MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Come January 1, Tennessee will post online a list of animals abusers near you. It will be similar to a sex offender registry, and Tennessee will be the first to have a statewide site.
“Her hind legs were put into a pot of water. Boiling water,” said Cindy Marx-Sanders as she held Molly the chihuahua. Molly was rescued from an abusive home. “She is exactly why we need an animal abuser registry,” Marx-Sanders said. Full Article
I’m glad murderers and carjackers are politically correct enough to warrant freedom from such oppression. The animals who have internet access will definitely feel much safer thanks to this thoughtful piece of legislation.
Of course if the animal is poor, and on the wrong side of the digital divide, he may just not be able to heed the warning!
So if you asault a human, no registry. But if you hurt a dog you must register? Something is so wrong with people’s thinking. But the more registries they create, the quicker people will rise up against all public registries. So if you abuse an animal, then you should be prohibited from being near children or seniors. As long as it saves just one pet rat. And what is abuse of an animal? Are exterminators excluded? Are slaughter houses excluded? PETA is going to love this law.
I would like to see a DUI registry