NY: Lawmakers Brainstorm Sex Offender Legislation Reform

More than a dozen local lawmakers and law enforcers gathered at Yorktown Town Hall last week at a roundtable organized by state Sen. Terrence Murphy in an effort to update and strengthen legislation that will keep communities safe from sexual predators. Currently, he said, there are more than 1,200 registered sex offenders living in Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester counties. Full Article

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Here are a list fear base sound bites, which is, contrary to evidence, that came of this meeting…
“ticking time bombs.”
“…we know a good percentage of them are going to repeat somehow,” Morrissey said. “I don’t want them repeating offenses in our community.’ ”
“It’s a very similar type of issue [to narcotics] because of the recidivism [of sex offenders],” Grace said.
“dangerous situation.”
“Get these sex offenders back in jail where they belong,” Noble said.
“It’s horrible to think that a convicted sex offender is going to return to his home and live anywhere near his victim, but then we have to come up with a better plan,” Krauss said.

Fear reporting at its worst.

Reading the headline, I was heartened to see that NY was perhaps waking up and trying to apply common reason to things. Silly me. What a bunch of backwards, fearful, fear-mongering people! I had planned to cut and paste a few stupid quotes from the article, but it’s rife with them. These people are so far out of touch, THEY are the dangerous ones.

Giving up on picking apart the lies and misconceptions in the “article” (more like yellow journalism than truth), I want to look at one in particular. Let’s think back what SCOTUS said in Smith about public shaming and it being nonexistent, then contrast that with what the chucklehead known as Chief of Police for Yorktown thinks:

“Yorktown Police Chief Robert Noble suggested that all convicted sex offenders be required to identify themselves on their social media profiles of their sex offender status. He said probation or parole officers routinely confirm the residence of offenders, but wondered if their social media presence is being as closely monitored. If they fail to identify themselves online, Noble said, it should be a felony offense.”

Nope, no shaming there, SCOTUS. Nor in having it emblazoned on one’s driver license, which is typically the only form of identification many have. Sadly, my local sheriff was recently on the news with similar myopic ideas, including requiring signs in the yard, special license plates, and “some other ideas I have.” Do these people only function with the reptilian portion of their brains? Do they even think of the collateral effects these would have on friends and family members who cohabit and/or use the vehicles? What if I live in a high-rise? What if I drive a fleet vehicle? And we trust these people with weapons?!? Sheesh!

Chief Noble doesn’t stop there, either: “’Get these sex offenders back in jail where they belong,’ Noble said.” Umm, hate to tell you Chief, but criminal justice is not 100% retribution and retaliation, it’s also restitution and rehabilitation. Try to recall the latter two now and then, would you please?

And did it happen to occur to any of them WHY the guy was living in his car? You people and your ilk are the direct cause of this. YOU are why you cannot track him, because YOU made him indigent. Wow, what complete morons.


P.S. I’m sorry for my vitriolic tone, I usually try to stay a little more even-keeled about these things. But this stuff is so far out there, I couldn’t resist.

As always, The blind leading the blind and closing the barn door after the cows have run away.

Morons like this will pass laws that will then have to be fought with costly lawsuits. Stupidity in America continues.. It’s an epidemic.

The individuals in this article are absolutely clueless, what morons! I didn’t see them mention one instance where an ex sex offender reoffended Imbeciles.

I am not overly disturbed by this article because we know this attitude is out there and prevalent. That meeting was simply a bitch session of small town villagers, nothing more. The good news is that momentum has shifted against this line of irrational fear based reasoning. The state laws will prevail over anything some local sheriff might have to say, and if they do attempt to pass any local ordinance, it will be swiftly rejected in court. Let’s not panic over what some small-minded morons think. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize: substantial modification of the current registration scheme.

Where do I begin?

“Get these sex offenders back in jail where they belong”

So the fact that they’ve already paid their debts and served their time means nothing to them? They must not believe in the legal system. In that case, what are they doing in positions of authority?

“because of the recidivism”

Oh, you mean the 2.5 to 5 percent recidivism rate, which can be easily looked up in numerous studies, a rate in fact lower than that of other former offenders? Pray tell, sheriff, how many registrants in your community are reoffending? Can you give us the facts?

The fear mongering is strong with these registry terrorists. Let’s call these power-hungry people what they are.

When the Meeting was over and they got back in their cars, the first thing they needed to do was put on their seat belt to avoid being killed by drunk drivers.

Just because there are 1200 registrants living in those areas doesn’t mean they are “sex predators”, when maybe these lawmakers are the problem which is why they are passing tough laws.

This is the biggest load of lies. I have been looking at buying a house in Somers. A retirement community. The ‘town’ all 500 yards of it is a nothing place but all these liars are only interested in one thing. THE VALUE OF THE REAL ESTATE. There have been NO crimes there. My guess is that Laura Ahearne is behind this as she’s trying hard to branch out her private police force business into these counties.

BUT many thanks you idiots for this because now I know I’ll spend my money elsewhere and tell the realtors that I heard the value of real estate is falling rapidly to an influx of planned project for new jails to replace Rikers Island.
Anyone here with guts should send that to them.
One more thing.. sex offenders cannot be on social media in NYS. The E-Stop law forbids this and the penalty is severe but it sounds scary for liars to say any old crap that they think will work.

I smell Laura Ahearne here

In other words- we need more money allocated to our police departments because our community donations are drying up.

What these fools don’t know. A special place in the ether awaits their souls once they are through serving their masters in this life.

Stories like this don’t even provoke my ire anymore.

Stay strong.

Orson Welles must be looking down and wishing he was born 100 years later than he was. He fooled the country about invading monsters for what, a few days with his radio creation, before people caught on The War of The Worlds was a hoax. This sex offender scare has been going on now for more than two decades, and still people aren’t seeing the joke. High recidivism rates, the value of knowing where the monsters are, still as fresh as they were in 1994 and still as false. Twenty years of evidence showing the contrary and the public still hasn’t caught on. Now that’s a really a well done con job.

Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. —Horace Mann

Interesting idea… move as many RSOs into an area as possible driving the property values down. Buy up the devalued properties, move the RSOs to the next town and then resell the now accurately valued properties at a profit using the profits to fight the laws or build housing for our homeless SOs…..lol …. use there stupid laws against them…. Just a silly thought but dang that would be hilarious. Its only a passing thought meant primarily anecdotely

I am sorry but I do not think that the words “Brainstorm” and “Lawmakers” should every be used in the same sentence and they are mutually exclusive.