your passport. If you wish to receive a new passport without the endorsement, you will need to submit a new passport application. You may contact the Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs for any questions on how to receive a new passport without the endorsement. For Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs contact information, you may visit:                             

this website           

However, your previous conviction for possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child is considered a covered sexual offense according to International Megan’s Law, therefore you are subject to advanced notification to foreign countries. It is recommended that you contact the embassy of your intended destination country prior to any future international travel to inquire if your previous conviction for a covered sexual offense may preclude you from entering that country upon arrival.      


The Angel Watch Center                

Another kick in the ass, the letter I got from NYS, they added a sentence at the end: “if I am convicted of another sex offense I will have to register again” Yes, they really said that in the letter.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with my expeditor for a replacement passport. I have a trail run to Canada in 3 weeks. I’ll update you all then.

Safe travels everyone.

What’s up dudes, again! I’m in Frankfurt Germany 30 seconds ago I just got through customs. Didn’t even blink an eye. Now to enjoy my vacation

Just wanted to add a data point. Had no issues getting through passport control at Frankfurt. Officer barely batted an eye and I was through in 30 seconds.

Has anyone here ever traveled/visited/moved to Albania, either as a current registrant or an ex-registrant?

We live in NYS my husband is a Person Forced to Register (PFR) and we’re traveling to Berlin end of September/ beginning October. Layover in Munich on the way to Berlin, from what I see there SHOULD be no issue for him with traveling throughout Germany- he has to do the 21 day notice per NYS – what information does he need to supply them with? Flights/dates/times where we will stay? Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

Anyone travel to Curacao?
no longer on registry
buy got denied from Dominican republic 2023

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