Does Megan’s Law Put A Scarlet Letter On A Sex Offender’s Former Address?

Does the Megan’s Law website actually hurt some homeowners or renters?

A La Puente woman says it does and that she has become the target of vandals. CBS2’s Randy Paige investigated and discovered a loophole in the law that could put future homeowners and renters at risk. Full Article

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“As long as it saves one child’s life”…. Nevermind the 10+ other lives it destroys.

Homeowners and renters will be seeing this problem multiply ten fold over the next couple of years. It’s just a small inconvenience to the general public in order to achieve the goal of Megan’s law. And not to worry, Laura Ahearn any maybe her close “business” associates will probably never let this issue affect them. Maybe they have the “Resources” to divert such an unconstitutional and HUMILIATING hardship.

Welcome to the Price Club, remember that this is for the public good. Your rights are not being violated as long as the public think it might save just 1 child. Evidence that this will save any child will be provided at a much later date (maybe).

“If your home is seen as a sex offender’s home, you’re much more likely to be vandalized, you’re much more likely to be socially ostracized,” she said. “And believe me, the people who will discriminate against you because they think you’re a sex offender will never tell you. They’ll either show up in the middle of the night and break the windows of your car or they won’t let you into the college or the club that you should get into.”

“A website called Homefacts continues to show ____ ____ address as a sex offender’s home, even using the same photograph, weeks after Megan’s Law updated his address to a Motel 6 in Hacienda Heights.

Vandalized? Ostracised? Attacked?
You don’t say! I sure am glad it’s not punishment! 😡[sarcasm intended]

If we are asking too much for the government to admit that the registry is punishment, how about they admit that we are punished (by law enforcement, the media, by politicians, by our neighbors, employers, by society as a whole) for being on the registry. Examples: unemployed, homeless, murdered. A little harder to argue against that I would think. If it’s administrative as they try and suggest, the registry would only be available to LE.

Perfect, just a perfect example of an innocent person being impacted by the stupidity of politician’s ideas on a registry. I am empathetic for her at this time because it is scary for her and her family.

Politicians will say she did not do her homework on who she rented the home to and account for no accountability here.

Hopefully puts in a security system at the new home to catch others who may continue this for evidence to be used later.

I dislike the fact that they posted the registrant’s name in the article. As if he wasn’t already going through a lot. As for the woman in this article, it sucks that she seemingly threw the man “under the bus” so to speak. But it equally sucks that she has/had to go through this. The fact that her home was vandalized, I think, is a fear that many of us fear as well.

“You have to stay on top of it. You have to make changes; you have to do something, because this is horrible. This has changed my life, making me a victim and a target.”

You don’t say? A public registry made someone a victim and a target? I’ll refer you to Smith vs Doe 2003 that says you’re wrong. It’s really no big deal. Surely they would’ve corrected this by now if it were.

The insinuation here is that it’s okay as long as the RSO still lives there. WTF?

When this woman is victimized it is an “unintended consequence.” When it is we who are victimized, our victimization is the “intended consequence.”

I agree, karma, that what she gets for perpetuating the lies and ostracism of her cousins family. No empathy for her whatsoever. Even so, she should sue homefacts for defaming her and her property

I have always wondered about the consequences incurred of having these stupid red dots on maps identifying registrants who live in condos and duplexes. Seems like the immediate neighbors could become a target of vigilantism too.

This actually needs to happen more and more. The more “normal” people who are affected, the better.

I’m guessing the “solution” will be to make RCs update more often. What other answer can there be, after all? Oh wait, how about the Government stops distributing the information to 3rd parties? Oh wait, how about the registry goes away or, at worst, becomes a LE-only item? Naw….that’s all silly talk. Gotta nail them RCs a little harder.

Just for kicks, I went on Zillow to get a general idea of home prices in my neighborhood and found my home to be about 150k below all the others. WTF? Apart from comps, I don’t know what other data they aggregate to come up with these numbers. My house is among the nicest on the street (part of my revenge strategy is to live a good life and let everyone see me doing it) and houses that are the same model as mine, but (IMO) in dire need of TLC, show a much higher value.

What gives – is it because of my RC status?

We plan to upgrade to a bigger home in the next few years. Ideally, we’ll keep our current house and rent it out for income. But if we need to sell it, I’m thinking of taking a cheap apartment until the house address is no longer associated with the Megan’s Law site, then put it in the market.
If anyone has recommendations as far as biying amd selling homes as an RC, please chime in.

of course it does, registries can be months and years behind from being updated, and it is common knowledge that Megan’s Law Website is full of errors. It would be quite entertaining to see some of these vigilantes’ faces if they found their address was incorrectly listed.

Next, there will be laws against renting or selling to RCs. In fact, there are HOA and government programs does this.

so its a problem if its her kid something can happen to ? what about all of the RC’s kids and grand kids ? I hope a lot more stuff like this happens , not that I wish to see anyone hurt , but the fact is that it is going on every day to RC’s and their familys , dang if they want to sell fear or use the registry for entertainment , let them have the full effect

I wonder if we can sue HOMEFACTS if and when we get off per County DA and Judge and off the State Registry, then taken off THEIR site, or sue, give 30 days. NO MORE! Paid advertising, they make $$$

My Gawd,
Living in expensive homes and financially able to travel the world with a derogatory statement on your passports. Oh boo hoo!
Not much empathy shown when I read about so many here just struggling to survive.