Despite denying it, Broward and Miami-Dade school districts both have blamed schoolchildren for their own sexual abuse.
The Sun Sentinel this week uncovered lawsuits in which the districts claimed children — from ages 8 to 14 — were wholly or partly responsible for what happened to them.
The discovery came a week after Palm Beach County Schools came under fire for the same practice, after reports in the Sun Sentinel.
In at least five sexual abuse lawsuits, involving children as young as 6, Palm Beach County Schools said students’ roles in their own abuse should limit how much money the district had to pay the students and their families.
The fact is that children are sexual beings and sexual exploration is a natural behavior, especially among older ones. Children do initiate grouping contacts with other children and adults, however, this being said, and especially adults must not take advantage or encourage such behaviors.
Jeez, these people need many, many, many years of mandatory group therapy with no easing up of the program .. ever Lol.
So they are actually blaming the parents?
Victim Shaming [Blaming] is bad enough, but suggesting that kids share some level of responsibility for a sexual assault is disconcerting. I don’t see how comparative negligence could be considered legal, let alone seen as an ethical strategy in a lawsuit.