General Comments Oct 2024

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Wondering if any Vets in Bay Area would like to start a group mtg. Maybe monthly / bi monthly at different locations to accommodate for travel. I know we face obstacles to our benefits that civilians don’t, would like to offer assistance and guidance. I’m a Vet with my offense occurring after my discharge.

I am interested in background checks for misdemeanor sex offenses.

In California, will a misdemeanor sex offense show up in an ordinary background check for a job, if the offense many years old? (More than 7).

Registration was required, but relief from Registration was granted 2 years ago.

My understanding is that sex offenses of all kinds, misdemeanor and felony, show up forever, perhaps unless expunged.

So I have signed up to take an Amazon Web Services certification exam at the Adult School run by the school district. It is next to the continuation high school. They actually have 2 different street addresses but looking at the map there is only 1 entrance into the area off the main street.

Do I need to get permission to go? I can’t tell from the aerial map view which building I’ll have to go to, buildings might be intermingled, I don’t know. The exam is at 3pm which is probably right at the end of school hours for the continuation school. I’ll have to be there about a couple of hours.


I’d rather go here because it’s the closest to home, 2nd closest location is the same situation.


Sharing a link to another advocacy organization: United Voices for Sex Offense Reform. They have a couple zoom meetings per month and I’ve been to two so far. They have amassed and continue to amass contacts with other orgs nationwide around this issue and are creating a National Coalition to End Conviction Registries. There are guest speakers and presentations and last night was a general meeting with committee updates. There are a bunch of loved ones of PFRs in the group and also PFRs. I listened to the founding member’s story on Amplified Voices podcast and related so well. Based in MI, but members are from all around and several in IL.

It’s not all about the registry, several have loved ones currently in federal prisons so there is advocacy around things like # of phone minutes, internet use for outside communications, carve outs in privileges for those with sex offenses, etc. But the overriding goal is ending the stigma, telling our stories, and registry abolition, all while reforming policies to truly keep people safe (as opposed to the nonsense of the registry scheme which protects no one).

The ED is good friends with the ED of Restorative Action Alliance (another good org) who is with the ACLU-CT and who has ties to Kimberly Buddin (ACLU National, presented at ACSOL). I am starting to see this web of connections and working on immersing myself in that web. We need to gather strength nationally, even though each state is different. I suggest checking it out if you have time.

No matter what I do, no matter the good that I do, no matter the charity, the kindness, the empathy I show or the aid to those in need, society will not give me another chance. I can never do enough to offset the crime of downloading and looking at a photo of a possible 17 year old. Having worked in emergency medicine for 25 years, saved countless lives, comforted those in need the one thing I am known for is a naked photo.

I’ve longed to help the hurricane victims. I’ve wanted to assist the homeless in my hometown. I have so much I could do for others but I am not allowed. Our country is a cold, judgmental and unforgiving country. The end can not come soon enough for either me or this country. I pray every day that those in power and our country discover their demise. Anything is better than the hell we live in.

there is a special place in hell for politicians, attorneys and law enforcement. I digress….

Does anyone know if Illinois Voices/ Rise Above is still active? I attended the Rise Above meetings every month and then stopped getting invited almost a year ago I believe. It was kind of disorganized to begin with, but it was still nice to get some updates about this hell hole of a state. I have also not received any emails from Illinois Voices in forever.

Hello all, I have a question. If you are not on probation but are a PFR and plan to travel domestically do you still need to report where you are going?

Interesting stat from James Freeman YouTube channel


Does anyone know if Florida may ever implement a tier system? As of now PFRs are only classified as “offender” or “predator.” A tier system may help some of us get off this scarlet letter.

PFR living together in California.
I have just had a battle with Gemini AI which emphatically informed me after many different queries that Ca statutes 290.4(f) is the governing statute regarding PFR living together ,but it doesn’t’ say that.
Many other references from law groups say we can’t live together but I cannot find the statute that says that. Is this something that came because of Jessica’s law that refers only to people on probation or parole?

Just talked to a fellow PFR Friday. He lives in a rural area of Shasta County and the LEOs there seem to hassle PFRs. Well, he’s not on any probation or parole , but they still find reasons to give him a hard time.
He and his wife were driving and were stopped. It was a bogus stop in his words. They told him they had the authority to search his vehicle. He told them no. They then asked to see his phone ( he had a 311 offense ). Again he said no , siting the 4th amendment.His wife ( smart woman ) was videoing the encounter and the second LEO asked her to stop. She said no. After what he said was about 20 minutes, the officer finally let them leave with a minor moving citation.
He said he will go to court and ask the judge to review the video. I can’t wait to hear how this turns out. LEOs need to learn that we as PFRs have a much deeper and thorough understanding of our offense and our constitutional rights than they will ever grasp. Best to leave us be.

How does change occur? Either vote people in or out or challenge in court. Today I voted. I also have a court case going to relieve me of the registry. What are you doing?


Looking for advice about an attorney. I live in Kansas City, MO and am looking for an attorney who can looks into registration requirements under the Adam Walsh Act. Most attorney’s I have found in this area only want to deal with people required to register by Missouri law and will not touch any case that requires registration by federal law. Does anyone know of a good attorney that will actually take on this type of case?

No matter how much I want to prove that I want to live a moral and legal Christian life I am not allowed to. No second chances allowed for us.

I was mtg a small group of women yesterday to discuss a subject. I was introduced and began with “ Good morning, ladies” .
I was told during a break that one of the women took offense to my intro. She took it as condescending to women.
I thought about it and wondered if she had ever used the vulgar term … to describe a person forced to register without knowing them. If she would take a second to understand how unwarranted and condescending that term is.

Being a registrant is a constant emotional wear on us. I recommend joining one of ACSOL’s emotional support groups. Don’t wait until you are feeling suicidal. You are not alone. There is care and emotional support. Take advantage of them. They are free and also online so anyone can attend. One is on Thursdays and one is on most Saturdays. Contact the facilitator of the one you want. To see how, click “Emotional Support Group Meetings” at the top of every page, or click here:

Hello, does anyone know if SB145 for California also applies to 288.4? Since 288.4 is also an intent crime and I guess luring too.

Breaking news, the DA Agrees to resentencing for release of the Menendez brothers.
I guess you can kill your parents and still get a second chance, people Force to register are damn for life.

Last edited 3 months ago by AERO1

Good afternoon,

I am in South Florida and considering moving to the Sacramento area. I have a federal felony possession of CP charge and did 25 months in, out of a 30 month sentence. Where does a federal felony possession of CP charge place me in the California Tiered system? Would I still be subjected to Jessica’s Law? ANY help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Hi all, . . .TO GET ARCHIVE NEWSPAPER ARTICLES REMOVED: (Sadly, not possible). I retained Attorney Chance Oberstein to assist me with my Petition for dismissal and Petition for removal from the Registry. I was so blessed and fortunate to have him on my side and working my case. We were successful and both Petition were granted in a San Bernardino County Superior Court. However, afterwards, I attempted to get my records sealed, which in California does not automatically happen when your dismissal is granted in court. In California, the way I understand it anyway, Expungement and Sealed Records are two separate categories by Law. I thought and hoping at the time that when SB731 was pass and signed into Law I would have a chance to have my sex offense sealed. Unfortunately, it states, somewhere in there, “unless you have EVER been convicted of a sex offense . . .”. So, I can not, unless something has recently changed, have my offense(s) sealed. As far as Archive Articles, Yes, if anyone has any suggestions, I would like to hear them. I was able to get all the unwanted sites about me taken down, except ONE archived newspaper article. Google refuses. I attempted several times to contact the Newspaper company that published the article and I can not get a LIVE person to come to the phone or anyone to return my call or emails to at least ask for a “Unpublishing Request” or something similar that may work – how convenient for them. I will still continue to at least try. For me, and maybe others, it is very difficult to obtain employment when this GOOGLE search is still a problem for me.

Seven months to go before petition filing!

My PFR friend wants to just travel through the U.S. with his RV and visit places. My question is do National parks and Camping areas that need your info then check if you’re a registrant? This could limit your visitation time in states that have backward laws applying to PFRs.
He will be off registry in 1yr, so he is planning and organizing.

To those not willing to accept and change their ways, looking for any angle , this is for you.
British man sentenced to 18 years for using AI to make child sexual abuse imagery

Please just stop. Please.

Is anyone else concerned about the possibility depending on the results of the election, eventually being rounded up because of a derogatory label? Too much of what is going on reminds me of Nazi Germany…

It’s really fun getting the nitwits on foxnews wired up by stating facts. The comment section is there for entertainment