PA: Sex offender resigns as fire chief in Pennsylvania town


SPARTANSBURG, Pa. — A registered sex offender who was recently re-elected as chief of a Pennsylvania town’s volunteer fire department has resigned.

The (Corry) Journal reports that Roger Gilbert Jr. quit the Spartansburg department Sunday, a day after the newspaper reported on his criminal background.

Gilbert tells the Journal that he will “no longer be affiliated with any organization that helps anyone.” He was in his second stint as chief after being elected by fellow firefighters.

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he will “no longer be affiliated with any organization that helps anyone.”

^Because he knows that no amount of contrition will make them put their pitchforks and torches away. In this current hate mongering climate, he’ll probably will never feel wanted, accepted or welcome holding any job.

I wouldn’t want to give back to a society that condones and advocates lifetime registry requirements, either.

This is an absolute travesty. A man turns his life around and dedicates it to helping and serving others. Rather than touting this man as an example, he is ousted from his position.

How does this man’s resignation better serve the community than him saving lives?

This is saddening news.

Situations like this is evidence that the registry is retributive as well as puts a registrant as a second class citizen.

His peers chose him to be the fire chief. In a NE town, a registrant earned a lead role in a play, but the public shut down that play.

Again, Colorado Judge Matsch’s opinion continues to ring true – the public is what makes the registry cruel and unusual punishment.

Can someone explain to me what is “involuntary deviate sexual intercourse”? The word “involuntary” makes no sense to me.

What is wrong with the media in Pennsylvania? This is the second time in less than 12 months that someone is trying to do something good with their life afterward in a helpful situation of the citizenry only to be exposed and brought down. Is it sweeps week again already?

Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse? What is that? A new politically correct term for checking to see if a child’s diaper need changing? It’s very wrong for the community (likely only one or a few people) to define this man’s entire past, present and future on a single act. People shouldn’t do this to their fellow man; it does show their ignorance, most likely about many things. Life isn’t like a stone, fixed and unyielding, it’s fluid, like water, or the wind, always moving, always changing.

Man all this infighting among fellow reg doesn’t help anyone. You got to look at both sides of this. It is a really hard pill to swallow that someone raped a little 4 year old girl (if that is truly the case). I am no saint but raping a prepubescent child is equivalent to murder in my books, and in many others as well. I feel empathy for the dude but come on, raping a prepubescent child is totally taboo and is actually a mental disorder. whether or not someone with such a condition can be healed, or at least suppress their monster is another story. I know a lot of people would say the same thing about me and my attempted offense against a willing teenage girl constitutes a mental disorder but the science is in (and all the psychs that I have talked to all agree, unless for some reason they are lying to me) that it is not abnormal to be attracted to a sexually mature young female even though it is illegal and frownd upon in our society but actual pedophilia is a real diagnosed disease. If all his fellow colleagues voted him in and they all have confidence that the dude can be in the position than it is a hard call. I find it kind of hard to believe that the guy raped a 4 year old girl and is even walking the streets in less then 20 years, but I guess it could happen. Like I said this is a hard pill to swallow even for someone like me who has been through the ringer but especially for the general public. The science is also in that this guy is less likely to commit another sexual offense (so the science says after 17 years even high risk offenders are less likely than the general public to re-offend) than the general population according to the governments own sources but it is still hard to accept. Just saying you all need to stop beating each other up over this BS and just look at both sides and agree to disagree if that’s the case and not make yourself or others out to be better or worse than you or your situation. Actual pedophilia is a medical disease (according to the psychiatric society) and requires treatment at the very least, how long and to what extent I couldn’t tell you as I am not a professional psych.. But whatever go at it if it makes you feel better>LMAO……