Meeting Draws Negative Attention

An organization aimed at reforming sex offender laws chose an Albuquerque hotel to host its fourth annual conference, but safety worries prompted the city to beef up security at nearby parks and schools. The city held a meeting Tuesday evening to address residents’ concerns, but it was sparsely attended. Albuquerque Police Cmdr. Kevin Rowe, who organized the meeting, assured the public that police were prepared for the conference. He even sang a song he said he had written for the occasion.

One of the seven people in the audience stormed out after Rowe would not let him ask a question because the meeting was not organized as a question-and-answer session. Full Article (answer some marketing questions)

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The national RSOL was a huge success! Lawyers, psychologists, parents and registrants attended the 3-day meeting in Albuquerque which was focused upon reforming sex offender offenders laws both at the federal and state levels. Participants agreed that the three most important ways to accomplish that goal are to educate, legislate and litigate. Six people from CA RSOL attended the conference at which I spoke twice — on a panel of state organizers as well as a keynote presentation on the progress made and challenges facing California this year. National RSOL will conduct its next annual meeting in Los Angeles summer 2013. More details to come!