General Comments Oct 2024

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I’m so confused and lost on how courts are so different from state to state and even district to district. One state like Montana says this is punishment and has to be fixed while the next state just claims it’s punishment but it’s civil and public safety and the next state just says deal with it it’s civil and it’s not that bad it could be worse. And I don’t think our Supreme Court will ever change that it’s now punishment but hey they did say last month that if you pay a politician before a bill is passed it’s illegal and bribery but if you wink wink and get your bill passed then pay the politician then that’s not a bribe and is completely legal. WTF is wrong with this country?!? Sorry I’m just loosing hope that I’ll ever see a day that I will be off this list 😔

So today in Florida, you can officially arrest somebody for being homeless and refusing to go to a shelter however, almost all shelters are overfilled already very very few will take registrants so therefore a lot of homeless registrants are gonna be on the street or they’re gonna be in jail for sleeping in public.

I know I’m beating a dead horse here, but you can’t arrest somebody simply for a status crime if no ill conduct exists, being a registrant and homeless is a status. It is simply a status. It’s been quoted over and over again that it’s simply a status.

“12)The Legislature finds that sexual offenders, especially those who have committed offenses against minors, often pose a high risk of engaging in sexual offenses even after being released from incarceration or commitment and that protection of the public from sexual offenders is a paramount government interest. Sexual offenders have a reduced expectation of privacy because of the public’s interest in public safety and in the effective operation of government. Releasing information concerning sexual offenders to law enforcement agencies and to persons who request such information, and the release of such information to the public by a law enforcement agency or public agency, will further the governmental interests of public safety. The designation of a person as a sexual offender is not a sentence or a punishment but is simply the status of the offender which is the result of a conviction for having committed certain crimes.”
-Florida legislator 943.0435

In California versus Robertson, a drug addict was gonna be arrested for having drug tracks on his arms or whatever, and he won that case because he was simply going to be arrested for being an recovering addict which would be simply a status crime. 

“Grants Pass’s public-camping ordinances do not criminalize status.
The public-camping laws prohibit actions undertaken by any person,
regardless of status. It makes no difference whether the charged de-
fendant is currently a person experiencing homelessness, a backpacker
on vacation, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in
protest on the lawn of a municipal building. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 159.
Because the public-camping laws in this case do not criminalize status,
Robinson is not implicated.”
Grants Pass Supreme Court case

This law punishes everybody equally who was homeless, but they have the option to go the shelter or soon to be built interment camps for the homeless, however, shelters ban registrants, simply for a status conduct the only other option for the registrant is being incarcerated until they find a place to live. 
So now Florida could potentially be conflict with State v. Adams
Court of Criminal Appeals of Alabama
Nov 5, 2010
91 So. 3d 724 (Ala. Crim. App. 2010)
Which they would not release an Alabama inmate until he had a physical location and again with both these states being in the 11th circuit, both being affected by residency restrictions contributing to the homelessness. 

And when two states in the same circuit have conflicting opinions, the 11th circuit would have to step in. 

This act today officially criminalizes a persons status as a registrant simply for being a registrant if the homeless shelters will not take you in, you cannot live freely in the community, but only in certain places, even if you could live there, you may not necessarily be able to afford to live at that location so the only other option is jail. 
If the homeless shelters won’t take you so therefore you’re back to sleep in the streets which will lead to arrest you’re simply being arrested for the status of being registrant. All because of Florida Residency laws. 

Have many of you been inundated with requests to help people who have been affected by hurricane Helene? Maybe that is only happening on the east coast? I feel like it is happening 20 times a day, at least.

I could help, of course, but I’m sure as hell not going to be doing that. I look at those people and know that plenty of them are Registry A**holes/Supporters/Terrorists (RASTs). Plenty of the a**holes are just fine with governments harassing my family. Plenty of them think it is fine that thousands of Amerikan governments tell my family where we may live or even go.

Why should I care if those people have homes or not? F*ck them every day. Especially a**holes in N. Carolina. I’ve battled with those a**holes a lot. Many of them are walking garbage.

I’m not going to be helping any random people. So what I’ve done instead is to directly contact PFRs that live in areas that have been destroyed. I have been giving them direct financial assistance. I usually contact PFRs via mail, because it is always simple to find and contact them that way. And I also feel it is a lot less suspect and threatening. But for this, mail is too slow and might not be working well at all for a while anyway. But it has not been hard to find PFRs and talk to them on the phone.

I think it is a good thing overall. I talk with the person and tell them what I think about Registries and the a**holes who support them. Ask them if they need some money and then just send it. Those are the people we should be helping. They are targets of terrorism. So f*ck RASTs and help their enemies instead.

Here we have another sign of a missed opportunity by his group. Calif. Gov. Newsom over the weekend signed a bill, SB 145, making it possible for those convicted of sex with a minor to not necessarily have to register. Until now, all those convicted of having oral or anal sex with a minor age 14 through 17 have been required to register.

That is, the offense is not necessarily considered serious enough to require registration. And in this case, it was considered to simply be discriminatory toward LGBTQ people.

BUT, about my point about it showing a missed opportunity, there are three misdemeanors that require registration, and while I have pushed several times here to seek all misdemeanors to be stricken from mandatory registration, this group has not pushed that. The public is not widely worried about misdemeanants, this removal could get through.

I don’t believe the statute addressed by SB 145 is a misdemeanor, yet it got done. Gee, if it is an option to not make someone convicted of oral or anal sex with a minor register, surely it is possible for a misdemeanor, such as misdemeanor indecent exposure, where no one was even touched, to be taken out of the registration laws; California requries them to register, but many other states do not. Gee, they used to be able to stop registration simply by completing probation successfully and getting PC 1203.4 relief, no more review than that. We’re talking of what are considered by law to be minor offenses. Registration and all that goes with it is certainly too harse to include mere misdemeanors.

For god’s sake, taking misdemeanors out of the registration requirement should have been done when California changed the registration from lifetime for everyone to possibly being able to get out from under it after a certain period of years for your offense, but only if you could pass the serious requirements for that, including a computer deciding if you are likely to reoffend! A computer! A computer with bias built in, as the software was made by those against us. A computer not even having an actual discussion with you, much less any other real consideration.

Instead of getting rid of registration for all misdemeanors — the term itself meaning just mere poor demeanor — this group supported the change in the law, including extending the time misdemeanants have to register before they can hope to be allowed to stop from 7 years to 10 years! They used to be able to end it via a certificate of rehabilitation after 7 years. With the change, that was extended to 10 years, yet the requirements to meet are pretty much the same as a certificate of rehabilitation, except adding in the computer decision (defendants are supposed to have a right to face their accusers, you can’t do that when it is a computer program!).

Yes, SB 145 was adopted on the idea that the existing option for the judge for registration was only for vaginal sex, but those convicted of the same thing except for oral or anal sex instead faced mandatory registration, no option for the judge. The Legislature decided that was discriminatory toward LGBTQ people. And yes, the Legislature instead could have made them equal by eliminating registration for both, but they also could have decided to do so by removing the option for those convicted of vaginal sex. The Legislature went the lenient way, and with an offense considered to be more serious than a misdemeanor such as indecent exposure.

Misdemeanors should be stricken from the requirement altogether. We’re not talking of not convicting and sentencing them, we’re talking only of whether they should be pursued for at least 10 years, maybe longer, of registration because their offense is so terrible and worrisome.

I have been diagnosed with poly Neuropathy, and I’ve been on parole for almost 7 years and I’ve been dealing with Devastating pain for more than 5 years from my ankle monitor and no one would say anything to help me. also my left of my body hurts more than my right. My monitor is on my left and its because of the unbalancing of the weight from the monitor I’m in the process of getting paper work to file can anyone help ?

Ok. So I can’t be on FB as a registrant, yet they don’t block me from IG or whatsapp. Both of which can perform basically the activities they think are harmful on FB. Proving yet again that the entire platform is a security joke.

My loved one was offered a great job opportunity. We are in Southern California. His CP conviction if 16 years old but he has lifetime supervision. The opportunity is at a hospital that see’s primarily children. But, his job doesn’t include being around the children (he’s in IT). He can pass the background check but the application specifically asks “have you EVER been convicted of a felony”. Is there even a good way to answer that? I was thinking we just put something like “possession in 2008 (16 years ago)” and leave it at that. Not sure they will pick it up on the background check anyway because it’s more then 10 years. I think this will be a losing battle and I’m just hoping to come out with a letter that says you can’t have the job as further proof for the judge that he needs to be granted early release from supervision. But, we can’t apply for early release till he’s working. Like being a hamster in a wheel. Anyone else been through it and have a suggestion for how to answer that question?

Here’s something most people don’t realize effects people convicted of a crime.
Q. Can a marketer use background checks on potential sweepstakes or contest winners?
A. Sponsors want to be sure that a winner will not bring bad publicity to their brand. The official rules should include a background check provision that gives sponsors the legal option to investigate potential winners. When conducting the background check, the sponsor should look not only for prior criminal activity, but also for undesirable political affiliations or other activities that might reflect poorly on the brand. Assuming the official rules have been drafted properly, the sponsor would have the discretion to disqualify a potential winner, sometimes before even notifying the person that he or she may have won.

The link below is a better synopsis of Prop 6. VOTE YES! ACSOL. Please consider headlining it. As noted, California is not a slave state and the voting on it will be close.

California Proposition 6: Limit forced labor in state prisons (

I was just helping someone try to figure out some Registration “laws/rules” of the fascist regime of Floriduh. The amount of resources that Registry A**holes/Supporters/Terrorists (RASTs) have wasted on Registry nonsense is simply stunning and stupefying. Talk about big, out-of-control government waste. It is literally insane and I’ve got to believe that most big government employees are fairly stupid. Those jobs attract a certain kind of garbage. It is important to try to take resources from them in any way available.

RASTs are trash who deserve punishment and consequences. They must be identified on a daily basis because they are a danger to normal, moral, free people. You probably have some living near you even. Anyone who keeps treating those terrorists like humans is a HUGE part of this problem. Terrorists should not be accepted.

Not Sure if questions can go here, but does anyone know a good honest (joke) level reduction lawyer in NY?

The accused men in the French “Drugged Wife” case are starting to appear in court. France is “Shocked to learn” that these men range in age from 20’s into 70’s, come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and few had any prior criminal record. Who did they expect these guys to be, a pack of costumed thugs straight from Central Casting? “They all seem so normal!”.

Nobody seems to accept the fact that under the right circumstances anyone, absolutely anyone, may engage in behaviors that seem unthinkable, especially to 20/20 hindsight.

Accept that most of these men are truly harmless, and that their involvement in this is circumstantial. They were presented with an opportunity, they jumped on it, just like millions of other men would have in the same circumstances. If they were truely “Dangerous Predators” were were there other victims?

The only reason this group is in the dozens, and not the hundreds or thousands, is this man didn’t have enough time to make that happen. Accept that, there are millions more men across France that would have been in this group if they had been presented the opportunity.

Millions in France, and more than a billion globally. Given the right circumstances, anyone is capable of just about anything.

I got a question I know you can trademark your name but can you do it for ur mugshot as well?


Everyday, registrants, family members, and everyday people play their part (large or small) in helping someone on the registry; who knows someone on the registry, or who has a question about the registry. Whether its giving friendly advice, directing them in a specific way, giving moral support and so on, the help given is very important and has far-reaching impacts whether you know it or not. Sometimes just knowing others experience the same things or have the same feelings, is the greatest help. Sometimes the advice given helps to protect someone from suffering greater harms. So thank you, to ALL you ordinary folks for the help you give to others who are entangled in the registry, one way or another. You ordinary folks are not told thank you near enough and recognized for your role in helping others.

Last edited 4 months ago by Christopher

Dominican Republic is selling citizenship for $200,000. I haven’t read of any restrictions. If you own a home (second mortgage) or have a retirement savings, this could be a way out of the grasp of the U.S.

There’s a line in a movie ‘ The Equalizer’, “ We make the wrong choices to get to the right place”. I think that applies to many of us. I hope we are in a better place in our lives even though it took a bad choice to get us here.

Last edited 4 months ago by Way too long

Well I could see this coming and now bad actors can weaponize to harass and potentially harm registered citizens.

Regarding California Tiering.

Has anybody convicted of an attempted sex offense and put on Tier 3 received their reduction to Tier 1 from the DOJ? Can you explain the procedure?

🌀🌀Florida Hurricane Milton🌀🌀
Hi Florida folks, I’m just wondering how everyone is doing in the midst of Hurricane Milton?? What’s happening with shelters? Are you being allowed in? (A news report said shelters were checking IDs, but it didn’t mention anything about Registrants.🤷🏻‍♂️)
Hoping everyone stays safe.
It’s been pretty dramatic to watch the live Milton news all afternoon.
Best wishes! Please stay safe! 🙏🏻
– David

Last edited 4 months ago by David⚜️

Just a reminder to all here that if you’re on the registry that you are labeled a predator. You prey on all women and especially children, there is no cure and if you seek shelter you will rape anything in sight. Sarcasm? Absolutely! But this is the blatent bold faced lie concensus of this article. I’d like to see this on the front page. This makes my blood boil, but what else can be done to stop the bold lies coming out of Floriduh?

Some people are not permitted to stay at shelters, at least in Flagler County, Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly announced Wednesday

As to that person who was planning a trip to Lebanon the other month: If you’re there, take cover and say a little prayer

?Question about 21 Day notice and SORNA vs California Registry

SORNA Tier registration would be over for me after 25 years from a California 288(c) conviction in1991 Tier 3 Lifetime

Resource SORNA California:

Now you want to Travel out of the country but still need are required to have unique identifier on your passport because your still on California registryTier 3 but I would not need identifier under SORNA if my registration requirement is up after 25 years

Do you still need to file a 21 Day notice?

This is confusing and furthermore does the fact that I am on California Registry Tier 3 does mean I am Tier 3 for SORNA because I am not removed from California registry Tier 3?

So many questions and no definitive answers that I can find

Please answer if you know or send link to a site or resource that addresses this issue if possible

Thanks in advance Everyone

So I am applying to become a USPS mail carrier in California. I have a 2017 misdemeanor cp possession conviction for which I served no time, and I received 6 months summary probation. I am confirmed to be tier 1 and will be eligible for petition in January of 2027. I have registered diligently every year.

I have been gainfully self employed since 2018, but I am sick of the grind of my business and looking to file a W-2, receive benefits, and generally desire the simplicity of a single paycheck.

USPS requires that all current employees notify the central office of a requirement to register within two weeks of the beginning of that requirement.

I am wondering if anybody can advise me as to exactly when I should disclose during the application process. On the initial application or in my cover letter, during an interview, just wait until the background check reveals it, etc.

I would also like to ask if anybody knows whether I am even eligible to become a mail carrier. I don’t want to work in an office or warehouse. My current job involves a lot of walking, driving, pick up and delivery, and generally being outdoors and on my own all day. Mail carrier would be right up my alley. Please advise, thank you

Never listen to a private attorney when they tell you something isn’t possible to do, nine times out of ten they just don’t wanna do it or don’t know how to do it.
Back in 2020 I called every single lawyer in Southern California trying to reduced my felony FTR conviction to a misdemeanor BUT no lawyers would help me.
One lawyer told me because my original 290 conviction was a felony that my FTR convictions were straight felonies not wobbler’s, and the fact that I caught my second FTR conviction while on probation for the first one, the court definitely wouldn’t grant the 17(b) or the 1203.4.
Fast forward 4.5 years later while filling my 290.5 petition here in Los Angeles County, my lawyer asked me how the Hell did Riverside County PD office get those FTR convictions reduced to a misdemeanor and dismissed, it’s not even legally possible.

I so sick of the registry. People keep throwing rocks threw my windows. It’s getting so expensive. It’s most likely kids. I guess it’s time for cameras. People suck.

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