International Travel 2024

This post is intended as a place for discussions about International Travel ONLY.

For more information and previous discussions on the topic, please see International Travel 2023, International Travel 2022, International Travel 2021, International Travel 2020 and International Travel 2019.

In this International Travel 2024 post, the information is identical to the International Travel 2023 post. We added a new post for 2024 in order to keep the discussion manageable. Please help us by sticking to the topic of International Travel only.


From 2020: We have updated our main International Travel section. It features:

  1. List of Schengen Nations (allowing entry to registrants);
  2. Resources (including a CA DOJ Travel Notification Form); and
  3. User Submitted Travel Reports.

This post is linked from the Main Menu at the top of the site.

1. The 26 Schengen Nations (which allow registrants to visit)

As an agreement, Schengen was signed among the five out of ten countries of the European Union members back then, on the 14th June 1985. Under the Schengen agreement, travelling from one Schengen country to another is done without any passport and immigration controls or any other formalities previously required.

Czech republic

Note: US Citizens are visa exempt when visiting the Schengen area for up to 90 days in a 180 day period (List of Countries, Section B or map).  The European Commission is proposing activation of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for such travelers, beginning sometime in 2023 – which may or may not take criminal convictions into account. ETIAS Fact Sheet April 2018July 2018

2. Resources



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Anyone have any knowledge / experience with entering/visiting the Bahamas?
And how did you enter – airplane flight in, cruise ship, other?
I’d like to visit the Bahamas again (it’s been approx. 40 years!) and I’m just wondering what I can anticipate.
(FYI: I am no longer required to Register and have an unmarked U.S. Passport and passport card.)

Thanks for any info!!

Wondering about something-would it raise red flags with destination countries (for example, Paris) to fly-in on a one-way ticket? the reason I ask is because I’m now retired and have time to travel, and would like to hop from Paris to different cities in Europe and then possibly to Indonesia or Vietnam without predetermined lengths of stay.

I don’t have a marked passport and I don’t need to provide the 21-day Notice of travel. I’m long past my term of registration in my home state But I do still appear on the National because I won’t qualify to petition off Floridas registry until late next year…(the offense took place in Florida).

maybe I should just wait to see how the removal petition goes in Florida before traveling? But I think if I fly into Paris and then from there to other countries I should be good based on different experiences reported here..

all this of course would depend on the much anticipated ETIAS entry authorization process….. my indecent exposure charge with minor victim is almost 30 years old and perhaps won’t be an issue wit the ETIAS…

Thank you.

Has anyone made a FOIA request about “green notices”? How long does it take to get a response?

is hong kong linked to us data base like mexico canada colombia and a handfull of other countries? Anyone get into hong kong in the last year or two?

There’s good news for foreign nationals previously blacklisted by the Philippines Bureau of Immigration (BI) due to registered sex offenses. A recent development offers a path for them to potentially lift the blacklist and enter the Philippines under specific circumstances.
Immigration Administrative Circular No. IAC-2024-001, published on May 10, 2024, outlines the new process. Following amendments to immigration rules approved by the Philippines Department of Justice (DOJ), People Forced to Register (PFR) can now directly petition the BI Main Office to lift their blacklist.

Here is information about an attorney in the Philippines that knows about this:
Lifting a blacklist new hope for entry to the Philippines

Good luck,
Contrary to beliefs of some, there is life and successful living in asia. Another friend is arriving in a couple weeks. Another friend just moved to Da Nang. Another friend just got a full time teaching position in Hanoi. PFR’s from the USA. There are groups that actually support each other. And give good information.
Happy travels

Festivities are gearing up for the boat races 14th, 15th and 16th on the Tonle Sap River in front of the Royal Palace Phnom Penh. Come, I will be your guide.


I am required to register through the state of Minnesota for a 10 year period. Once the 10 year period is up, I should come off the MN registry and it’s my understanding that I won’t need to register anywhere else when I travel (except maybe Florida) and should be able to apply for a regular non-stamped passport. If I’m not required to register anymore, will I still have issues traveling internationally? I would love to go on a Mexico cruise and see the Carribean Islands.

So it looks like to get to Bali Indonesia we’d have to go through Western Europe or even turkey 🇹🇷, since we’d have to head over from Western Europe ..

any thoughts/advice/caveats? Thank you.

If anyone wants to live abroad you can consider Svalbard. On the surface, looks like the most hassle free process to live in a different country. I would recommend flying to a different destination for the purpose of the green notice being sent if you’re a registered citizen and then going to Svalbard.

You can move to this stunning European destination forever, no paperwork required — but there’s just one catch

⭐Europe’s EES Program?⭐
Hi all
Apparently, Europe’s electronic Entry/Exit System (EES) program began on the Nov. 9.
If anyone heads over to Europe, could you report back here on any issues or intrigues with this new European Entry System??
Much appreciated!
– David

Volare — […]
your understanding of IML was a bit flawed. […] you might want to reread the law’s elements regarding notifications and who’s covered by them.

Has anyone traveled to El Salvador? Looking to go there but seeing mixed information online and trying to talk to their immigration, they only basically tell me that I’ll find out when I get there…

I will repeat…if you are no longer required to register BUT are still on a registry in some state, when you have your passport scanned at check in a notice will go out to your destination country while you are in the air. if a notice goes out to your destination and you clear their customs and then you decide to change your itinerary and travel to asia ie: cambodia, vietnam, thailand no notice goes there. This is proven fact over and over.

Has anyone gotten into West Africa? (any country) I see that South Africa is a no go

Possible good news for 2035 travel?

UPDATED NOVEMBER 14, 2024: An official EU website on the EES now states that the system “is due to start in 2025”. However, this update does not provide further clarification regarding when in 2025 the system will commence.

Here’s one for ya.
I was talking to a fellow PFR that is no longer on the registry had never been to Mississippi, yet he was getting some kind of background check for a clearance issue and was told his info came up on a Miss. state registry. He lives in California. He did his own research and it was in fact him. No address was given, just his offense. He said he immediately contacted an attorney to demand removal. After a zoom court hearing the judge ordered it removed.
I can only assume authorities are hijacking info in order to get federal funds. Here’s the bottom line, how can we be sure that we aren’t on some other state’s registry. Do we have contact each state, county, city, municipality? Are they simply screwing up when putting info into their systems and not paying attention or verifying as to who they are entering? Or are they manipulating the system for their own benefit? I understand that people can have same name, but this is seriously messing with people’s lives.

Hello! Is the consensus that flying directly into Spain 🇪🇸 is a no? Any recent data?

thank you!

I’m a Nevada resident and have been on the registry here for nine years as of this month. I am currently pursuing early removal from the registry. My situation does not involve a “STAMP” designation, as my case was related to an attempt with my then-wife.

I have questions regarding the 21-day advance notice requirement for international travel. Specifically, if I wanted to travel through Europe, using trains and staying in hostels without a fixed itinerary, what level of detail is required in my notification? Is it sufficient to provide general regions and travel dates, or is a more detailed itinerary mandatory?

Additionally, how does this requirement apply to spontaneous travel? For example, if I met someone abroad, had the financial resources, and decided to visit another country on short notice, what are the legal requirements or restrictions in such a scenario? I have reviewed the laws but have not found clear guidance on these points.

Is there anyone from Nevada who has experience with navigating the 21-day notice while traveling internationally? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Questions on travel to Italy.

Here is my situation.

I have a unmarked passport from 2018. Currently still registering, however petitioning for removal in California in 2 weeks. Not registered in any other states nor am I required to.

Charge was misdemeanor possession of CP 311.11(a).

Question 1 is. If I were to travel to Italy and provide the 21 day notice what are my chances of having any issues?

Question 2, if I wait until petition is granted and travel after registration is no longer required what are my chances of having any issues?

Does anyone have an idea if you need to wait for a certain period of time to travel after petition to stop registration is granted?

I know there have been several discussions about walking/driving into Mexico and then flying out of TJ but what if you want to drive down to the Cabo area and in doing so obtain the required FMM form and getting it stamped at the border.

I’ve been going to Baja for years (up until all the BS started) and wanting to start going again for extended trips. 4 to 6 months.

When tourist go beyond the border towns you’re required to have a FMM filled out and have it stamped by a Mexican border agent.

Has there been anyone on this site or someone who knows somene who has actually obtained a Mexico tourist card (FMM) and had it stamped by Mexican border agent? I.E. within the last year or so?


guys how can i get into mexico from alburque fly out of Ciudad Juárez and fly to mexico city.. Do you think its too dangerous? would you fly to san diego and cross and fly out of tijuana?

Hi y’all. Haven’t been on here in a while because it’s usually too depressing to read.

Successfully made it into Vietnam without issue other than realizing that the visa they give you is exactly the one you apply for. In my case, a couple days. 🤣

So yeah. The notice from the US is the factor that blocks you from getting in. There isn’t even a criminal record question on the application for a visa other than “Have you been convicted of a crime in Vietnam”

I know there is a matrix for countries to visit, but has there been thought as building a matrix for countries that allow immigration (or at least a work permit). Not every country has laws banning felons. And many have time limits as to when an offense was committed. There are some that don’t count some U.S. offenses as offenses in their own country, or at least at the same level of offense. I think this could open people’s ideas as to where they might want to go to.
I have had employment offers after responding to job seek sites from different places offshore. Some say thx when they find out about my offense, even though a misdemeanor ( Australia, New Zealand ). Others ask about when offense was committed, then tell me that their statute of duration for offense allows me to apply for a work permit but not permanent residency. Then there is an offer in Germany, who said, “ You’re kidding, right?” When I conveyed to them about my misdemeanor 10 yr old offense. I am going to remove myself from any official registry , state and federal , before pursuing these offers even though I probably wouldn’t need to.
There are American companies hiring people to work overseas. Maybe there are qualified PFRs looking for that kind of new start.
As a line in a Tom Clancy novel read, “Things are apt to get a little dicey around here”, and many of us with opportunities need to put serious thought into relocating while we still have the opportunity to do so.