Action Alert: UPDATED 8/29 Wellington, FL council looking to pass new rules for vacation rentals and those on the registry

[ – Action Alert – 8/24/20]

8/28/20 UPDATE: Wellington approves rules for vacation rentals


Wellington, Florida is considering creating a rule that would require vacation rental owners to check to see if potential renters are on the sex offender registry. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow [August 25] and will be held by Zoom.

The Responsible Party for all Vacation Rental properties is required to conduct a nationwide search to confirm that the prospective Transient Occupant(s) is/are not a registered sexual offender or sexual predator as a result of a conviction of a sexual offense. The Department of Justice offers a free search for all states on the National Sex Offender Public Website. Further, if a Vacation Rental property is located within 2,500 feet of a school, school bus stop, or park, it is a violation of Wellington’s CO, and of Florida Statute sections 775.21 and 775.215, to allow any person to establish a temporary, permanent, or transient residence with knowledge that such person is a registered sexual offender or registered sexual predator in any jurisdiction.

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All of these new laws, restrictions, and punitive measures at every level of government are nothing short of an all out discriminatory assault on people on the registry. It matters not if you have been an exemplary citizen for 20 years, people on the registry are being singled out, stigmatized, and discriminated against. It is no different than the Jim Crow laws. A blanket suppression of rights without any reasonable evidence that individuals in that category will do what they are being suspected of doing. It has to stop. Don’t I have a basic right to live my life, to work, to have housing, to take a vacation with my family, to travel to a foreign country on business? Because at present I do not.

Fellow registrants, I took a few minutes to fill out the online form to fight for justice.

Will you?

If we are not willing to be inconvenienced a little for issues we don’t think directly affect us, why should we expect others will fight for my issues?

“We ran out of nonexistent problems! Quick, find another!”

~Almost every politician in America

My email to the Heros (in their minds) of public safety:

Good Day,

With all due respect, while I can appreciate the need for safety, I am Disgusted by how truly dangerous people do not matter when it comes to politicians passing laws. Violent offenders with long rap sheets? Domestic abusers of woman and children? Felony animal abusers?

That is all A-OK in the book of politics.

Why are politicians constantly attacking the ‘easy prey’, the low hanging fruit? That is what PREDATORS do.

There are nearly 1,000,000 US citizens on the registry from offenses such as peeing in public, to possessing inappropriate images, to a teenager being with a younger teenager, to serial rapists. Are politicians mentally aware of how wide ranging the public-shaming umbrella of “sex offense” actually means?

You want to keep vacationers safe? Keep violent offenders out.

“that such person is a registered sexual offender or registered sexual predator in any jurisdiction.“

So there are places that have separate “offender” and “predator” registries?

Even I might want to avoid people on a “predator” registry. But then, knowing politicians, they would probably put anyone with any kind of conviction involving a minor or CP on the “predator” registry.

@Mike G, Minnesota doesn’t have a “sex offender registry” rather it is called a Predatory offender registry and while it includes all the sex offenses, it actually includes some non-sex offenses like murder, kidnapping and false imprisonment that they consider predatory in nature but may not involve sex at all.

Florida. Enough said.