New Cerritos ordinance bans sex offenders from city parks, libraries [updated / Video]

California RSOL will be attending this ordinance’s second reading (August 23) to speak in opposition. See letter sent to City Council here.

CERRITOS – Registered sex offenders won’t be allowed in city parks or many other public facilities under an ordinance approved last week by the City Council.  Gary Berg, the city’s director of community and safety services, told the council Thursday that passing the ordinance isn’t going to prevent crime and enforcing it is problematic.

Nevertheless, the council passed the ordinance 4-1. Council members Jim Edwards, Bruce W. Barrows, Carol K. Chen and Mark E. Pulido voted in favor of the ordinance. Councilman Joseph Cho was the dissenting vote. Full Article

The council must vote again on the ordinance on a second reading at its Aug. 23 meeting. If the council approves it, the ordinance would go into effect 30 days later.

Agenda Report

Cerritos City Hall | Phone: (562) 860-0311
P.O. Box 3130 | 18125 Bloomfield Avenue | Cerritos, CA 90703

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Very disturbing. Lets see, tax payers can no longer visit city parks or libraries? What is they are a single parent?

Wow, this is really disturbing. Sex offenders can’t go to parks, libraries and now the Center for Performing Arts? OMG. Its just going to take 1-successful lawsuit to remove these laws. Cities are getting out of control with their laws. Surreal

Here is what I think should occur. First, I believe the stance CA RSOL is taking is and has truly been well thought out. I really mean this. After reading and reviewing the site, you take both sides into consideration and provide a very honest, sincere and well thought out stance. In essence, your stance is correct. Although, these cities aren’t thinking very clearly. Furthermore, its becoming very clear they are only getting part of the message. From what I can see, there are a great number of supporters for RSOL and a great number of attorneys are involved as well. Show up to the community meetings prior to their taking a vote on the new and unconstitutional measures. If they vote to institute the measure, sue them the next day. For many cities (San Bernardino), they are facing severe financial hardships and no one likes lawsuits. Requiring someone who pays their taxes to avoid libraries, parks and beaches is surreal? We unfortunately need to make people think before they act! I personally volunteer for Prison Ministries and there are people being released today for things such as Murder, Armed Robber and Manslaughter who have more freedoms then some guy who was convicted of a misdemeanor sex offense 15 years ago with summary probation. Its NOT RIGHT.

It is hard to believe that Cerritos or any city is considering an ordinance that includes a public library ban. When will they learn? The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled earlier this year that such a ban in the City of Albuquerque was unconstitutional and required the city to pay damages to the registrant and attorneys’ fees to the ACLU. Looks like Cerritos is heading down the same path. Who wants to join California RSOL in filing a lawsuit?

California RSOL will speak at the Cerritos City Council meeting on August 23. Please come join us! The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and will be held at City Hall, Bloomfield Avenue at 183rd Street. This is the first city in L.A. County to consider an ordinance similar to, although tougher than, Orange County. It’s time to Show Up, Stand Up and Speak Up! See you there.

As stated above, CA RSOL will testify before the Cerritos City Council on Thursday evening. Frank Lindsay and I will testify and we hope to have others join us, too. For those who cannot attend, please call the city at (562) 547-4434 or send them an E-mail at This is the first city in L.A. County to consider such an ordinance and we need to stop this cancer from growing. One member of the City Council, Dr. Joseph Cho, voted against the ordinance at its first reading. With your strong voice, we can stop this ordinance from being passed. Please tell the Cith that the ordinance, as currently drafted, is both unconstitutional and it preempts state law. They need to conduct further research before taking any further action. Thanks!

I’ll be heading up to Cerritos from San Diego this afternoon. Anyone wanting to join me, please call/text.