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Interesting, the article implies that Mexican authorities have the discretion to allow sex offenders to travel into tourist zones as long as they are traveling with family and not alone. It seems that they have not used this discretion based on stories we have heard. I wonder if they are going to change their policy so that we can travel with family to tourist zones in Mexico?

About Mexico it runs deeper than that. ICE has had problems deporting illegals that are listed as sex offenders in the USA. Seems like an illegal Mexican citizen can commit a sex crime and not need to worry about being deported back to Mexico if they’re on the registry. The answer/policy is now not to put illegals on the sex offender registry but tax paying citizens that paid their debt to society? Different application of the law! So why be a US citizen?

Uh, shouldn’t we be at the border with signs stating No Abusers as well/abuse the US System? I don’t want illegal immigrants here in this country! As such, what about those individual who haven’t been convicted of a sexual act non related to children? Can they still visit Mexico/not that I want to?

This is what happens as in any situation when a lie is told, many other lies and distortions have to be created to accommodate the original lie.

This is largely the evolution of the law; creating so many more reasons to act on lies as if somehow the lie will go away.

Politicians and public servants have created this huge network and now we see it is vulnerable to the things that go wrong as it is certain to happen with this essential house of cards.

Nothing to worry about for lawmakers as they declare more falsehoods to keep themselves paid for their mistakes, insulate themselves from the repercussions of bad legislation and have it continue to fall on the backs of American citizens who have essentially paid for their crimes but are still and will continue to be fodder for every imaginable form of opportunism.

Thumper (I mean Trump) is able to see some of these universal truths of how we are again compromised but again, registrants will most likely be used for some more leverage along the way as they find ways to capitalize on the lies yet again in an election year as constitutional rights don’t seem to be on the table.

Another windfall from the Political Fountain of Youth that is the quagmire of registration law. Registrants will be punished indefinitely for cases closed decades ago – a politicians dream to boast about being at the helm of such a travesty.

This article, like most, contradicts itself saying that the registries help and that most victims are related to the abuser.

Kind of ironic coming from a country which has an age of consent as low as 12. So, it’s okay if their young citizens have consensual relationships as teens. But, if someone in the U.S. does, is forced to register and then moves on with their life, gets married, has a family but is still on the U.S. registry and tries to visit Mexico – then that person is assumed by Mexico to be a threat. Really???? Total Hypocrisy!!!
To heck with that drug war zone dump. I’d rather take my money to Europe!

When are they going to pass “Kate’s Law” and make illegal immigrants register? If you thought it was hard “living in the shadows,” wait until you get to live under a microscope! They must be publicly registered and report all places they frequent, live, and work. Now, if someone picks you up for work from the Home Depot parking lot, you need to tell them that you need to spend the morning at the Dept of Public Safety updating your record and you’ll need to provide their address and information as part of it. Maybe you should also have to be barred from going within 500 feet of a place where legal citizens congregate. We wish it was as simple as “papers, please.” For us, it’s pictures, prints, sign stating you’ll comply with x-y-z, get your new ankle monitor, and give all your personal information…and ‘please’ is not a word in their vocabulary.
Paving the path to hell seems to be the most ‘shovel-ready’ work we’ve done in some time…guess that means we’re ready to export it.
The children of illegal immigrants are called “Dreamers,” while American children with a registered citizen for a parent live this nightmare of shame in silence.
“Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse.”

This is an illegal and very unconstitutional program. There is no due process established for the program.   There were no laws passed to enact this program. This is a policy-based program illegally put into place by the DOJ SMART office. 

The program is illegal as 42 U.S. Code § 16911 (9) specifically limits the jurisdiction of a sex offender notification program to a US State or US territory defined as: (A) A State. (B) The District of Columbia (C) The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (D) Guam. (E) American Samoa. (F) The Northern Mariana Islands. (G) The United States Virgin Islands. (H) To the extent provided and subject to the requirements of section 127, a federally recognized Indian tribe. To the contrary, US Marshall Services, Homeland Security and Interpol Washington do not have jurisdiction to send notifications to 190 countries and to track sex offenders internationally.

This program is illegal in Scope:  42 U.S. Code § 16928 – DOJ, Secretary of State, and Homeland Security, “shall establish and maintain a system for informing the relevant jurisdictions about persons “entering” the United States who are required to register under this title.”   The law does not direct DOJ and DHS to establish or maintain a system for sex offenders leaving the United States.



The program is illegal under current case law:  US v. Robert Lunsford, 8th Circuit,April 10, 2013, Pg. 7:  “But Congress did not give SORNA extraterritorial effect, see42 U.S.C. § 16911(10), and when a sex offender leaves the country, he no longer poses an immediate threat to the safety of children in the United States. The government asserts no policy interest under SORNA in monitoring the offender’s subsequent movementsamong foreign jurisdictions. “

We will trade 2 of your illegals for 1 of our sex offenders. Deal?

I just found this on this website..

Sex Crimes: Sexual exploitation of children or using or disseminating child pornography in Mexico or elsewhere overseas is a crime prosecutable in the United States. Soliciting sexual services of a minor is illegal in Mexico and is punishable by imprisonment. The Mexican government has an aggressive program to discourage sex tourism and routinely denies entry to U.S. citizens who are listed on sex offender registries.

This is so wrong. My crime was 20+ years ago and I still suffer daily. My registration went from 10 years to lifetime overnight and SONORA made it happen. I can’t visit overseas and I can’t live in my own country without harassment. I am a low level offender and yet we are all treated like violent predators. When is this nonesense going to finally come to an end? I lost my family and my freedom, regardless of what the government says, that registration is not punishment.

In the world came down the street If you’re a sex offender level one and want to move to Mexico and not a threat to society can you move to Mexico

I have a family member that has a family member that passed its parent there’s a house that might be empty in Mexico and I am related and I should be getting help I have a disability but I was wanting to move there